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Review my level!!


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I have just made a new level and it ot on the site 2 dyas ago and i want to know how it is


Its called the Infected Tower level 2, I hoep you like it!

Also I want to know if its better than my first one which is the infected tower level 1, so if you want you could review that too. I would really appreciate advice, i want to make many more wads and get a lot better than this

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Also it's a nice consideration to the players/testers to post some screenshots (at least one, more it's better but not way too many, unless there're lots of things to show).
This encourage people to test it and give rich feedback, or not even try it if it's garbage (if it's really bad).

To post images you can look at http://www.imageshack.us/ 1, 2, or 3 usualy do the trick and give good impression.

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Try harder next time, do something with the feedback your getting on your map.
Im sure a few maps from now your really starting to improve your skills.

Mapping is only and hobby and an hobby must be fun (stole that from Sitters:)

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Dethzor usualy gives bad comments, even with wads that anybody else find good. Some may say that's because he has a refinated taste, and some because his a moron, you decide. If it's really your second wad I have to say it's not bad, still that's not enough, try adding more detail (the apropriate you don't need to exagerate), light and ceiling variation, focus in gameplay, and you'll become a good mapper soon.

Then (as many) you may find yourself inmersed in the "maper's laziness" (unless you love to map), but still you'll maps will be something to look forward to.

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TheOx said:

the newstuffers are mean

If you map to get good reviews, you map for the wrong reasons. It wasn't a particularly good level. Few people's early maps are. I've seen worse. If you stick at it, you will improve but do so because you want to and not because of what someone might say about it.

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Yea i know, it just sucks when you spend so much time on something and then it gets 1 line of bashing in Newstuff. I am trying to use the feedback i am getting thats why i wanted a lot of reviews, thanks :)

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Vegeta said:

Dethzor usualy gives bad comments, even with wads that anybody else find good.

I've yet to get a bad review. He's reviewed at least 3/4 of what I've submitted.

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I know it may sound weird but i have a hard time using lots of different textures,Ussally i think that only a few of the textures best show the theme of the level, and many of the textures would be out of place and awkward(sp?)in this case I felt that a mainly silver area best reflected the theme of the level which was a sewer. But i am working right now on a few ideas, and im trying to use more textures.

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Enjay said:

If you map to get good reviews, you map for the wrong reasons.

Yep. If I found out someone was trying to do that, you should be expecting the exact opposite review from me.

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Look at all the good sewer maps and you'll see that none of them use the silver textures the way you did (they only add them for minor decoration). Look at Map 29 from Plutonia (it may look boring at the start but it turns more and more fun as far as you move). And if you're lazy, and prefer your imagination (or don't have Final DOOM), remember the house of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (mostly bricks, and the only metal there is for pipes, and it's mostly brown).
Look at Quake 2 sewer maps also.

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heh, i used to map for the sake of trying to get a job for a mapper in say some new fps that may come out, but since then i have changed a bit.

- sausage -

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but now, im having trouble because im making an outside area and the only textures i have been using is the 2 brown dirt textures and the 1 dirt floor/ceiling texture

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Use more textures it makes it look better, I usually combine textures like im doing now with an map.
I am using most of the grey and green colored textures for inside areas and more brown and green for the outside areas.

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