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BumpMapping in doom?

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hello everyone, its CM here once again. but this time, i actually have something interesting to say. i was recently on a gaming site talking to a buddy of mine. he is a wiz behind game souce codes. i asked him if he could take a look at the ZDoom source codes, then i asked him if he would be able to create a new engine, just like ZDoom, only with bumpmapping and opengl support and highquality texture support. i also gave him links to various doom engine source codes. He said it is a great possiblility, even though he knows nothing about doom. lol

but, he told me that he would send me a very basic version when he is finished. i provided him with some high-res textures to get started, and he said he would try his best.

is there anyone else here interested in a doom with super detailed mapping and bump mapping?

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I'm not sure how bump mapping would look in doom if you're just using the basic sector-based lighting. I could see it working if this engine has some "true" dynamic lighting effects or lightmapping (ala Quake), but otherwise, I can't really picture it.

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I won't hold my breath waiting for a software rendered Zdoom with bumpmapping at a playable speed. I don't care how good a programmer he is, some things just arn't feasible.

It would be FAR easier to implement in a port like Doomsday or GZdoom which has hardware accelerated rendering (polygons!).

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No, bumpmapping is what you see in Doom 3 (well, that's normal mapping, but it's similar). I don't care for detail texturing because it doesn't really hide the pixilation of the original texture.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought Tenebrae with the original Quake textures looked great. I recognized that they of course weren't as impressive as Doom 3's, but I had no problem with them. Doom's might not work so well though, because the pallette is generally brighter and less saturated.

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the bumpmapping is not intended for the original doom 2 textures. modders using this engine will be able to use their own high res. textures with bumpmapping that they apply to them. it is in no way intended for the regular doom textures. this engine will just support bumpmapping.

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