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Dark Castle Trilogy

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Here are three maxdemos* of the three maps of Dark Castle by Virgil. Nice mapset. For some odd reason, PrBoom 2.2.4 doesn't like this wad. Whenever the player crosses an instant platform linedef during demo playback, PrBoom generates an error message (which I can't see, only hear the windows error event sound) and I can only get back with Ctrl+Alt+Del. It also crashes when I try to browse the game menu (doesn't crash on other wads). Didn't test with other PrBoom versions or Eternity.

*Technically, MAP02 demo isn't a maxdemo, since a spectre was left alive. See textfile for details. Also, in MAP03, five sargeants can't be killed.

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Donce said:

For some odd reason, PrBoom 2.2.4 doesn't like this wad

glboom.exe -nosfx ...

P.S. DoomBuilder doesn't like this wad too :)

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Ah, so it was because of the sounds... Now it's clear why there were no problems with -skipsec... I mean, the engine skipped those instancies succesfully.

EDIT: yes, DSPSTOP is an empty sound, it's zero bytes in length.

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Donce said:

EDIT: yes, DSPSTOP is an empty sound, it's zero bytes in length.

Removing that entry seemed to solve the problem - they all played back fine for me.

Shame about that spectre. Reminded me of a stupid poll someone once made: "Which Doom monster do you find hardest to see?".

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Great demos. :)

That map set used to scare the crap out of me but I played it over and over for months. Tough set that one. Really nice job on them.

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