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Doom controls

Lost Soul

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I'm getting a new comp in about a week or so, and I'm going to try to find a gaming controller for Doom. I may be a mite wierd, but I always preferred the control of a console port of Doom. Things just go smoother that way for me. I know Elbryan 42 thinks the same way, so I know I'm not alone. Anyway, would anyone know of a controller that is like a playstation controller, and isn't sometething that's going to be unrespsonsive? I've had some bad PC gamepad exeriences before. Any help would be appreciated.

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Yeah.. gamepads work alright, until you get a multiplayer patch with freelook. You'll want the mouse then.

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I had ZDoom before my comp now (read as- shitbox) decided it would have no more Doom going on. Anyway, I can't really use the mouse all that well at all. If anything it hampers me and it;s generally a nuicance when I play. I'm much better using the keyboard than using the mouse with it.

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Someone needs to make a "Hazard Course"-like map for the source ports. A little creative map design, a little scripting, and you could teach peeps how to use the 'ports properly. Hmmm....

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And have a sarge yelling at you and insulting yo momma all the way, just like in Opposing Force's boot camp... that was the best thing about the whole game.

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Well, that might be good.. bah! I don't like mice for games, personally. I am mostly a hardcore console gamer. The only PC games I play are Doom, Warcraft II.. and.. hmm.
Oh yeah. Quake II. I play them LOTS though. Well.. maybe not PC Doom cause it doesn't seem to actually work on this thing anymore.. oh well. In due time I guess. Otherwise I just use my computer for online stuff and animations.

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I think I'm slowly shifting from years of console gaming to PC gaming... the Sega Genesis rocked back in the day.

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Yeah.. it did have a few good titles. My pesonal fave Genesis game of all time was Castlevania: Bloodlines.
I think the SNES rocked more though. ;) I also think the best RPGS of all time came from the SNES.

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I ain't much of an RPG fan, but yes, the best RPGs came from the SNES. The SNES had graphical and audio advantages over the Genesis, but the Genesis had 'blast processing', which I guess was a fast processor (good for fighting games and Sonic the Hedgehog, of course).

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Ever played Shining Force for the Genesis? That was pretty cool.

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Heh My bro has an Atari 7800.

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There was such a machine? I only knew about and owned the 2600. damned If I'll ever figure out what happened to it though.

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hmm, I wish I haven't sold my 2600, might have been worth something today.

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Atari 7800: First backwards-compatible system; Could play both 7800 games AND 2600 games. We have like... 50 or so games for it.

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cool, yes saw one on ebay, not worth the trouble though, had a broken light.

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Heh. Type in 'poop' in ebay's search engine: You'll actually get something.

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Fake poop: Last bid: $2.00

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A littlw while back someone had a link to an ebay page that someone was auctioning an ass-kicking. the bid was at like 10 grand or something insane like that.

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A littlw while back someone had a link to an ebay page that someone was auctioning an ass-kicking. the bid was at like 10 grand or something insane like that.

Yes I have seen that.

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