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1024x1024 Competition

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It's about time it happened, a 1024x1024 competition! After the release of Congestion 1024 late last year, people often mistook it as a contest wad and it occured to me that it would have made a great contest, so, here it is!

The rules are very simple:
-The maps playing area must be set in a 1024x1024 block. If it exceeds this limit it will be disqualified.
-There can be areas outside of the 1024x1024 block but players can't reach them.
-The map must be Boom compatible.
-The Map number must be map01 of Doom2.
-Custom textures and music are allowed, but they must be included in the main wad file. No seperate wads please.
-No new sprites, monsters etc. allowed.
-Maps must be sent in by 1st September, giving 6 months to make a 1024x1024 map! This is plenty of time.
-Maximum number of wads you can enter is 3.

Once you have finished your level send the compressed wad to agentspork at gmail dot com. Include a txt file with the wad. It must include all the standard information.

Once all the maps are sent in they will be judged by AgentSpork and the Flange Peddler. We will choose 1 winner and 2 runner ups. The winners prize is still currently undecided, but we know it will be nothing big. (Like a damn video card. :P) The maps will be judged on detail and gameplay.

Once the maps have all been judged they will all be put into a wad file for people to play through, a reason as to why we need a txt file to accompany every sent map.

That's all you need to know! Remember to follow the rules and have fun making the map! That's the most important part of it.

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IM IN!!!
When you say video card for prize, would you be sending one for real or are you just saying that?

- sausage -

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Oops! i mistaken it for there will be a big prize.
Lol, never mind i am still in on the contest!

- sausage -

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Heh, in the 10 sector competition the 1st prize winner won a video card, and I'm saying we won't give away something big like that. :P

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Sure, if i were to win i wouldnt mind if i didnt get anything, apart from the glory of being the best(although i know i am not, lol)

- sausage -

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oops, most of my map is done and i have used ZDoom stuff, But if i have to change it my first word would be "SHIT!?"

- sausage -

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Lutrov71 said:

-The Map must be map01 of Doom2.

What do you mean exactly? The map number has to be MAP01 or the map has to be like an expansion of Entryway?

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Sweet, I'll put one together. Is it acceptable to have areas that the player can't reach outside of the 1024x1024 area?

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Heh, well, i have already finished making my map, Here are some screenies -
***** Please note: You wont have all this health / ammo / weapons - i used a cheat to just get the screens *****

Hope you like, and where shall i send the wad to?

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Can I join pure for the fun, im not interested in the prizes to be honest.
And am I allowed to go beyond the 1024 limit for the scenery, or does everything has to be inside the 1024 size.

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@ Sausage's Screenshots:

I see slopes, which implies that the map is for ZDoom. As stated in the rules, it must be Boom Compatible:

-The map must be Boom compatible.

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This will result in Congestion 2, right? Like, take the top 32 entered maps and make a Megawad out of it.

One clarafication question: In some of the Congestion 1 maps, their size exceeded 1024x1024, but anything beyond the 1024x1024 area was either scenery or areas for monsters to attack you. Is this allowed here?

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DooMAD said:

He's a judge for the contest, so probably not. Maybe an unofficial entry though.

I need to read better.

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i am gonna keep this map for something else and do a new 1024 map
as i said earlier i happened to say "Shit!?"
and; well, There you go!

- sausage -

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Ok I made the rules a bit more clear. It's like Congesion 1024, there can be areas outside of the 1024x1024 block but players cant reach them.

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September, sounds good.

Now, it'd be interesting to see what'd happen if we had a mapping contest with a Ferrari or something like that for the prize.

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Dr. Zin said:

One more question, does the 1024x1024 block include height also?

No. He just means that it cannot exceed 1024X1024 of playing limits.

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heh, well, i am not used to doing such a cramped map:)
it is a fair challenge, new screens will be up soon

- sausage -

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