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Photorealistic Sky Textures

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Terragen makes nice landscape pictures which can be used to make sky textures.
First you make the landscape and all.
Second you take 4 renderings at 90 degree intervals
The colors *may* be off.
My perfect brown mars landscape became gray...

Oh yeah...
The higher the quality, the longer it takes on hi res 1280 * 960(highest you can get w/o registering it)

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Actually, I don't think those work very well with the way classic Doom renders skies. It just loops one single texture and stretches it horizontally on the left and right, it doesn't actually map the sky textures onto a surface that it rotates, like newer engines do. So there's not really any point in making 4 renders at 90 degree angles.

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  Nikanoru said:

Actually, I don't think those work very well with the way classic Doom renders skies. It just loops one single texture and stretches it horizontally on the left and right, it doesn't actually map the sky textures onto a surface that it rotates, like newer engines do. So there's not really any point in making 4 renders at 90 degree angles.


Technically zdoom can do skyboxes so you COULD do this, but there are other "skyportal"-ish techniques using zdoom that can achieve overall better results.

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I am using this very program for my TC, and i think it works just perfect. For my needs anyway.

I render the skies as 6 512x512 jpg images (to save space, instead of using png) and the result is quite nice:

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  Nikanoru said:

Actually, I don't think those work very well with the way classic Doom renders skies. It just loops one single texture and stretches it horizontally on the left and right, it doesn't actually map the sky textures onto a surface that it rotates, like newer engines do. So there's not really any point in making 4 renders at 90 degree angles.


Doom does support 1024x128 skies, just import four 256x128 patches and arrange them into a large texture using your preferred WAD editor.

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  DooMAD said:

Doom does support 1024x128 skies, just import four 256x128 patches and arrange them into a large texture using your preferred WAD editor.


Yeah, but that method will still look incorrect. ;)

I believe this program also has an option to render a "fish-eye lens" scene, which would be a lot better.

Though in the end, the way classic Doom renders skies is technically incorrect period, so there's no way to really get a perfect result.

But as mentioned, a skybox in ZDoom or something works well.

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