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Is it just me......


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......or have a lot of people been banned around here lately?
Off hand I can think of nightfang, IMJack, Xenospam, and the list goes on.

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I wasn't banned... I hope. I just posted in the wrong thread at the worng time. But I'm stuck with a negative post count and the noble title of "Total Retard."

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The only person who was banned I think was Xenospam, but I'm pretty sure he re-registered as SweedishDoomer. The others were all just put on probation.

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I wasn't banned... I hope. I just posted in the wrong thread at the worng time. But I'm stuck with a negative post count and the noble title of "Total Retard."

And how was that little feat accomplished?

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I, um... failed to notice this little provision of Ling's title-grabbing frenzy. Look for the part about "facing [Ling's] wrath." I still say I was online at the appointed time. But I'm working it off, and all is cool.

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When people on Probation finally get into positive posts again, we're stuck with newbie labels again, right? That's gonna suck.

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Yeah and I think your new tittle will stay too. I think, it never happened to me so I don't know =]

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Yeah, but dangit, I'm gonna work my way out of this thing and be darn proud when I do. Unless Ling has mercy. And you never know.

A quarter of the way there...

Was anyone actually banned for posting after Ling's "do not post after this message or you will be banned" post?

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Mewse... he begged his ban off though. And unless you're really freinds with him don't try it cuz he'll prolly get pissed and ban you.

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Did Disorder ever work himslef out of his hole?

Not quite, I think he's still stuck around -36.

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......or have a lot of people been banned around here lately?
Off hand I can think of nightfang, IMJack, Xenospam, and the list goes on.

*looks around*

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No you're not really banned.

Vad skriver du för skit? Mitt Xenoman account är ju bannat. Jag reregistrerade mig som SwedishDoomer för några dagar sedan, so what?

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You two, stop posting in Swedish. Once or twice was bearable but this is just getting silly.

Take your discussions to the IM system or ICQ.

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