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Motherdemon reinterpreted in classic DOOM


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Hi, I'm trying to recreate the motherdemon in the classic DOOM fashion. I imagine it with the colour of the archvile, and probably a bit less insectoid (not that the motherdemon looks like an insect, but you know what I mean).
These who played DOOM 2.5 and know who "made" the monster sprites know that I have an urge to make the sprites recycling parts of formaly made characters, adding minor editing.

So far I only have the arms (extracted from the Archvile's ressurrecting pose). Puting four in the right position and angles looks incredibly similar to my concept. Now I need the body and head (the hard part that may ruin my project).
Anybody have an idea for it? I tried with a resized archvile torso (with minor editing) and doesn't look that bad as you think, still it's not what I want. Any ideas?

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Brewtal_Legend said:

Maybe you could incorporate the face on the wall from map 30 of doom II? Is it still going to be a floating monster?

I always thought that the Icon of Sin was supposed to be one gigantic Demon, but the makers of DooM were incapable of animating it. ;/

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I'm confused, what's this "motherdemon" you're referring to? Are you talking about the last boss of Doom 64?

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MmM said:

I'm confused, what's this "motherdemon" you're referring to? Are you talking about the last boss of Doom 64?

of course he is, it's the only Doom monster called the "Motherdemon". It sort of reminds of the queen monster in Aliens.

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sucks how i never quite made it to the end of doom64, therefore i have no clue what the motherdemon is. but hey, it sounds like a good idea, just as well as creating the icon of sin demon.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Mivalekan said:

I always thought that the Icon of Sin was supposed to be one gigantic Demon, but the makers of DooM were incapable of animating it. ;/

I think that's how it was supposed to be, especially if you read the endgame message of Plutonia (I think it was Plutonia), saying that the demon "destroyed endless miles of Hell's surface in its death throws".

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Craigs: It's been a while since I popped Doom64 into my N64, but if memory serves, the Motherdemon was a floating creature with 4-6 arms. Imagine Korax from Hexen without legs or a tail and flesh colored. I seem to remember its main means of attack being a spray of fireballs--there were also some large teleporter gates that constantly spawned monster, but you could close them if you found the proper items, hidden on the secret levels, of the game. Otherwise, you had to deal with legions of foes. Kind of a disappointing end boss IMO--they should have done something really large and elaborate.

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The Motherdemon will wait to appear until you've closed all the gates/killed all the monsters coming out of them. I'm pretty sure she had fireballs similar to the Revenant's.

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the motherdemon was a badass. she whooped me royally- and I mean it. still, her sprite was awesome- I wonder if kaiser ever ripped it...

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The Motherdemon in DOOM 64, fired had two attacks, fire four homing fireballs, from her four hands, summon wall of fire, that when touch you, it sends you flying to the air like the archvile attack.

I'm still interesed on these sprites, once I get the time I'll see what I can do. I'm also interesed in a Icon of Sin walking demon, the demons from the Ultimate DOOM poster (original DOOM cover art), and the spidermastermind from that DOOM 3 sketch, I'll see wich turns to be easier to make in a decent way, hopefuly more than one.

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