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Revolution! demos [-complevel 2]

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  Grazza said:

I remember you said that you weren't using any of the new tricks in this 30tv run, but I'd suggest that the map26 glide is easy enough and saves enough time (even if it takes several attempts) to be worth including.


Yea in my 29:53 run i use it..You have right, it takes me several times but i have this map in 1:01(vile's time is 1:26)i think.

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Ah, OK. Another glide (an easy one) that I think would definitely be worth including is straight to the exit room at the start of map13. You'll be well armed at that point I presume (BFG from map03?), so the exit room won't be a problem.

I haven't recorded any demos using that glide, because from a pistol start I just get raped by the revs or the archies, or have to spend so long collecting ammo beforehand that the demo would be too ugly anyway. (I've tried a second glide into the exit itself, or a double-archie suicide jump over the pillars blocking the way - no luck at all.)

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I agree with Grazza, that one is easy, and would save good piece of time. and also the one in map12, its everything the same. But well are some needed cells in map12.

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And I guess the map10 trick is worth trying too, as long as the success rate is at least, say, 1 in 4. If it fails, it costs you a couple of seconds and a little bit of health. If it works, it saves getting on for 20 seconds.

I'd say that the map12 glide might be a bit risky to include in a movie run. You're exposed while attempting it, and a fair number of things can go wrong, whether you stay silent or if you kill stuff.

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When i do glide in map13 i have to go for cells in map12 (as gusta said)..
Map10 hm..I don't know but i have bad luck with that trick, i haven't done it yet :(

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With all this talk about glides I thought I'd finally have to find out how to do the things. Well thanks to Grazza in the How do you perform a glide? thread I came up with this: tv12p016.zip - my luck was really in today as it's reality too :-)

Incidentally I found that the simplest way to do this one once lined up is to tap the forwards key repeatedly while moving the mouse slowly backwards. It seems to have the same effect as many quick run-ups while not actually moving more than a few pixels. On average it takes me about 5 - 10 seconds.

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Yeah I am feeling free :) Excellent time... if there would be a DW-SDA cybers I nominate this as best marathon :)

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Very impressive and good to watch: lots of tricks successfully executed without much in the way of balls-ups or slow spots.

I like the way you "demonstrated" the end level if health <10% floor in map05. If only there were a glide (Doom2 map10-style) to get to that floor earlier.

Two comments about map08 (these things only make a few seconds' difference, so are pretty minor in the overall scale of things, but perhaps you're not aware of them):

  • In the area with the chaingunners, once the demons have been released, to get the best time, you should first go into the alcove that doesn't have a switch in it. This starts lowering the next floor, which is the determining factor in when you can exit, rather than when you press the two switches.
  • You can do the exit switch trick from either side - no need to go round to the far side of the rocket.

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That was a great demo MethoD, I always love to watch a fast 30 level movie and we don't seem to get many of them these days.

Here's a route that probably won't be appearing in a movie any time soon:- Map13 done in 8 seconds tv13p008.zip (credit to Grazza for the idea)

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Method: For the 30tv, you were recording with -longtics. I presume you didn't mean to, since you don't mention it in the txt.

Anyway, if anyone has tried watching it with Doom2.exe (without success) that is the reason.

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  • 1 month later...

I improved a couple of earlier ones. I didn't improve them anything like as much as I wanted to (say, 0:03 and 0:34), but here they are.

Map10 UV Speed in 0:37
Map25 UV Speed/Pacifist in 0:05

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  • 1 month later...

I've just been messing around trying that Map25 glide and at first I couldn't get it to work at all. But with a bit of experimentation I finally came up with a 3 second run: tv25p003.zip - and quickly did it again in Nightmare: tv25n003.zip

It turns out there's an amazingly simple way of doing it:- just straighten up and move the mouse forward as slowly as you possibly can. You'll be sliding through in seconds :-)

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cack_handed wrote in tv25p003.txt:
Just line yourself up and move the mouse forward as slow as you can while still getting a response.


It seems like Novert would be a hinderance here; key-based movement isn't as precise.

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  • 1 month later...

I recorded tysons for map31 in 5:24 and map32 in 3:08 (quite an old one, will be improved more).
Also made a speed for map08 in 0:20 and speed/pacifist for map07 in 0:21.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

These glides are hilarious. I decreased the vertical sens in prboom and slid between the two blue key bars on tvr map07. I did it twice in under a second.

Map08 is another example. You can glide past the bars blocking the way to the rocket up top instead of riding the lift to the bottom level.

Incidentally, on map03 you can strafe50 off some crates to reach the platform above the exit switch and throw it from there (from the crates with the spider to the revenant's ledge).

Yet another glide on map12, the bar blocking the elevator to the exit.

Another one, map13's exit room can be reached right from start... might as well chalk up the whole damn wad as a playground of new tricks.

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Yes, TVR is a fruitful place to find 32-unit gaps; the ones you mention have been done. Cack_handed, for instance, did map13 in 8 seconds using two glides (the one into the exit itself being a hard one). You'll find many of them (and others) in this thread, and a few of mine (26, 31 and 29) earlier in the current thread (starting here).

The map03 trick has been done in coop by Method and Gusta, but was reckoned to need more than simple strafe50. If you have recorded this one, it would be very interesting to see it.

Other maps where there are known 32-unit-glide shortcuts: map03 (but obsoleted by the jump), map04 (several, but not clearly useful), 14 ("hard" glide, not done yet AFAIK), 22 ("hard" glide, not done yet AFAIK), 25 (multiple glide), 26, 29 (two glides, but just one used so far in demos), 31. That's from memory; I have no doubt missed a few, and some where a glide is possible but the benefit is marginal.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I recorded map03 UV speed in 0:15. thanks to stx-Vile who showed in nomo run that the trick is doable!

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  • 2 years later...

Hey ... Revolution demo after a long while! And great demo! The end was very close :-) Can we expect more Revolution demos from you, skepticist? pleassseeee :-)

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  Gusta said:

Hey ... Revolution demo after a long while! And great demo! The end was very close :-) Can we expect more Revolution demos from you, skepticist? pleassseeee :-)


Heh, i just watched my tv02-138 again and only now i noticed that ended up with only one HP. Yes, there will be more demos, i working on map03 to push it under 2:30. 2:33 is all i've got so far.

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wow, the endings for both are impossibly cool.
gusta "hinted gently" i should have a look at all those glides in this wad, so i did. :)

map12 UV-speed/pacifist in 0:14


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Well, that was HARD.

I never did any glides before and speed demos at all, so it is my first go. First i tried it with -nomo and realised that it is not as hard as i thought. I've got 0:16 on my first try, and then 0:14 pretty quickly. But getting 0:13 was real pain in ass.
God, I HATE those revenants upwhere. Every time i get fast glide they blocking my way out :(


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