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Mulholland Dr


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I'm curious to DOOMers' reactions to this twisted flick.

What twisted flick?

Mulholland Dr....??

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It'David Lynch's latest film. Opened in theatres tonight. It has some scrumptious booby shots, but this doesn't ease the torment Lynch inflicts upon your brain upon seeing this movie. But the boobie salad tastefully thrown into the movie is pleasant nonetheless. Twisted movie though.


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and what does the movie have to do with doom, or the doom players? sounds like a bizarr porn-o-movie, a boobie salad u say? sorry dont have time to check the link

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and what does the movie have to do with doom, or the doom players? sounds like a bizarr porn-o-movie, a boobie salad u say? sorry dont have time to check the link

Hold on a second, what exactly do YOUR posts have to do with DOOM (besides the ongoing legacy of you taking apart 486's and rebuilding them) or DOOM players (except you)? Every time I click on one of your topics it's about overclocking or memory problems.

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