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A little enhancement WAD, need suggestions.

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I've recently been working on a little wad for Zdoom that adds some little graphical enhancements to Doom, namely "real" gibbing into multiple squishy pieces and more elaborate boss death sequences.. I also plan on making most of the decorations smashable/gibbable in some way, similar to in Immoral Conduct.

Oh, and rockets now pass through teleporters, which is lots of fun.

Anyway, I'm just looking for a few little suggestions as to what else I should add in before I finish and release it. I'm not really going to touch weapons, but I'm sure I've missed a good idea somewhere.

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If it can be done, different blood puffs/blood stains.

Cacodemons should bleed blue.

Barons and Knights should bleed green.

Lost Souls and Pain Elementals should leak flaming debris rather than blood.

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Don't make pain elementals and lost souls revivable. That would make Arch-Viles far too dangerous. Instead, make the elementals and souls explode into little bits of ash and glowing ember when you kill them.

Feel free to import the random barrel spawner from The Stranger. It doesn't modify the physics of the barrels in any way - just makes the graphics (barrels and explosions) random.

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Zeg-Vok said:

I've got some killable trees done in decorate if you want them

This is cool. I'd like it if the enviroments were more interactive.

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Nice fancy explosions - with faked particle effects too. Make exploding barrels throw flaming bits of debris everywhere.

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use this enhancement along with the EDGE engine, so that it will also add a real recoil to the screen when you fire your gun. and real shell casings that stay on the floor, water splashes, etc.

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Zeg-Vok said:

I've got some killable trees done in decorate if you want them

Ooh, consider me interested!

Little Faith said:

If it can be done, different blood puffs/blood stains.

Cacodemons should bleed blue.

Barons and Knights should bleed green.

Lost Souls and Pain Elementals should leak flaming debris rather than blood.

I actually added pallete-shifted blood for the barons and cacos last night, thanks to a post on the zdoom forums.

WildWeasel said:

Feel free to import the random barrel spawner from The Stranger. It doesn't modify the physics of the barrels in any way - just makes the graphics (barrels and explosions) random.

I might do that. Thank you!

Corrupted Marine said:

use this enhancement along with the EDGE engine, so that it will also add a real recoil to the screen when you fire your gun. and real shell casings that stay on the floor, water splashes, etc.

Everything you mentioned except recoil can be done in Zdoom, and as much of an EDGE fanboy as I am, I'd rather use a engine that people actually use. :)

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-All kind of plasma projectiles and fireballs with an apropriate transulcent trail (smoke for Imp fireballs, green smoke for Baron's, blue for the plasma, and so on).
-Better teleport flash.
-Not an idea, but the ressurection sequences should have to be edited to fit with the gibbing if it's as I think.
-I don't know if this is possible, slightly diferent death sequence whith certain weapons.

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KingofFlames said:

What about pushable objects? I haven't seen a ZDoom mod yet that has pushable objects...

No clue how to do it in DECORATE without using ACS (nothing against ACS, just want to keep compatibility with user wads)

Vegeta said:

-All kind of plasma projectiles and fireballs with an apropriate transulcent trail (smoke for Imp fireballs, green smoke for Baron's, blue for the plasma, and so on).

I might give this a try.

Vegeta said:

-Better teleport flash.

Maybe not in the first release.

Vegeta said:

-Not an idea, but the ressurection sequences should have to be edited to fit with the gibbing if it's as I think.

I don't think gibbed enemies could be ressurected in the core game either, but that may be my brain skipping details.

Vegeta said:

-I don't know if this is possible, slightly diferent death sequence whith certain weapons.

It's possible, using different damagetypes for certain weapons. I probably won't do it for the first release, but I plan on doing something like this when I can be bothered hacking up the enemy sprites to make new frames.

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Trasher][ said:
Everything you mentioned except recoil can be done in Zdoom

You can do recoil with Zdoom 96.x or whatever it's called.

It'd be awesome if you could make it so walking in pools of blood leaves bloody footprints like in Duke Nukem 3D
It's probably not possible though... :(

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Craigs said:

You can do recoil with Zdoom 96.x or whatever it's called.

Ah, I had no idea.

Craigs said:

It'd be awesome if you could make it so walking in pools of blood leaves bloody footprints like in Duke Nukem 3D
It's probably not possible though... :(

Yeah, I can't do this because decals don't print on flats, and I can't alter the player, and probably won't be able to for a long time, until a version of Zdoom that has all the things in a editable lump instead of embedded in the EXE, so I can edit the "actual" things instead of inheriting from them.

Meh, it works.

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Unfortunately, the only damage type that can actually be exploited in ZDoom/GZDoom is flame death and ice death (and ice death is more limited). Though if you wanted enemies to melt into big puddles of shaving gel (a la Crusader), you could always use the flame death state for that and give the plasma rifle and BFG the +firedamage flag.

As for ZDoom's recoil: it's pretty different from the way EDGE handles it. While EDGE has the view-kick, ZDoom's recoil involves pushing the player back physically. Feel free to use it, but just put it on the rockets and BFG. Anything else just seems unrealistic and unnecessary (plus there's plenty of situations where you might accidentally knock yourself off a ledge with the SSG, if recoil were present).

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I think it is the Disintegration death sequence, or something like that, ala the Uber SSG-like gun from Strife

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WildWeasel said:

As for ZDoom's recoil: it's pretty different from the way EDGE handles it. While EDGE has the view-kick, ZDoom's recoil involves pushing the player back physically.

Dude, that'd be awesome. Every time you fire the SSG it knocks you back 30 ft, and all the battles take place on top of 1024+ tall sky scrapers, with the ice sliding thing on, and if you fall off, it's an instant death.

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Craigs said:

Dude, that'd be awesome. Every time you fire the SSG it knocks you back 30 ft, and all the battles take place on top of 1024+ tall sky scrapers, with the ice sliding thing on, and if you fall off, it's an instant death.

That would be un-awesome

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I have some decorate things from a file called plitdeco.wad, and splash3, and the new community build splash effect, and the warped water flats... I use them all the time. I hope you can find those. having a technolamp making a nice hum would be a great touch. if you need the file, you can PM me.

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