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Was thinking about (not very interesting)...


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Maybe (certainly !) a lot of you already think about that before,
but I was thinking about a "Super Shotgun Motherf******* Guy"...

When you kill him, he drops his Super Shotgun...
Almost the same size than the Chaingun guy and a little bit stronger.
(And in this case, same thing about BFG man or monster)

We already have the plasma with the Arachnotron
and the ultimate rocket spitter Cyberdemon...So...

Anyway that's not very interesting, just need to say it.

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um... bfg enemy? isn't that the arch-vile? sure he doesn't drop a weapon, but he uses the attack.

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Heh, forgot about him...I guess because right now he's still a damn friendly thing that just gets in your way.

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I have zombie solders shooting plasma guns in my megawad.

(basically a blue verison of the shotgun zombies replacing the sswolfie guy)

although what I just said had nothing to do with this tophic....:p

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um... bfg enemy? isn't that the arch-vile? sure he doesn't drop a weapon, but he uses the attack

Nope, it doesnt even look like it. The BFG fires a green (I think atom bomb) boll and the archvile lights yer ass on fire with some strange magic he's got.

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There's a supershotgun motherfucker in Millennium. No, really, we aren't stealing ideas. ^_^

I came up with the idea before mr8, because I'm more unoriginal.

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Nope, it doesnt even look like it. The BFG fires a green (I think atom bomb) boll and the archvile lights yer ass on fire with some strange magic he's got.

The effect's the same. So what if it's not green?

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I came up with the idea before mr8, because I'm more unoriginal.

More unoriginal than me ?
(you may see in the future...;)

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Nope, it doesnt even look like it. The BFG fires a green (I think atom bomb) boll and the archvile lights yer ass on fire with some strange magic he's got.

The effect's the same. So what if it's not green?

Plus, it replaces the Spectre, not the Archvile.

The Archvile exists in Strain as is.

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Nope, it doesnt even look like it. The BFG fires a green (I think atom bomb) boll and the archvile lights yer ass on fire with some strange magic he's got.

The effect's the same. So what if it's not green?

The effect is a bit similar, but it is by no means the same. The BFG does damage when the ball hits something, whereas the arch-vile does damage after a fixed amount of time after starting his attack. The BFG also does a whole lot more damage at close range but the arch-vile's attack does 80-90 damage regardless.

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Personally I'd like to see combo rifles. Fire 1 is chaingun fire 2 is pump action shotgun.

Picture a soldier with one of those. Since imps fireball from a distance but claw up close, the soldier could chaingun from a distance and shotgun up close. A room full of those assholes could make your bad day a whole lot worse. =)

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Personally I'd like to see combo rifles. Fire 1 is chaingun fire 2 is pump action shotgun.

Did you mean an enemy with those attacks, or a player weapon? Anyway both can be done with EDGE, I think.

Hell, if you don't mind, I'd like to see if I can use that kind of enemy in a EDGE map I'm making. :)

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