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Lame. Frederik your links to Vrack are fuggin dead (they link to cdrom.com) where the hell can I get yer level? ;(

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You could probably find them in the corresponding directory at the new idgames archives. ftp://3darchives.in-span.net

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You can probably find them on doomworld.com/sda .. altho downloading shit from the SDA is a bitch at times, it works.

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I'll fix those links. In meanwhile, nothing could be easier than to just copy the URL and replace "cdrom.com" with "3darchives.in-span.net", no? =)

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600 mhz P3 128 ram voodoo3 3000 pci, blah blah blah, I had low fps in vrack 2 in some parts. I'll prolly end up setting the res to 640x480.

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Ghey. It works now, didn't work before (cut and pasting with inspan in place of cdrom.com). /shrug

Thanks for the info

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600 mhz P3 128 ram voodoo3 3000 pci, blah blah blah, I had low fps in vrack 2 in some parts. I'll prolly end up setting the res to 640x480.


Oh and Fred, if you don't compile a reject table for Vrack3 I will hurt you :P

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I only played through Vrack2 once, and not really planning on playing it again so too late now stphrz. I'll prolly do it with Vrack 3 though... Seeing how Fredrik treats his Vracks I know I will. =]

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That comp will definitely run it.

I'll try with a reject builder - if it's possible. Coecits made RMB crash =P

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