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The new Doom, and some "rules"


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I know I'm going to be roasted by some people for this, but I'd like to set down some opinions of mine for the benefit (?) of all:

1. It's written "Doom," not DooM (and especially not anything like DooM ]|[). id isn't watching for the very moment you don't write the name exactly as the game art shows it; in fact, the manual puts it down as DOOM, and id Software these days usually just calls it Doom. What's in a name, anyways?

2. Although it's not a dominating opinion here, the new Doom should NOT just be a nicer-looking rehash of an 8-year-old concept... it can of course bear all kinds of hallmarks, but I think many people would go crazy with yet another key hunt and all the same enemies.

3. Be very careful with those "I think Doom should have big-feature-X" threads - don't forget that a lot of things would need you to rewrite the engine or overhaul the game design. So long as fighting is exciting and straightforward, the engine only has to be "good enough" to carry it on.

Anyways, that's my bit for now. Have fun folks.

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1. DooM

2. Amen

3. There's already enough info to know what Big Feature TM is not present in the engine.

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I disagree. DOOM is written DOOM and will always be. DooM is too lame for me. If you could stick the o's to the ceiling, maybe then it would be OK. And Doom, well that's just an insult to owr beloved game DOOM.

P.S. and owr is written with w.

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Why is everyone wasting their time PMSing about how to spell DOOM when they could be playin' it?!

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Heheh, yes, the spelling isn't all that essential (in fact it isn't really at all), I'm just railing against the notion that you need some unnatural keyboard gymnastics to write the word "Doom" when you refer to the game. I sometimes suspect that the notion's from the same people who think that it's amazing that they've dIsCoVeReD tHe sHiFt kEy.

Really, the most important thing about the new Doom is not how you write its name, whether it's a completely new (or completely old), or whether your feature checklist is larger than that of your closest rival. It's all about the total experience.

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|[). id isn't watching for the very moment you don't write the name exactly as the game art shows it; in fact, the manual puts it down as DOOM, and id Software these days usually just calls it Doom. What's in a name, anyways?


I spell DooM <----like this...just the same I spell MetallicA like that...and one more thought, ThE sHiFt KeY fUcKiNg RuLeS!!!!

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Ive kinda gotten used to the fact that im probably not going to like the new doom. Here are some reasons why:

A) It wont be like the past dooms - less enemies, slower gameplay (not performance, just slower character and combat speed), and less weapons (assuming that we'll ahve ~4-5 weapons with multiple functions: I dont like this).

B) It will be harder to edit the game than Q3, Q2, Q1, and all of the other dooms combined - in the fasion that *I* edit games.

C) {continuation of B} ID wont be making any special considerations to make editing easier for non-traditional forms of editing (ie, fuking with weapons, adding weapons, adding creatures, modifying creatures, the kinda stuff you need EDGE or dehacked to do with contemporary doom, etc). They'll only be catering to those Fuking map editors (who doesnt).

D) I dont have much money, and will not be willing to upgrade my system to play it (based off of A, B, and C).

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It wont be like the past dooms - less enemies, slower gameplay...

But that gives id the opportunity to do a complex, richly detailed game that actually has some depth to it.

It will be harder to edit the game than Q3, Q2, Q1, and all of the other dooms combined - in the fasion that *I* edit games.

True. But you'll have ENORMOUS potential in the new editor to make pretty much ANYTHING you can think of within an FPS setting. I don't care if it takes me a while to learn, because I know editing for the new Doom will be deeply rewarding.

ID wont be making any special considerations to make editing easier for non-traditional forms of editing (ie, fuking with weapons, adding weapons, adding creatures, modifying creatures, the kinda stuff you need EDGE or dehacked to do with contemporary doom, etc).

John Carmack and the dozen or so other members of id are putting THOUSANDS of developer hours into this game. They're working their asses off to give us one of the most technologically advanced games ever. So don't expect to be "fucking with weapons" without writing a single line of code, or going trough a single tutorial. It may test your patience but, again, you'll have tons of new possibilities, immensely cool stuff to play with, and it will all be very rewarding in the long run.

I dont have much money, and will not be willing to upgrade my system to play it (based off of A, B, and C).

Wait for the game before making these judgments. And if you don't want to spend hundreds of dollars just to upgrade your pc, trick your relatives into buying you an X-Box. That should do the trick.

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Flathead's right. You people have learned how to edit in DooM. Waited for Dehacked and learnt everything about it. Embraced Zdoom, Edge and Legacy features and now easily apply them on your levels.

Practice and research.

I fooled around in basically any FPS there is out there in order to be prepared for the one I'm truly waiting. I'm willing to spend endless nights figuring out how to do cool stuff. It's that hard to learn the process again? A process that not only allows you to edit in Doom, but also every tech-licensed game, even the older Quakes.

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