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OT: System Uptimes


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arioch@despayre:~$ uptime
10:03:26 up 80 days, 12:15, 3 users, load average: 0.01, 0.00, 0.00

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My records™;

Celeron 300, 192MB RAM, Win98, located in the basement: 76 hours.

Athlon 1.4ghz, 512MB RAM, Win2k, airplane fan - placed just a meter from where I have to sleep: 27 hours.

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Current record:

Celeron-500, 256MB RAM, Win98: 116 hours.

Current uptime (same system): 38 hours, and counting (until the next time I decide to start up DCK, or until the damn computer decides it wants to eat up 60% of the resources for no reason).

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I have to switch to vacuum cooling so I can have the comp running even when I'm sleeping.

No wait my brain is already vacuumed out. (Refer to my avatar for total effect of that sentence).

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