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What level do you play the most out of all the levels by id or any other party?


I think I play E2M4 the most. I by far play DOOM episodes 1-3 the most, then DOOM 2, then episode 4. Sometimes I think it's just because of the order the games came out. Although I don't play episode 1 more than episode 2 and 3. And I got DOOM 2 and the full version of DOOM at the same time, so I don't know if that computes.


For some reason, though, Episode 4 doesn't do anything for me and DOOM 2 does a little, but doesn't measure up to the original 3 DOOM episodes. Maybe it's just because DOOM is easy. Doom 2 is hard. You have the annoying stairwell in the beginning in "The Living End" which makes it not too terribly fun to play. Although "The Underhalls" is easy and I don't enjoy playing that as much as say E3M4 which is harder. E3M4 I prolly play the second most, if not just as much as E2M4.


I dunno, DOOM's atmosphere just rocks. I just can't stop talking about it. I will have to write an essay on what makes DOOM so great. I mean, look at the atmosphere of "The Underhalls" (Map02) and "The Gantlet [NOT THE FUCKING GAUNTLET - Lüt]" (Map03) - it's just nothing exciting. Boring even.


Map 15, "The Industrial Zone". That had a nice feel to it. I like that level a lot. Even though it's hard as hell starting out with a pistol. I get the blue armor easy enough, but when I go for the BFG, I just can't make it outta that damn place alive.


Map 20 "Gotcha" also is a good level, with cool secrets. Map 8 and 9 "Tricks and Traps" and "The Pit" are also good levels, close to the calibre of DOOM. But I prefer the small rooms, cramped passageways and hellish thisper haunts of DOOM over DOOM 2.


Oh yeah, I play E2M2 a helluva lot too. Prolly just as much as E3M4 and E2M4 if not more. E2M1, too, because it's such a good episode opener. E3M1 has great atmosphere and is also a great episode opener but it doesn't have good replayability despite it's great atmosphere. That level is a testament to why linear levels are better than non-linear. I don't get why people prefer the non-linear style. Those levels are chaotic, confusing and lack the kind of atmosphere generated by a linear level like E3M1. Linearity gives the sense of exploration, journey and "getting somewhere" like, deeper into hell as was the case in DOOM. Non-Linearity is only good for DMing.


I should be sleeping. But I'm not. I'm babbling about DOOM's greatness. My question, though, is why haven't there been levels and projects that can match DOOM? There just haven't been. Dunno why it's so hard... just is.


E2M6.. I mean, every level in the whole goddam game is damn near perfect. Maybe it's just nastalgia, the memory of first exploring all those haunted halls and strange, yet somehow cozy levels.


Another thing about the linearity issue. If it's going to be non-linear, it shouldn't be to the point where you can go the end of the level. DOOM's levels weren't completely linear, but you rarely ever saw the exit. E2M4 is a great example of this. You can go explore in the sludge area, go on top on the catwalk, explore interesting rooms, but then you go back on course, you keep going forward, you go the red room, this gives a sense that you're getting somewhere. I think this was an important theme in DOOM. Then more non-linearity after that. You jumped down to get the plasma gun, or you went left to the cool area where you shot the barrels to get the blue armor.


But I think the real key is the atmosphere and architecture and room size. But the levels did have the perfect amount of non-linearity.


I should try to mimick a doom level as much as I can and see if I can't make something decent. Bah, it never works.


Have I rambled on long enough? Oh, know, I've set it off. I've said too much, I haven't said enough... Five for Fighting sings: "I'm just out to find the better part of me" If only he knew all he has to do is pop some E. And for closing, Ulibabba boo shum tickle reef clong bling plam froo shimple chum Somke bliff begga blom shoomple ferrachinter splinter riff.

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DOOM2 is harder than DOOM, and TNT is harder than DOOM2, and Plutonia is harder than TNT. This all makes sense, but in comparison to most of the good home-made levels and TCs they are all easy, because levels are usually made by DOOM masters and addressed to DOOM masters, not newbies, so there should be an increase in the difficulty. One example that comes to mind is Hell Revealed.

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I play MM, MM2, Requiem, and Strain a lot.

One out of four for definite taste, three out of four for dunno.

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yeah this map is my favorite. played this map 3 years ago first time, everytime i went down into the canalisationsystem i got panic :>. it was just great. also i love Mt.Erebus, perfect to play with the music of playstation version. also the secret level warrens is just great, so many damned tricks and traps like the real one of doom2. generally i prefer the doom maps with hell atmosphere :).

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Well, seeing as how Doom2 no longer exists on my hard-drive, I play Ultimate Doom a LOT, of course. I pretty much like all the levels in Ultimate Doom; they all seem to connect to each other. Doom2's do not. Ultimate Doom is easy compared to Doom2, then of course Evilution, then the Plutonia Experiment, which I consider to be some of the most tremendously difficult Doom2 levels I've ever played.

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I have no preferences. If it's DOOM, the I love it!!!!!!

Although, Ultimate DOOM is my fave out of the official games. Haven't played all the way through TNT yet, and I haven't played much of Plutonia at all. Whoever said it was right; Plutonia is the hardest of all, just on skill 2!

Doom = life, as RESOL says.

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I just select the levels I want to play arbitrary.
Since I have all this cdrom.com level stuff installed,
I also select it by the title of the wad, if it sounds
promising, I'll give a try :-)

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I play mainly Eternal Doom, Icarus, and Evilution. The Plutonia Experiment seems to be a bit too hard, but i won't give up! Just now i'm waiting for Daedalus to get finished. I do play Ultimate Doom and Doom2 every once in a while, also.

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Doom is good, I do like the original 3 episodes (a;lthough I played doom shareware too long and I lost interest in the first episode) My favorites are 2 and 3, they are cool and now you mention it, do have a certain something that has never been recreated. Doom is easy on uv, but the 4th episde (that had a good feel to it, I liked it) was sereously hard, at least, the first few levels were.

Has anyone noticed that doom episodes start off hjrd but get easier, take doom2 for example, that starts off so easy, then gets really hard but in the last part (from level21) it is just so numbingly easy (it should end at level 20). The doom 2 levels do have their own feel that has not been matched yet too, id's map makers sure do have a certain skill that most out of id mappers lack, and we will probobly never match it, what I think, is that every mapper has their own style that creates it's own feel, and to try and mimmick someone elses style wont be as effective, we only like the original levels more cus they are the originals, but outside levels are juat as good, but in there own way.

Okay, I'm rambling, I'll shut up...

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The only part I found tough in Doom 2 is the Cyberdemon on top of the island on level 29. Of course I have a bad habit of killing the enemies around him before I make him appear. That makes it SLIGHTLY tougher.

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I play MM, MM2, Requiem, and Strain a lot.

One out of four for definite taste, three out of four for dunno.

Which one is "definite taste" and why aren't the others good?

P.S., nice editing job Lüt, I didn't even bother to read it the first time I replied because I knew I'd only end up getting a headache.

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yeah.. yeah... yeah.... No, I ramble it. I thought that was pretty clear.... but thatnks for adding breaths to it for me, 'preciate it.

But, must you resort to such harsh language? My eyes now bleed from the piercing words that were etched upon them as they read those glaring, blatant words.

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The only part I found tough in Doom 2 is the Cyberdemon on top of the island on level 29. Of course I have a bad habit of killing the enemies around him before I make him appear. That makes it SLIGHTLY tougher.

Err. that would be the opposite.. if you don't have a bunch monsters putting a cap in your ass, you can concentrate on the cyb. btw, he's not hard. It's just to run past him and jump into the exit..

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The only part I found tough in Doom 2 is the Cyberdemon on top of the island on level 29. Of course I have a bad habit of killing the enemies around him before I make him appear. That makes it SLIGHTLY tougher.

Err. that would be the opposite.. if you don't have a bunch monsters putting a cap in your ass, you can concentrate on the cyb. btw, he's not hard. It's just to run past him and jump into the exit..

...if you're a pussy, that is. If you're like me you like to stay behind and kill everything including good ol' cybie.

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Enter ent en ter ter te enter en en ter enter. That means "No, cause I just cant seem to find the largest key on my keyboard".

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Enter ent en ter ter te enter en en ter enter. That means "No, cause I just cant seem to find the largest key on my keyboard".

Eh, on most keyboards would that not be the spacebar?

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Yeah, there are such keyboards, where Enter is thin and doesn't have that upper part.

My keyboard is also quite annoying, although I'm used to it by now. Some idiot decided to add a second backslash, so now the left shift key (which is the one I use) is smaller than a Ctrl. It's so stupid! Took me some time to get my fingers used to it. Also a very dumb idea was sticking the T-arrows, the 6 keys above them and the PScr,ScrLk,Pause keys together, to add the three useless "Power", "Sleep" and "Wake Up" keys at the top. And the worst thing is that I was dumb enough to accidentally install a Windows driver which _enables_ those terrible keys, and now if I accidentally press them, things happen.

How's that for an indepth DOOM analysis?

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Also a very dumb idea was sticking the T-arrows, the 6 keys above them and the PScr,ScrLk,Pause keys together, to add the three useless "Power", "Sleep" and "Wake Up" keys at the top.

Crap, mine is like that too. I fucking hate it. But I'm used to it by now. Mine has that other slash to the right of the right shift key, which is damn annoying cause I'll accidentally hit enter all the time. It's SUPPOSED to be up at the top next to backspace.

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But there were some letdowns in DOOM. For one, the end level of episode 3. Just not very climatic after all those cool levels. And the secret level of Episode 2: Fortress of Mystery. What was so mysterical about it? I guess the baron/caco fight was pretty cool, but the level could have been a bit more creative or something.... Maybe a bit larger for one. What are some experiences that you've had with DOOM that were dissapointing? With the levels specifically?

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Err. that would be the opposite.. if you don't have a bunch monsters putting a cap in your ass, you can concentrate on the cyb. btw, he's not hard. It's just to run past him and jump into the exit..

Ah, but I like killing everything before I finish the level, end with 200% health and armor, all items, and all secrets. That means killing the cyberdemon. It's easier to kill the cyberdemon (and less ammo) if you run a circle around him and have him hit the enemies. You'll start a fight. They'll all fire at him, almost killing them. A few more rockets and you kill him.

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