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Classic DOOM III titlepic (super fun little contest)

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it sounds like a sweet competition idea, but is it an official competition by any chance, i don't think i will participate........i'm not very good at logo's, but please, continue these in the future, and there may be hope for the fanart scetion

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  • 2 weeks later...

Really? Thanks! Still the "III" it's bad placed, and I failed in my own rules as it's a "semi grey scale" pic. I'd love to see something like the Doomguy facing demons and the logos (DOOM III and "id Software") there.

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I think it would be interesting to see someone make doom 3 levels for the original doom engine. The second picture looks better than the first, maybe you should add the first picture's background with the 2nd picture's logo.

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Well, it's not what you might expect but I'm doing a megawad based on that idea, vanilla compatible maps (a few are limit removing), new monsters, skies, story (with the same lengh of the originals), everything based in my interpretation of a DOOM III. The problem is that as lazy as I am, I'm using the "Hordes of Chaos" map recycling trick (minor editing). As so far it's for personal use, and I never played so far the maps before (I just look at them a bit while editing), it'd really be like a new megawad for me.

I know the best should be to do all from scratch, but, my laziness and the fact that I need at least a week per map (usually more) would end in an abandoned project.

Another idea I have to make it semi-oficial, is to compile (and edit) maps that are made by people that worked/work at id (like Sverre Kvernmo, Christen Klye, Jim Flynn, Casali Brothers, John Anderson, and others).

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well, that would be great. It's a unique idea. Hey, maybe somebody willing to could fix it up and make it look like TNT 3 or something, even though you would give the idea to tnt then. I think it would be interesting. You should touch those maps up, and upload them to /idgames on doomworld. I would immediately download it. A very unique project that even id software didnt think of until 2000.

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Eh.. uuh.. er.. maaaay beee... I still would ask the author.

Me hides inside the closet for a while...

From inside I say..
And about the map compilations I'm grouping them following certain themes (i.e. base maps.. base infested.. hell.. and the other themes), not just at random.

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