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compet-n incoming demos

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Hmmm, Thanks for the nice comments. I had no idea when I made this demo that it would be one of your favorites. What is it that you liked about this one?

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It seems to me, your playing style has changed in last two demos. It was very aggressive and strongly. To be assured I rechecked the txt.

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I noticed this too. You appeared to take a lot of risks. A lot of times I thought "no way is he doing this" but it worked! One that sticks out was punching out an Arach as your invul was running out and no cover nearby. Another was after the red key room you just stayed there and kept punching as the invul ran out even though it seemed like you were going to be trapped.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any plans to do ty21 Xit? That's the last demonlord tyson left, and I'd really love to see it redone. Ty26 was very well done by you by the way.

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Well I have looked at ty21, but it isn't really something that looked that fun to play. I suppose Demonlord's time shouldn't be hard to beat, but I don't really know. Anyways I'll look into it some more. How about some of the other stuff? I'm thinking about doing some more maxdemos like maybe a lv05.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Saying ty31 needed 10mins work is total *BS*. Me and Sedlo both worked *hard* to bring this one down. Surly its many years ago but you need tons of luck. Lots and lots of details to *work in*, noone gets it all after 10min.

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Well actually I think it was about 10 minutes. I may have been lucky but I did not lie about that. I have never tried to fool anybody into thinking that something was really easy to beat by saying it took only a short time.

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I watched ty21. Very well done, I thought. Lots of close calls. It's hard to believe after watching it that it only beats the demonlord demo by 16 seconds!

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Oh god! Poor Henning, now he's crying in his room that he lost his almost 7 year old record, you guys are real evil.

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LOL Radeg :) This is sure not something to be really excited about.

Beating Henning's last 30nm would be a much greater achievement...

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Radeg said:

Oh god! Poor Henning, now he's crying in his room that he lost his almost 7 year old record, you guys are real evil.

Yeah that gotta be exacly my point? At 25 it's unlikely that I would have any other worries in life :) Would sound pretty impressive to say it only took me 10min to take out Vile's 30nm record again wouldn't it :?) Hell ..who can prove me otherwise?.

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Hi Henna, Hi Radek! :-)

Henning said:
Would sound pretty impressive to say it only took me 10min to take out Vile's 30nm record again wouldn't it :?) Hell ..who can prove me otherwise?.

Well... unless you made a 30nm that lasted less than ten minutes, it would be impossible for you to spend only 10 minutes doing it. You'd probably need at least 28-29 minutes. ;-D

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Henning said:

10min ..30min ...300min ..who's counting anyway!. So why not 10min? Kinda agree with Vono!

You just gotta find the hidden warp zone, and sub-10 minutes will be possible. :)

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ty01 should be very difficult to beat but I suppose it's possible. Radek even says 41 is possible. So if I can beat it in max then maybe I can do tyson too.

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