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I've been visiting lot's of other forums lately. And they all seem to have a nice option that this forum doesn't have.. It's called an avatar-submit-button.

You just select the avatar (max. size=60 * 60) from your HD and it'll upload automatically.

If you want to upload an avatar on Doomworld. You would have to mail it to the administrator, which I think is a stupid method. Can't you guys change it to the method I just talked about? If not...... Why not?

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Yes, we truelly need something like this, I don't feel like waiting for another avatar upload day before I can unvail the one I'm working on.

I know ling doesn't like to do this so I don't see why not.

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Too bad I don't know if it's really possible.
The other forums I was visiting all used vBulletin-boards.
At least it would be a lot easier for Linguica, since we wouldn't bother him with our email-attachements anymore..

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Ling has been saying he'd make a new avatar uploads page for a while, but he doesn't seem to have time.

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Yeah,.... I have one I'd like to use, basicaly a flaming id Software logo.... I'll think of somethin nice.. what's Ling's e-mail again, anyway?

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I think you might have to wait until a new upload day, whenever the hell the next one is. Someone please tell me if I'm wrong, I've got some avatars I'd like to upload.

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Crendowing, go to hell and don't return. You're to afraid to type us your real nickname, right?

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Crendowing, go to hell and don't return. You're to afraid to type us your real nickname, right?

[sarcasm]Oh my...I'm putting my hand on my heart now!! You really scare me Xenoman! I'm gonna go tell my mommy on you now!!!![/sarcasm]

Pfffffft....anywho, you say I'm afraid to type my real nick? Well, you think you gurus are so smart, why don't YOU tell me what it is???

No, not Dashiva, or shotgun bill/super joe, username, anybody like that. In fact, this is my 4th account! The most recent one before this started with a "Z", and it also used Jello's avatar at the time. Lastly (don't know if that's even a word), I stopped using my last Username before Ling started using Blazeboard.

That's all the hints I'm giving you.

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*GASP!* John Belushi faked his own DEATH!? (I wish)

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