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Buying full Doom!

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Hiya!! I'm desperately trying to buy a copy of DooM here in sunny Scotland but I just can't find it anywhere!! I know I can buy it directly from id Software but I don't have any credit cards!! Does anyone have any suggestions...

I'm choking to play some of those cool wads out there!!!! BTW I'm a recent Doom convert - I'm an Amigan and mostly played Alien Breed 3D, 3DII and Breathless, but now I have a PC I've discovered DooM (I have a P133 with 48MB!! - I know it's not tooo great but it does the job!! Even if it is only about the same speed (in real terms) as my 28Mhz Amiga!!!! ;-}) Please help!!!!


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If you can buy a money order, you can print out this form from id's site and mail it to the proper address, and they will ship you the game(s). International shipping does take a while though.

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I have a P133 with 48MB!! - I know it's not tooo great

= big understatement !

P133 is a great computer for DOOM, WTF do you want?

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P133 is a great computer for DOOM, WTF do you want?

not if you want to play a Vrack map or JDoom.

you could probably find someone on ebay selling doom that ships to where ever you live, or some other site with it.

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Thanx for the quick response - faster than a frame update for Quake on my machine!!!

Just to placate some folks I do really quite like my 133 even if I am upgrading it to a p200!!! ;-}...

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I have a P133 with 48MB!! - I know it's not tooo great

= big understatement !

P133 is a great computer for DOOM, WTF do you want?

Then how about my 900MHz Celeron! :)

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If you want to play jDOOM, play Quake 2.

Another one of those fucker's with no apreciation for advancment. What makes you different from that idiot who calls himself a "puritain doomer"?

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P133 is a great computer for DOOM, WTF do you want?

not if you want to play a Vrack map or JDoom.

Don't get it wrong. The first Vrack is even playable on a P133, and you could probably convert it to doom2.exe compatible if you only removed a few visplanes.

If you want some metaphor for detailness/exaggerationness/slowness etc, please refer to Vrack 2, Vrack 3 or Coecits.

Thank you.

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I meant vrack 2, I could have mentioned a lot other's, but that was the only one that came up from the top of my head. Anyway that doesn't change the point I'm trying to state which is that 133MHZ isn't enough for all dooming needs. It is good enough though.

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What is all this posturing, eh? If you really want a good computer why don't you buy something other than a PC?!!?! Is that a cat among those pigeons?? Anyway I'm quite happy to play ZDooM or Legacy which both seem to like my spec!! PS - What is Collector's DooM? I can't seem to find out anything about it. Is it just a US release or something?? Sorry you'll have to excuse a DooM newbie!!

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I don't get what you are trying to say with the first statment. Collectors doom is a official release from iD with Ultimate doom, doom2, and final doom. Comes all together for about 30 bucks. I don't know if you can buy it outside of US, I'd think you could, but I'm not sure.

and no your dick is not bigger than mine

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Well then how about that sweet, sweeeet 16 P3-500 cluster on my father's work? Ummmmh, gotta visit that place, I mean him more often.

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If you want to play jDOOM, play Quake 2.

Another one of those fucker's with no apreciation for advancment. What makes you different from that idiot who calls himself a "puritain doomer"?

First of all, orion, fuck you.

And now I'll answer your question.

I appreciate advancement, and unlike that jerk who calls himself "puritain doomer" I don't hate source ports, I like source ports. If I don't like some of them, it's not because I dislike the new features but for cosmetic reason or for the uselessness of some of the features.

JDOOM happens to be one port I like. It's really cool and it's a great job. But DOOM isn't about the graphics or sound, but about gameplay. All the cool features of JDOOM add little to the gameplay of the original DOOM, and if it's the graphics that attract a person, he may just as well play one of the many visually awesome games that have come out after DOOM and continue to come out non-stop. The majority of people who wouldn't play original DOOM, wouldn't play JDOOM too.

The whole point of DOOM is it being the evidence of an old, simple game, that even a 486 can run, can nevertheless be very fun. If you have a comp good enough to play JDOOM, it's great, if not, it is still not a big loss in terms of DOOMing.

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Well then how about my TBird 1.0GHz?

Well then how about my TBird 1.0GHz?

Well then how about my Z-80 5.0Hz?

Well what about Katarhyne's dual Athlon XP 1.7s?

I bet she almost has the CPU horsepower to get fifteen frames a second in Trespasser. =)

Buying Collector's Doom through snailmail might be your best bet of getting a hold of it, buddy.

Why would anyone get a PC? You said it yourself, Doom. Games. Software in general. Mac is a more powerful system but it only gets 5% of the software so there's no point in using it, especially if you're used to having software. Linux isn't for endusers, most of the programs released on it are perpetual betas that take a good coercing to function properly. You could always stay with your Amiga and I could stay with my Game And Watch, they're about equal.

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Well then how about that sweet, sweeeet 16 P3-500 cluster on my father's work? Ummmmh, gotta visit that place, I mean him more often.

That's pretty good for an office computer. At my work we are stuck with Pentium 100's. Although since I got a raise I got a Pentium 200 instead. It's good for an office computer, but sucks for gaming.

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Well then how about that sweet, sweeeet 16 P3-500 cluster on my father's work? Ummmmh, gotta visit that place, I mean him more often.

That's pretty good for an office computer. At my work we are stuck with Pentium 100's. Although since I got a raise I got a Pentium 200 instead. It's good for an office computer, but sucks for gaming.

Again, for old DOS-based games (almost any DOS based game), Pentium 200 is the ideal machine. I have one I bought especially for oldies, just waiting to plug it in (I need a monitor, accessories and a place to put it on).

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First of all, orion, fuck you.

Don't start shit with me you little ass raped nut sack

JDOOM happens to be one port I like. It's really cool and it's a great job. But DOOM isn't about the graphics or sound, but about gameplay. All the cool features of JDOOM add little to the gameplay of the original DOOM, and if it's the graphics that attract a person, he may just as well play one of the many visually awesome games that have come out after DOOM and continue to come out non-stop. The majority of people who wouldn't play original DOOM, wouldn't play JDOOM too.

You little mofo twat just because Doom is as great as it isn't a reason why it's graphics can't get better. Face it, if the gameplay is excellent, and the graphics aged a little, why not fix em up? What's fucking wrong with that? Huh punk?

If you have a comp good enough to play JDOOM, it's great, if not, it is still not a big loss in terms of DOOMing.

If that's the way you feel then why the fuck were you fucking comparing JDoom to quake 2? That sounds like you're trying to say Jdoom ruins the feel of doom and makes it quake like. That's why I said you have no appreciation for advancment.

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Don't start shit with me you little ass raped nut sack

Again, orion, fuck you.

You little mofo twat just because Doom is as great as it isn't a reason why it's graphics can't get better. Face it, if the gameplay is excellent, and the graphics aged a little, why not fix em up? What's fucking wrong with that? Huh punk?

Nothing, and I never said there was. It's just you fucking idiot only see what you want to see, and probably just start this dumb argument because you've got nothing to do.

If that's the way you feel then why the fuck were you fucking comparing JDoom to quake 2? That sounds like you're trying to say Jdoom ruins the feel of doom and makes it quake like. That's why I said you have no appreciation for advancment.

Fucking JDOOM doesn't fucking ruin the fucking feeling of the fucking DOOM, and the fucking feeling of the fucking Quake is fucking good too.

It's people who say that making DOOM somewhat Quake-like ruin the DOOM feeling are the people who don't appreciate advancement. And these were your fucking words, not mine, you fucker.

I merely said that it's possible to enjoy DOOM without JDOOM, therefore it's possible to enjoy DOOM without a fast PC with a 3D-accelerator, and that's a huge plus DOOM has over the same Quake 2 for example, or Half-life.

And if you can't fucking talk civilized, just fuck the shut up.

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I don't feel like fucking around with this on the forum to prove your dumb ass wrong. Expect an email from me soon.

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Don't start shit with me you little ass raped nut sack

Again, orion, fuck you.

You little mofo twat just because Doom is as great as it isn't a reason why it's graphics can't get better. Face it, if the gameplay is excellent, and the graphics aged a little, why not fix em up? What's fucking wrong with that? Huh punk?

Nothing, and I never said there was. It's just you fucking idiot only see what you want to see, and probably just start this dumb argument because you've got nothing to do.

If that's the way you feel then why the fuck were you fucking comparing JDoom to quake 2? That sounds like you're trying to say Jdoom ruins the feel of doom and makes it quake like. That's why I said you have no appreciation for advancment.

Fucking JDOOM doesn't fucking ruin the fucking feeling of the fucking DOOM, and the fucking feeling of the fucking Quake is fucking good too.

It's people who say that making DOOM somewhat Quake-like ruin the DOOM feeling are the people who don't appreciate advancement. And these were your fucking words, not mine, you fucker.

I merely said that it's possible to enjoy DOOM without JDOOM, therefore it's possible to enjoy DOOM without a fast PC with a 3D-accelerator, and that's a huge plus DOOM has over the same Quake 2 for example, or Half-life.

And if you can't fucking talk civilized, just fuck the shut up.

And if you can't fucking talk civilized, just fuck the shut up.

Theres alota fuck in the air...I can feel it.

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