Vegeta Posted April 5, 2006 I have a problem with Gzdoom, when I play in an area with many sectors something strange happens to some of the textures and flats I'd like to ilustrate this with the following screenshot Some times I can fix temporaly the problem by changing the texture and anisotropoic filters, but once I move the problem reapear, some timesthe textures blinks between normal and buggy, and sometime just keep buggy. Any kind of help will be very apreciated. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
funduke Posted April 5, 2006 Please tell us, with what add-on the screenshot was taken. That would help to test. Greetings Funduke 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Vegeta Posted April 5, 2006 It's Demon Eclypse map 8. I'll put the ini file here if that helps. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
funduke Posted April 5, 2006 I used the latest beta, published on March, 22: I launched the stuff with gzdoom v. 1.0.04 and jumped to MAP08. There i wlked in godmode around, looking for something, that appeared like not indended by the author of the WAD, but didn'd found anything buggy looking. Since Demon Eclipse is still in beta stage: Is it possible, that you used an earlier beta, that had some nowadays fixed bugs, that you confused with gzdoom bugs? Do you have your problem in any more 'official'/'stable' WAD? Maybe, even better, in an original doom level, that came with the game? Anyhow, here's my *.ini from gzdoom: # This file was generated by ZDOOM 2.0.99r20 (1.0.04) on Wed Apr 05 22:47:31 2006 # It is not really meant to be modified outside of ZDoom, nyo. [IWADSearch.Directories] Path=. Path=$DOOMWADDIR Path=$HOME Path=$PROGDIR [FileSearch.Directories] Path=$PROGDIR Path=$DOOMWADDIR [Doom.AutoExec] Path=K:/GZDoom/autoexec.cfg [LastRun] Version=308 [GlobalSettings] bgamma=1 ggamma=1 rgamma=1 vid_vsync=true vid_displaybits=8 vid_noblitter=true vid_attachedsurfaces=true vid_palettehack=true snd_movievolume=0.5 in_mouse=0 k_allowfullscreentoggle=true k_mergekeys=true joy_upspeed=-1 joy_sidespeed=1 joy_forwardspeed=-1 joy_pitchspeed=-0.75 joy_yawspeed=-1 joy_speedmultiplier=1 joy_dialthreshold=0 joy_sliderthreshold=0 joy_zrotthreshold=0.15 joy_yrotthreshold=0.15 joy_xrotthreshold=0.15 joy_zthreshold=0.15 joy_ythreshold=0.15 joy_xthreshold=0.15 joy_dial=0 joy_slider=0 joy_zrot=2 joy_yrot=0 joy_xrot=0 joy_zaxis=4 joy_yaxis=3 joy_xaxis=1 joy_guid={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} use_joystick=false m_filter=false m_noprescale=false use_mouse=true cd_drive= cd_enabled=true vid_winscale=1 fullscreen=true vid_renderer=1 eaxedit_test=true spc_frequency=32000 spc_quality=1 spc_noecho=false spc_oldsamples=false spc_surround=false spc_lowpass=false spc_stereo=true spc_8bit=false spc_amp=30 opl_onechip=false opl_enable=false opl_frequency=49716 timidity_frequency=22050 timidity_pipe=60 timidity_byteswap=false timidity_8bit=false timidity_stereo=true timidity_reverb=0 timidity_chorus=0 timidity_extargs= timidity_exe=timidity.exe snd_mididevice=-1 snd_midiprecache=true snd_midivolume=0.55 snd_sfxvolume=0.5 snd_output=default snd_buffersize=0 snd_samplerate=44100 snd_musicvolume=0.5 snd_fpumixer=false snd_waterreverb=true snd_3d=false snd_driver=0 r_columnmethod=1 screenblocks=12 r_detail=3 crosshairgrow=false crosshairscale=false crosshairhealth=true crosshaircolor=ff 00 00 crosshair=0 map_point_coordinates=true cl_spreaddecals=true gl_vid_refreshHz=0 gl_vid_compatibility=false gl_vid_allowsoftware=false gl_vid_multisample=0 gl_texture_format=0 gl_texture_filter=3 gl_texture_filter_anisotropic=4 gl_render_precise=false gl_fakecontrast=true gl_seamless=false gl_render_segs=false gl_mirror_envmap=true gl_warp_shader=true gl_sprite_blend=true gl_usecolorblending=true gl_sky_detail=16 gl_blendcolormaps=true gl_mask_threshold=0.5 gl_nearclip=5 gl_no_skyclear=false r_mirror_recursions=4 gl_nogl=false gl_distfog=70 gl_depthfog=true gl_enhanced_lightamp=true gl_lights_additive=true gl_light_ambient=145 gl_light_particles=true gl_light_sprites=true gl_lights_size=1.3 gl_lights_intensity=0.6 gl_lights_checkside=true gl_bulletlight=true gl_attachedlights=true gl_lights=true gl_lights_debug=false vid_defbits=32 vid_defheight=480 vid_defwidth=640 vid_contrast=1.3 vid_brightness=0.05 Gamma=2.5 snd_flipstereo=false snd_matrix=false snd_channels=12 snd_surround=true cl_noprediction=false telezoom=true chase_dist=90 chase_height=-8 nomonsterinterpolation=false png_gamma=0 png_level=5 show_messages=true mouse_sensitivity=1 screenshot_dir= screenshot_type=png screenshot_quiet=false autosavecount=4 disableautosave=0 autosavenum=1 smooth_mouse=false m_side=2 m_forward=1 m_yaw=1 m_pitch=1 lookstrafe=false freelook=false invertmouse=false cl_run=true demo_compress=true storesavepic=true nofilecompression=false cl_capfps=false queryiwad=true con_ctrl_d= [GlobalSettings.Unknown] [Doom.Player] playerclass=Fighter stillbob=0 movebob=0.25 neverswitchonpickup=false gender=male team=255 skin=base color=40 cf 00 name=Player autoaim=5000 [Doom.ConsoleVariables] snd_pitched=false snd_interpolate=1 r_drawfuzz=true r_stretchsky=true transsouls=0.75 st_scale=true hudcolor_stats=3 hudcolor_statnames=6 hudcolor_xyco=3 hudcolor_ttim=5 hudcolor_ltim=8 hudcolor_time=6 hudcolor_titl=10 hud_armor_green=100 hud_armor_yellow=50 hud_armor_red=25 hud_health_green=100 hud_health_yellow=50 hud_health_red=25 hud_ammo_yellow=50 hud_ammo_red=25 hud_showstats=false hud_showitems=false hud_showmonsters=true hud_showsecrets=true hud_althud=true hud_althudscale=true cl_maxdecals=1024 gl_precache=true gl_texture_usehires=false gl_spriteclip=2 gl_lightmode=0 gl_weaponlight=8 wallglowfactor=0.6 wallglowheight=128 wi_totaltime=false wi_percents=true dimcolor=ff d7 00 dimamount=0.2 hud_scale=false secretmessage=A Secret is revealed! cl_bloodtype=1 cl_pufftype=0 addrocketexplosion=false cl_missiledecals=true cl_bloodsplats=true cl_showmultikills=true cl_showsprees=true dropstyle=0 cl_rockettrails=1 vid_tft=false menu_screenratios=0 savedir=save language=auto wipetype=1 chat_substitution=false chatmacro0=No chatmacro9=Yes chatmacro8=I'll take care of it. chatmacro7=Come here! chatmacro6=Next time, scumbag... chatmacro5=You suck! chatmacro4=Help! chatmacro3=I'm not looking too good! chatmacro2=I'm OK. chatmacro1=I'm ready to kick butt! lookspring=true con_midtime=3 msgmidcolor2=4 msgmidcolor=5 msg4color=3 msg3color=3 msg2color=2 msg1color=5 msg0color=6 msg=0 con_scaletext=0 con_centernotify=false con_notifytime=3 con_notablist=false cl_bbannounce=false am_ovthingcolor_item=e8 88 00 am_ovthingcolor_monster=e8 88 00 am_ovthingcolor_friend=e8 88 00 am_thingcolor_item=fc fc fc am_thingcolor_monster=fc fc fc am_thingcolor_friend=fc fc fc am_drawmapback=true am_map_secrets=1 am_secretsectorcolor=ff 00 ff am_interlevelcolor=ff 00 00 am_intralevelcolor=00 00 ff am_ovtelecolor=ff ff 00 am_ovunseencolor=00 22 6e am_ovotherwallscolor=00 88 44 am_ovthingcolor=e8 88 00 am_ovwallcolor=00 ff 00 am_ovyourcolor=fc e8 d8 am_lockedcolor=00 78 00 am_notseencolor=6c 6c 6c am_xhaircolor=80 80 80 am_gridcolor=8b 5a 2b am_thingcolor=fc fc fc am_cdwallcolor=4c 38 20 am_fdwallcolor=88 70 58 am_tswallcolor=88 88 88 am_secretwallcolor=00 00 00 am_wallcolor=2c 18 08 am_yourcolor=fc e8 d8 am_backcolor=6c 54 40 am_ovtrans=1 am_usecustomcolors=false am_showtime=true am_showitems=true am_showmonsters=true am_showsecrets=true am_overlay=true am_rotate=false [Doom.LocalServerInfo] maxviewpitch=90 forcewater=false sv_rocketsmoke=false sv_smartaim=false compatflags=0 [Doom.UnknownConsoleVariables] [Doom.ConsoleAliases] [Doom.Bindings] 1=slot 1 2=slot 2 3=slot 3 4=slot 4 5=slot 5 6=slot 6 7=slot 7 8=slot 8 9=slot 9 0=slot 0 -=sizedown Equals=sizeup tab=togglemap t=messagemode LeftBracket=invprev RightBracket=invnext enter=invuse ctrl=+attack a=+moveup `=toggleconsole shift=+speed \=+showscores z=+crouch ,=+moveleft .=+moveright alt=+strafe space=+use capslock=toggle cl_run f1=menu_help f2=menu_save f3=menu_load f4=menu_options f5=menu_display f6=quicksave f7=menu_endgame f8=togglemessages f9=quickload f10=menu_quit f11=bumpgamma f12=spynext sysrq=screenshot uparrow=+forward pgup=+jump leftarrow=+left rightarrow=+right downarrow=+back pgdn=+movedown pause=pause mouse1=+attack mouse2=+strafe mouse3=+forward mouse4=+speed joy1=+attack joy2=+strafe joy3=+speed joy4=+use mwheelup=weapprev mwheeldown=weapnext [Doom.DoubleBindings] [Doom.WeaponSlots] Slot[1]=Fist Chainsaw Slot[2]=Pistol Slot[3]=Shotgun SuperShotgun Slot[4]=Chaingun Slot[5]=RocketLauncher Slot[6]=PlasmaRifle Slot[7]=BFG9000 [Hexen.AutoExec] Path=K:/GZDoom/autoexec.cfg [Hexen.Player] playerclass=Fighter stillbob=0 movebob=0.25 neverswitchonpickup=false gender=male team=255 skin=base color=40 cf 00 name=Player autoaim=5000 [Hexen.ConsoleVariables] snd_pitched=true snd_interpolate=1 r_drawfuzz=true r_stretchsky=true transsouls=0.75 st_scale=true hudcolor_stats=3 hudcolor_statnames=6 hudcolor_xyco=3 hudcolor_ttim=5 hudcolor_ltim=8 hudcolor_time=6 hudcolor_titl=10 hud_armor_green=100 hud_armor_yellow=50 hud_armor_red=25 hud_health_green=100 hud_health_yellow=50 hud_health_red=25 hud_ammo_yellow=50 hud_ammo_red=25 hud_showstats=false hud_showitems=false hud_showmonsters=true hud_showsecrets=true hud_althud=false hud_althudscale=true cl_maxdecals=1024 gl_precache=false gl_texture_usehires=true gl_spriteclip=1 gl_lightmode=3 gl_weaponlight=8 wallglowfactor=0.6 wallglowheight=128 wi_totaltime=false wi_percents=true dimcolor=00 00 ff dimamount=0.2 hud_scale=false secretmessage=A Secret is revealed! cl_bloodtype=0 cl_pufftype=0 addrocketexplosion=false cl_missiledecals=true cl_bloodsplats=true cl_showmultikills=true cl_showsprees=true dropstyle=0 cl_rockettrails=1 vid_tft=false menu_screenratios=0 savedir=save language=auto wipetype=1 chat_substitution=false chatmacro0=No chatmacro9=Yes chatmacro8=I'll take care of it. chatmacro7=Come here! chatmacro6=Next time, scumbag... chatmacro5=You suck! chatmacro4=Help! chatmacro3=I'm not looking too good! chatmacro2=I'm OK. chatmacro1=I'm ready to kick butt! lookspring=true con_midtime=3 msgmidcolor2=10 msgmidcolor=9 msg4color=3 msg3color=3 msg2color=2 msg1color=5 msg0color=9 msg=0 con_scaletext=0 con_centernotify=true con_notifytime=3 con_notablist=false cl_bbannounce=false am_ovthingcolor_item=e8 88 00 am_ovthingcolor_monster=e8 88 00 am_ovthingcolor_friend=e8 88 00 am_thingcolor_item=fc fc fc am_thingcolor_monster=fc fc fc am_thingcolor_friend=fc fc fc am_drawmapback=true am_map_secrets=1 am_secretsectorcolor=ff 00 ff am_interlevelcolor=ff 00 00 am_intralevelcolor=00 00 ff am_ovtelecolor=ff ff 00 am_ovunseencolor=00 22 6e am_ovotherwallscolor=00 88 44 am_ovthingcolor=e8 88 00 am_ovwallcolor=00 ff 00 am_ovyourcolor=fc e8 d8 am_lockedcolor=00 78 00 am_notseencolor=6c 6c 6c am_xhaircolor=80 80 80 am_gridcolor=8b 5a 2b am_thingcolor=fc fc fc am_cdwallcolor=73 43 23 am_fdwallcolor=d0 b0 85 am_tswallcolor=88 88 88 am_secretwallcolor=00 00 00 am_wallcolor=54 3b 17 am_yourcolor=fc e8 d8 am_backcolor=6c 54 40 am_ovtrans=1 am_usecustomcolors=true am_showtime=true am_showitems=false am_showmonsters=true am_showsecrets=true am_overlay=false am_rotate=false [Hexen.LocalServerInfo] maxviewpitch=90 forcewater=false sv_rocketsmoke=false sv_smartaim=false compatflags=0 [Hexen.UnknownConsoleVariables] [Hexen.ConsoleAliases] [Hexen.Bindings] 1=slot 1 2=slot 2 3=slot 3 4=slot 4 5=use ArtiInvulnerability 6=use ArtiEgg 7=use ArtiTeleportOther 8=use ArtiTeleport 9=use ArtiBlastRadius 0=useflechette -=sizedown Equals=sizeup backspace=invuseall tab=togglemap t=messagemode LeftBracket=invprev RightBracket=invnext enter=invuse ctrl=+attack `=toggleconsole shift=+speed \=use ArtiHealth ,=+moveleft .=+moveright /=+jump alt=+strafe space=+use capslock=toggle cl_run f1=menu_help f2=menu_save f3=menu_load f4=menu_options f5=menu_display f6=quicksave f7=menu_endgame f8=togglemessages f9=quickload f10=menu_quit scroll=+showscores f11=bumpgamma f12=spynext sysrq=screenshot home=land uparrow=+forward pgup=+moveup leftarrow=+left rightarrow=+right end=centerview downarrow=+back pgdn=+lookup del=+lookdown pause=pause mouse1=+attack mouse2=+strafe mouse3=+forward mouse4=+speed joy1=+attack joy2=+strafe joy3=+speed joy4=+use mwheelup=weapprev mwheeldown=weapnext [Hexen.DoubleBindings] [Hexen.WeaponSlots] Slot[1]=FWeapFist CWeapMace MWeapWand Slot[2]=FWeapAxe CWeapStaff MWeapFrost Slot[3]=FWeapHammer CWeapFlame MWeapLightning Slot[4]=FWeapQuietus CWeapWraithverge MWeapBloodscourge [Doom.DEWeapons.WeaponSlots] Slot[1]=Fist Chainsaw Gauntlet Slot[2]=Pistol GargWand Slot[3]=Shotgun SuperShotgun BloodOrb Slot[4]=Chaingun Skull Slot[5]=DERLauncher HRL Hellstaff Slot[6]=PlasmaGun HFMace Repeater Slot[7]=DEBFG9000 Justifier Devastator Slot[8]=RailGun Greetings Funduke 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
funduke Posted April 6, 2006 After getting some sleep and re-reading what i wrote last night, i thought, that it was useless for you, to give you my ini-file, with it's masses of changes, where you couldn't easily find out, if and what change possibly caused my succes, when playing the level. So i tried something else: I renamed my modified ini-file of gzdoom and forced the game to create a new, unchanged one with default settings. Then i tried to walk through that map08 again. The only change of the default configuration, in order to play the level without visual problems, was to press repeatedly the 'F11'-key, in order to increase the brightness. No other changes have been necessary. Greetings Funduke 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Vegeta Posted April 8, 2006 I think it's the map, as I had the same problems with your config, I'll try the updated version. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
joe 17 Posted April 8, 2006 it's your video card it's to low it cant draw all the texture 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Vegeta Posted April 8, 2006 I'll ask you both, this weekend I'll install a new videocard, also I'm downloading the latest beta (first). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Vegeta Posted April 13, 2006 Well, installed the new video card, things work perfect now. Wee I can run DOOM 3 now. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
funduke Posted April 13, 2006 Vegeta said:Well, installed the new video card, things work perfect now. Wee I can run DOOM 3 now. Nice to know! Enjoy, both gzdoom and doom3! :) Greetings Funduke 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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