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The annual 'Most Hated DoomWorld Member Awards!'


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...they made a movie? So did Weird Al........

But the difference is, Wierd Al is good. I went to his concert and he makes a good show

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Hmmm...riiight. Weird Al is awesome, but if you see a GWAR concert, not only will you be scarred for life, but you also will have probably seen one hell of a show.

I don't like their music at all, but I did see a tape of one of their concerts and it was pretty damn cool. A word of warning, though: I know someone who was in the mosh pit at one of their concerts, and he got sprayed with some of the 'blood'. It was on his skin for several days, and stained his shirt permanantly.

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Anyone here ever been to a KISS concert?

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Anyone here ever been to a KISS concert?

Me! :) I've never been a fan but a buddy of mine who's 12 years older than me got a couple tickets and I thought what the hell.

Best show I ever saw too. Fucking LOUD. Very very very clean crisp sound and performances. Very few glitches or wrong notes. They could teach 99.99% of the rock bands who ever existed a thing or fifty about putting on a live show.

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Anyone here ever been to a KISS concert?

Me! :) I've never been a fan but a buddy of mine who's 12 years older than me got a couple tickets and I thought what the hell.

Best show I ever saw too. Fucking LOUD. Very very very clean crisp sound and performances. Very few glitches or wrong notes. They could teach 99.99% of the rock bands who ever existed a thing or fifty about putting on a live show.

KISS could teach almost every rock band a couple of major lessons. They love their fans and they've always treated them well. Fuck, I met a couple in Chicago that got married at a KISS show. =)

Do you think anyone is going to give the slightest amount of a rat's ass about Mary Manson in fifteen years?

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shit, I can't decide who was hated more around here Executor666 or fatman... :P

edit: probably Ex, god he was an assclown...

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But I wuv all of you stupid faggots.

You would.

Actually, for "most hated" I think we'd have to go with BBG, since none of his posts have any substance, and are the epitome of suck.

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Nah, BBG at least tries to be a human being. I think the most hated award should go to Flathead. Why? No fucking good reason whatsoever. But hey, what the hell, this is a meaningless thing anyway right? Fuck it. ^.^

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Hold on, aren't we forgetting Mr. Doom WADs Should Have No Plot?

That's right, the real nomination is:


Please feel free to make campaign donations to the Nominate Mechasam For Biggest Ass Fund.

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Fuck its suddenly hot here. I'm not a Jew gemme outa the oven, hell.

Jews are tasty. I prefer Juicy Jews, 100% real Jew.

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Fuck its suddenly hot here. I'm not a Jew gemme outa the oven, hell.

Jews are tasty. I prefer Juicy Jews, 100% real Jew.

Sammy Davis Jr.!

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* Katgut sees a piece of shit go blurring across his screen and exclaims, "Hey, look! It's Grand Theft Boat!"

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KISS could teach almost every rock band a couple of major lessons. They love their fans and they've always treated them well. Fuck, I met a couple in Chicago that got married at a KISS show. =)

Do you think anyone is going to give the slightest amount of a rat's ass about Mary Manson in fifteen years?

Yes. That's right. There are VERY few band I give a flying fuck if they Live or die. KISS is one of them. Even if you don't like there music, they put on one hell of a show!

Hmmm... Naa not Lüt, I don't 'Hate' him, he's just a pain in the arse and -*ack!* I just semie stood up for Lüt! AHHHHHGH! Oh... I feel really diry now... and quite sick...

maybe Ralphis... Naa that's would be a nee-jerk reaction to him plugging himself...

Naaa I vote Deadnail (not deadnail) He's an ArseClown

edit: probably Ex, god he was an assclown

Heh, good work for using the word "assclown"

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Anyone here ever been to a KISS concert?

Me! :) I've never been a fan but a buddy of mine who's 12 years older than me got a couple tickets and I thought what the hell.

Best show I ever saw too. Fucking LOUD. Very very very clean crisp sound and performances. Very few glitches or wrong notes. They could teach 99.99% of the rock bands who ever existed a thing or fifty about putting on a live show.

KISS could teach almost every rock band a couple of major lessons. They love their fans and they've always treated them well. Fuck, I met a couple in Chicago that got married at a KISS show. =)

Do you think anyone is going to give the slightest amount of a rat's ass about Mary Manson in fifteen years?

Same here, never really liked them, but a friend was going... All i can say is those guys know how to put out a show! Only bad thing i see about them is that i watched a live video from seventy-something, and the show was pretty much the same as the one i saw in 98. But why change what's perfect? ;)
Kiss just roxxor, Mary Manson is all about shock-factor, and that never lasts.

Oh, and most hated doomworld member; DoomBoy. He probably wouldn't understand IF i was serious because; everybody now......

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Since you said that...


I wouldn't mind that.

Edit: 600 posts! Heh.

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Just wanted to say, I just got done trying SkullTag for the first time... GET IT NOW. GET IT NOW. GET IT NOW.. GET IT-.....
Well, you get the point. Also, in the SkullTag launcher, when I click on 'connect to master server', nothin happens? WTF? Is my Ip incorrect or something? I must know, so I can DM in style! (again)

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Well, you get the point. Also, in the SkullTag launcher, when I click on 'connect to master server', nothin happens? WTF? Is my Ip incorrect or something? I must know, so I can DM in style! (again)

The Skulltag launcher is busted.

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.....sooo... what do I do, then?

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But I wuv all of you stupid faggots.

You would.

Actually, for "most hated" I think we'd have to go with BBG, since none of his posts have any substance, and are the epitome of suck.

There are people here that are hated WAY more than me, and not all of my posts suck. I hardly ever make new threads because I have no reason to. I at least TRY and be nice to people and help them out when I can.

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edit: probably Ex, god he was an assclown

Heh, good work for using the word "assclown"

heh, I used to be a wrasslin' fan and I heard Chris Jericho use the term a few times...thats where my origins of the word come from

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