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the end?


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does any one feel that this should be the last doom? after doom2 and final doom....its stretching the story too far. i mean i LOVE doom...i just dont want to see it turn into those stupid ass fucking sequals that suck ass really bad.

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Final Doom doesn't count. It's like Thy Flesh Consumed, neither are actually part of the core series.

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I bet it will be the last DOOM...

After they finish DOOM, Carmack will once again write a new engine from scratch (as he said in his .plan update) and id will probably start a new franchise (they didn't hire Graeme Divine for nothing, did they?).

Only time will tell...

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The story is already WAY stretched, that's why I think id's remaking the first one, or something.

Let's see, our little marine killed millions of demons located in Deimos, Phobos, Hell, Earth, and who knows what other places. I mean, DooM 1, DooM 2, Final DooM, Master Levels...that's quite a lot.

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There was a story?

Personally, I think they should redo the original story, and really flesh out the details (start the game out by showing your squad get the sh*t kicked out of them).


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Exactly. That's what the franchise needs. No sequels, but an innovative way of telling the same story.

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