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well, I did it. Time is 50:56. If you wan't to see it you'll have to ask me to e-mail it to you because the compet-n ftp messed up.

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not bad. that's with 100% kills, 100% secrets, 100% items on ultra violence? i think my best time is around there as well. probably about 45-50 mins. maybe i'll take a run through ep1 again tonite to blow off some steam.

btw, can you make demos with zdoom? if so, how? it never interested me enough to pay attention to demos before. but if i can beat a record, i might try it out.

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For those of you who don't know, Tyson style means 100% kills and you can only use fist/chainsaw and pistol. 100% items or secrets is not required.

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oh, you did it in tyson mode? quite impressive. those barons at the end have gotta be a bitch.

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Tasty demo.
Certainly a very hard run(well beyond my reach).
He has more exciting work though... watch some of his nightmare runs... or for tyson, check out his recent Evilution action. Not a boring part in there!

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Xit IS the craziest demo-lord around at the moment. He did E2M8 tyson damnit! I'd like to see someone else have the patience to punch out a cyberdeamon without berserk!

What's next? T3M8? :)

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What's next? T3M8? :)

That would be next to impossible because 90% of your punches won't even hit the spiderdemon no matter how close you are to it.

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It has already been done by Joe "DOOMMANN" Abene. There are other monsters in the level so infightning is possible. The amazing thing is the time, below 1:30. After all the infights, the spider demon dies from 2 bullets, doh =)

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Xit IS the craziest demo-lord around at the moment. He did E2M8 tyson damnit! I'd like to see someone else have the patience to punch out a cyberdeamon without berserk!

What's next? T3M8? :)


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I'm really impress...
Some of you are more insane than the game itself ! =D
I saw almost all the demos and I still can't believe it...

How many years of training to do that ?
How many tries ?

I'm unable to do that, but I love watching this kind of "tour de force" demos ;)

About the Tyson style, I didn't know you've the right to use the gun before I saw demos...
I thought that was only with the fist and without berserk.
(if it was the case, impossible against Cyberdemons and Spiderdemons...)

The pacifist mode is a very smart idea in a bashing game like that !

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I hope I never become insane enough to go out punching cyberdemons with fists, but in a way I respect the guys who do it, because it's cool to respect someone who's very good at something, even if it's just a computer game. I, for example, will never be such a good DOOM player (not that it really bothers me).

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Xit IS the craziest demo-lord around at the moment. He did E2M8 tyson damnit! I'd like to see someone else have the patience to punch out a cyberdeamon without berserk!

What's next? T3M8? :)


Stone Stratagems - Map11! =þ

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Map32 "Go 2 it" from Plutonia...

I thought about that one. I don't think it would be possible to punch out some of those cyberdemons where the rocket launcher would be in doom2 map01. Plutonia map31 should be possible though.

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I thought about that one. I don't think it would be possible to punch out some of those cyberdemons where the rocket launcher would be in doom2 map01. Plutonia map31 should be possible though.

I never see a Cyberdemon being killed by another monsters
in that level... So, yes, it would be impossible...
Till a crazy player records a demo =D

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before anyone dismisses a level as impossible in tyson style, they should remember that you can use pistol :) I think Adam Hegyi forgot that when he decided that e4m6 would be near impossible. I doubt that there's enough pistol ammo on plutonia map32 though.

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Map07... you madman! Ok, you get a berz and invis fairly easy... but i can't wait to see that demo anyway :)

Wonder if we'll ever discover some MAD trickjump that allows taking out Doom2 map30 tyson... Might be possible to jump into the brain using an arch-vile. maybe two... or what? :)

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Disturbed: I wouldn't be surprised if you could shoot the boss brain by means of an archie-jump, but the hole is way too small to go in there, and you need quite a few hits to kill it(last time I tried it it took 23 hits). Maybe if you get 3 shots for each archie jump, then that means 8 jumps, so I guess there is enough health on the level, but then there are other monsters as well, so I doubt it. Just be patient and you will enjoy a nice ty07, a nice ty29, and maybe eventually a nice t4m6. Thanks for the idea though.

Edit: Whoa, I think I just got a nice idea here. If you let the archie jump kill you, then other archies can hit your dead body while you're inside and maybe damage the brain as well. This would be the only way to kill it pacifist style, and it might make tyson quite a bit easier.

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xit, I just got through watching your Tyson E2M8 demo, and it was freakin' INCREDIBLE!! Way to go. I wouldn't be able to do that if I lived as long as the Lord Himself. Just incredible.
See if you can do a speed-run Tyson through E1. I'd like to see that.

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Xit IS the craziest demo-lord around at the moment. He did E2M8 tyson damnit! I'd like to see someone else have the patience to punch out a cyberdeamon without berserk!

What's next? T3M8? :)


haha unless you can beat adamh's, he spent years working on it

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Xit IS the craziest demo-lord around at the moment. He did E2M8 tyson damnit! I'd like to see someone else have the patience to punch out a cyberdeamon without berserk!

What's next? T3M8? :)


haha unless you can beat adamh's, he spent years working on it

um adamH never did map07 tyson. That was Daniel Lindgren, and his recording is very slow(67:00) What are you talking about?

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oh right, misread, thought you were talking about uv speed, well then never mind :) keep working hard, good luck on it

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Whoa, I think I just got a nice idea here. If you let the archie jump kill you, then other archies can hit your dead body while you're inside and maybe damage the brain as well. This would be the only way to kill it pacifist style, and it might make tyson quite a bit easier.

That's... yeah, that's what it is :) Good luck tho! Maybe you can make some rev rockets follow you and make them hit aswell.. ok, that's even more of a longshot.

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Whoa, I think I just got a nice idea here. If you let the archie jump kill you, then other archies can hit your dead body while you're inside and maybe damage the brain as well. This would be the only way to kill it pacifist style, and it might make tyson quite a bit easier.

This reminds me of the "Chaingunner boost while sr50-ing" idea.
In coop you could get hit in the back with rockets by your three buddies, a double archie jump, rocketjump, and hopefully a cyber could hit you in the back too (while sr50 wallrunning of course). That way you could just jump from map01 to map30 and do the whole thing in 2 seconds. Er.... kind of. (no offense, I'm just bored)

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xit, I just got through watching your Tyson E2M8 demo, and it was freakin' INCREDIBLE!! Way to go. I wouldn't be able to do that if I lived as long as the Lord Himself. Just incredible.
See if you can do a speed-run Tyson through E1. I'd like to see that.

i already did that, it should be in compet-n misc dir. took me about 45 minutes, it's not all that hard. i wimped out on the barons, did them the impossible-to-die way with pistol. and for the people who seem confused, map07 tyson has already been done, it's a hell of a long demo though. btw, nice work on t2m8 and t4m1 xit-vono, i never got past about 2/3rds on t2m8...:\. i'm not too sure about your archvile method for map30, though, they just don't do that much radius damage...and they can't see you to attack you once you've gone through the hole, so you'd be limited to just the attacks which were launched before you got through. nice idea though. remind me to do pa26 soon. bleh.

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