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what happens when a Cherub meets an imp? >:D

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The Cherub is Huge if you've ever compared then to human zombies. I also see a bit of the vulgar in that pic, must have been a freaky demonic three-way. LOL

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baronofhell said:

An imp and a cherub having a baby? That's like, child molestation and stuff.

But if an Imp and a Vagary have sex, then it could also result in such a baby... if the Cherubs are the Vagarys children (which I´m not sure about, but could be).

Looks cool btw.

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Wow, that's pretty badass, disturbing, but badass. Imagine looking in your baby's crib in the morning everyday and seeing that staring back at you!

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"Just a head? Not the greatest gene pool, there."

it's called a bust. it's like a portrait.

The doubt the Vagary needs a man to reproduce, it seems like the fetus at the back is the father.

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