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DO NOT!!!! email the teacher with harrassing statment/pictures at all!! if u got the email address dont use it for a falme war. It was dumb for me posting the email, I did it in case anyone wanted to ask her about doom and why she feels that way. however most of u are not mature enought to do that and would harrass the poor bitch. I do not want any harrassment of her, or any harrassment that escaped to be linked to doomworld, me or other doomworld regulars/members. However we can still make pics if u wish and send them to each other, just not her. I personaly only sent the cacopic to her with a non threating message "demon teacher, from a old student" nothing more than that. the only reason that i posted the story about her is because i bumped into her a few weeks ago, and remebered how mean and strange she could be. I do not want to have her, and school adimds, on my back the rest of my last year. help me out and dont harrass

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Even if I did see her e-mail I wouldnt e-mail her. I dont give two shits and a fuck if she dont like DOOM.

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