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best and worst


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what are the best and worst doom TC's.

the best and first one i played was the Aliens TC. that was very good, and the levels kicked ass.

however my favorite oldschool TC has to be terror mall, it used a new idea on TC's for doom. though it was very short and more like a PC it was still good but could have had more to it.

the most original would be the kind of forgotten zan zan TC.

the worst would have to be all the porn-o-dooms out there, even worse the BBW porn TC. #1 most terrible TC was made by the kkk and nazi's, no need to explain this discrace to doom. othere horrible tc's have been poop doom and pee doom

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Compared to it's predecessor, and many of the fan-made levels, Doom 2 pretty much sucked complete ass.

My favorite TC was ZanZan. Just because it was pretty. ^_^

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Compared to it's predecessor, and many of the fan-made levels, Doom 2 pretty much sucked complete ass.

Yeah, but it wasn't a TC :)

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Best TC: The Darkening E2

well it's not really a TC, but close nuff.

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The best that I've played IMHO, was Twilight Warrior. Beat the fuck out of Marine Doom, that's for sure. The worst TC I'd have to say is (that I've played), is Aliens/Predator/Terminator, because it was so poorly thrown together. BUT, the sprites, etc., are awesome.

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I'll say Darkening E2 as well, that's the only Doom addon that really had me by the balls for a good long time.

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I'm with ya. Best TC is a tie between Aliens TC and Terror mall. (Thanks to you I finally found it! now, to get a copy of doom that'll work with the .deh... feh!)

Everything else is just lame

worst TC? I'd have to say that OMF thing they did. La-haaammmeee

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Darkening E2

Even though I got stuck in this map because of all the passages and dead ends, I liked Map11 - Powerplant...if I'm referring to the right wad. Even the midi was spooky and went well with the map.

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Aliens TC was an awesome mod. I wrote a crappy little FAQ about it once... The mod author posted it on his page just to laugh at it, I believe. Oh well, that was years ago.

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