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Kama Sutra demos [-complevel 2]

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aka ksutra // ksutra.wad


Post Kama Sutra demos here [vanilla or -complevel 2 recommended].

The original demo pack thread can be found here.


I did a speedrun on "Kama Sutra".

Map 8, in 0:08.
I'll try for 0:07 later (which should be the best I can do).

First demo to beat a UV speed entry in the KS demopack... ;-)

Edited by Maribo
complevel in title

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Thanks. :-)
I'm sure you'll like this also, then:

KS map 8 in 0:07, pacifist too this time.

I made some small mistakes (as usual), but the time is 0:07.97, so 0:06 is probably out of reach for me. I'm happy with 0:07.

EDIT: Hey, Marco! Nice to see you're recording again. :-)

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7.97? Lucky guy. ;) Seriously, though, 0:06 is probably hard to reach then indeed, yes.

Do you know the exact time Drew got on his 0:06 -nomonsters run? I've got to admit I'm too stupid to figure it out myself...

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  • 4 months later...
Schneelocke said:

(and it's very nice indeed!).

Apart from the maps by that Razak dude, anyway. :p

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You have to excuse mr.Method, he have made so many maps in his life that he really can't remember all megawads he ever contributed to :)

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Xit, that map06 tyson was great, just now I am looking forward to watch the new crazyness in map09 :)

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VinceDSS said:
too bad you dont record for AV, compet-n's AV tables are full of holes :(

He did some AV stuff; there's some of his in pwads.

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Yes, an absolute must-see. This seems a significant quote:

Xit wrote in kt071836.txt:
This is probably the hardest tyson demo I have ever done.

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