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Extremal Doom Demo Pack

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Hello, all!

I was going to post this in the "Miscellaneous Demos" thread, but since I figured I (and others!) might make several demos for "Extremal Doom" I thought it wise to make a new thread about it instead.

EDIT 2007-01-03:
The demo pack is now released! Get it here ->
Extremal Doom Demo Pack

Be sure to look for the easter egg demos! :-)

2015 Edit by Grazza: new link to the file:


2022 edit by Maribo:
I've split the post-demo pack posts into a proper demo thread, and renamed this one to differentiate it. You can find the demo thread here

Edited by Maribo

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Nice, and not *all* that obvious a trick.

I certainly agree that Extremal deserves a good deal of demo attention - maybe even a full pack. As I said in my review, all the maps are fully playable from scratch, and I'm pretty sure maxkills should be perfectly feasible in all cases.

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As at least a gesture of support for this project, here is a rough first-exit UV Speed on E1M6 in 1:20. It contains a few things that could be called tricks.

BTW, on E1M4, there is a map10/e1m3/pl07/av25-style glide that means you don't need to wait for the 30-second door (I kind of indicated it in my nomo help demo, but it should be fairly obvious where it is). There might also be some more drastic tricks (RJs, S50-jumps), but I haven't verified them.

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I'll toss out a couple of my own demos here I did.

E1M9 UV-Speed in 2:25. Not really a level that can be speedrunned quickly. Very improvable I think.

E3M9 NM-Pacifist+Reality in 0:15. Extremely happy with this demo :). Don't think I'll be improving it, as this is going to be as low as I can push it.

Also, these demos were recorded with PRBoom Plus. I don't think I used the latest version, but I downloaded the latest version of it after doing the demos, so I should be good to go now.

Sending these demos to Ops now.

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Anima Zero said:

Also, these demos were recorded with PRBoom Plus. I don't think I used the latest version, but I downloaded the latest version of it after doing the demos, so I should be good to go now.

OK, just check that you're using the right complevels (3 is now the one for Ultimate Doom's Doom.exe, and thus the one to use for demos on Extremal Doom; and it's 2 for Doom2.exe).

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E3M9 UV speed (and pacifist) in 0:14
E3M9 NM speed in 0:14 ( sorry, Anima :-/ )

Horrible map. 0:13 is possible, but will be tough (unless I'm missing some route improvments).

EDIT: E2M1 UV "speed" in 1 minute flat. Not particularly fast (I don't even use an obvious lift trick).
Did this kind of casually while watching TV.

Thanks for the positive comments about the E2M2 run, guys! :-D

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Kristian Ronge said:

E3M9 NM speed in 0:14 ( sorry, Anima :-/ )

No big deal :). If anything, my own 0:15 NM Speed+Pacifist still is Reality, so that's always a plus.

That being said, couple demos here.

E1M9 UV-Max in 4:19. I fumbled up trying to get into the Soulsphere secret here, plus I had to finish killing off the last baron by the exit with the chainsaw (I ran outta ammo for my weapons :P).

E3M9 UV-Max in 0:55. Yup, this map does indeed suck :P. Heck, one monster can't even be reached. It's in the exit area and appears if though it wasn't placed correctly on the pillar, cause it's on the very very bottom of the floor. That, and several other factors make this a rather poor level IMO. Ah well, I did a UV-Max under 1 minute, which was my goal.

Sending the demos to Ops now.

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Anima Zero said:
If anything, my own 0:15 NM Speed+Pacifist still is Reality, so that's always a plus.

Yeah, I was going to mention my run wasn't reality like yours, but I was sure you'd look for that! :-)

The E1M9 time sounds like a good one, considering its ammo shortage (I remember ammo hoarding to the extreme when I first played it, being prepared for that kind of play from the previous maps, and finishing with nothing but exactly one shell left!). I've made several initial runs on various maps, but I'll post them when I get the times down from the "embarrassing" range. ;-)

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Anima Zero said:

E3M9 ... one monster can't even be reached.

I've checked two things:

1. It is the same in the original (iwad) version. This isn't a problem introduced in the conversion to pwad format.

2. This imp can be killed using rocket splash damage. (Perhaps you did that in your demo - it's not 100% clear from your post whether you left this one unkilled.)

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Grazza said:

I've checked two things:

1. It is the same in the original (iwad) version. This isn't a problem introduced in the conversion to pwad format.

2. This imp can be killed using rocket splash damage. (Perhaps you did that in your demo - it's not 100% clear from your post whether you left this one unkilled.)

Oops, guess I wasn't clear enough. I didn't kill the monster in question cause I thought it couldn't be killed by most means available.

Of course, then I read your comment about killing it with splash dmg from a rocket. Worked like a charm. Did a new run this morning and got the same time as my last run, 0:55, but I got that vile little imp this time around, so it's a true maxdemo now.

Will send this run to Ops now.

EDIT: And while I'm at it, a couple new demos here.

E1M8 UV-Max in 1:36. Easy level. Kinda screwed up on the aiming of one rocket (it hit a wall), but everything else went well enough.

E2M8 UV-Max in 3:40. Remind me to put "40+ lost souls in one area that can block your jumps easily" on a "bad level ideas" list :P. That's the only thing I don't like about this level. Demo-wise, not bad, though I did get blocked trying to go for the Soulsphere secret.

As for the final battle there...well, lucky me survives somehow :).

Sending the demos to Ops now.

EDIT 2: Well well, I just happened to find a nice trick to get under the pillar in time at the start of E1M8. Did a new UV-Max with that trick in 1:18.

In fact, the trick I use isn't the fastest way under the pillar. I straferun against a lost soul to build up enough speed to blaze right under that pillar. SR50 also works too and should be faster than how I did it. SR50'ing past the pillar at the start (after killing the 3 imps of course), plus not missing on any rockets fired (I missed with 2 of my rockets), should bring this time down somewhere to a low 1:1x or better.

Sending the demo to Ops now.

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Grazza said:

Anima: did you try using the BFG on E1M8?

I didn't even realize there was a BFG on the level :). Well, another quick recording session here and I get a new UV-Max in 0:52. Most of the barons fell quite quickly to the BFG salvo in the beginning. Mopped up with rockets.

Don't think I'll be improving this anytime soon, since everything went quite smoothly.

Sending the demo to Ops now.

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Cool! I remember playing E1M8 through for the first time, I imagined 1:30 would be an excellent max time. :-)

I did E2M4 UV speed and pacifist in 0:23. No tricks, just good old straferunning. ;-)

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Initial run (UV Speed, Normal Exit) on E2M5 in 0:49.

The final room looks chaotic, but I had surprisingly few problems there. So I'd say this one is capable of a fair amount of optimization. And I suppose Pacifist should be feasible.

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Cool! I did E3M1 UV speed/pacifist/reality in 0:09. Extremely easy.

It surprises me that the author, who bases much of the puzzles and progression on jumps, didn't see such an easy and obvious shortcut jump straight to the exit. Who knows? Maybe it was intended. :-)

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Whole bunch of demos here.

E2M4 NM-Speed+Pacifist in 0:27. Came very close to dying at the end.

E3M1 UV-Speed+Pacifist+Reality in 0:08. Easy to get, despite the exact time (0:08.94).

E3M1 NM-Speed+Pacifist+Reality in 0:08. A bit tougher to get due to the faster monsters, but not by much. Exact time was 0:08.97.

E3M1 NM100S+Pacifist in 0:19. Not hard either to get. Quite improvable.

E3M7 UV-Max in 3:40. A bit tricky to start out with, but quite easy at the end.

Sending all the demos to Ops now.

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Anima Zero said:
E2M4 NM-Speed+Pacifist in 0:27. Came very close to dying at the end.

Improved to 0:23. Also came close to dying at the end. Very close. Very very close. Okay, I died. :-)

Nice result on E3M1, by the way! Is 0:07 possible in your opinion?

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I'm sure 0:07 is possible on E3M1. You can jump straight across from the lift - 0:08 is pretty easy then (maybe that's what Anima did).

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Kristian Ronge said:

Improved to 0:23. Also came close to dying at the end. Very close. Very very close. Okay, I died. :-)

Nice result on E3M1, by the way! Is 0:07 possible in your opinion?

Heh, nice exit there indeed on E2M4 :).

As for getting 0:07 on E3M1, Perhaps with SR50'ing as much as possible, it could be attained, though I'd think it would be very close.

EDIT: Oh, and making a jump right after taking the lift is exactly what I did.

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Note: a spechits overflow is possible on E3M8. So if you record on that map, you'll probably want to have emulation turned on (or use Doom.exe) and have the warning turned off (so it doesn't interrupt you in mid-flow).

The problem is caused by all four sides of the bars being openable with a key (unlike, say, Doom2 map19 where only the three sides facing the player are keyed). That makes a total of 12 special lines all very close together.

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