ooverlord Posted May 31, 2006 Just posting some of my favorite wads, etc. Hoping that others will too, that I might discover some cool new stuff for classic Doom I & II. Obituary: Just plain ol' great level design. New enemies (some futuristic soldiers that can turn invisible at times) a couple of new weapons, and some great traps. Army of Darkness Doom: One of the better wads based on movies, as you go to pretty much all of the locales, that are done using Heretic and Hexen grafx. Much closer to the movie than most wads. Simpsons Doom and Ultimate Simpsons Doom: The first one changed all enemies and objects into Simpsons related stuff, but USD also changed the textures, which are INCREDIBLE. Plague (I think that was the name): Mostly just posted by a friend to challenge people. A really big wad that was nigh-literally packed full of as many monsters, weapons and powerups as you've ever seen in a level (pretty much the whole level was giant rooms completely crowded with some of the tougher monsters. It was hokey and simple, but it was also a lot of fun, and a nice wad to get under your belt. Aliens-TC: Sure it never got fixed, but it was still pretty cool. ChexQuest 1-3: Gotta love that Chex cereal found a way to get moms to let their kids play Doom. :) Strife: I know neither this or CQ are really mods in the garage sense, but pro games that simply used the Doom engine, but Strife really showed what was possible in FPS RPGs using that engine. Too bad they never made a sequel. Wolfendoom: Just like anything to do with Wolfenstein. I know that most of these are obvious choices, but I'll think of some more later. Just wanted to get it started. 0 Share this post Link to post
Th0r Posted May 31, 2006 Not another "fav wad" thread anyways dwango5 map1 0 Share this post Link to post
Grazza Posted May 31, 2006 ooverlord said:Hoping ... that I might discover some cool new stuff for classic Doom I & II.Given that there have been a lot of threads of this type in the past, if you do a forum search, you will probably find a lot of information of that type - more than you'll get in this thread, as people aren't generally all that willing to go find the last time they answered this question and do a copy/paste. Do forum searches for:the words "favorite" and "wads" the words "favorite" and "megawads" the words "favorite" and "episodes"(Or spell it "favourite" if you like - you'll bring up pretty much the same results.) That should get you off to a good start. 0 Share this post Link to post
LordK Posted May 31, 2006 A stock answer to these kinds of threads is to look up the 10 Years of Doom feature on the frontpage. 0 Share this post Link to post
Deeforce Posted May 31, 2006 ooverlord said:Just posting some of my favorite wads, etc. Hoping that others will too, that I might discover some cool new stuff for classic Doom I & II.I created a thread some time ago... Maybe you find something there: My Top 100 (Single Player Wads) 0 Share this post Link to post
kristus Posted May 31, 2006 ooverlord said:Aliens-TC: Sure it never got fixed, but it was still pretty cool. What is there to fix? 0 Share this post Link to post
ooverlord Posted June 1, 2006 Ok, I didn't mean to step on anyone's toes here. All y'gotta do is not reply to the topic if you've done this a million times before, but thanks for the links. :) Besides, new faves could always have turned up since the last time this was done. As for Aliens TC, the one I downloaded off cdrom.com was glitchy as all get-out. Invisible walls, jumpy sprites, etc. if you know a better place to get it, please lemme know. 0 Share this post Link to post
myk Posted June 1, 2006 ooverlord said: if you know a better place to get it, please lemme know. You'd need help installing it, you mean. What you're describing means the DeHackEd patch, some of the resources, or both, were not being applied properly (if at all). 0 Share this post Link to post
kristus Posted June 1, 2006 Yeah, the installation if faulty. You need the dehacked patch. 0 Share this post Link to post
Fusion Posted June 1, 2006 My favorite DM compilation of all time has to be Extreme.wad compiled by Evil Genius (back in 94/95). It's amazing, and i don't think it's in the archives.. Maybe i'll upload it... 0 Share this post Link to post
ooverlord Posted June 2, 2006 Ok ok, I messed up and didn't install the dehacked patch. Most of the wads I've used don't really require it. I just put 'em in the launcher and they work fine. As far as wadfiles go and general programming for them, I admit I'm no expert, heck, I'm not even an average amateur, but that doesn't change the fact that nobody loves the game more than I do. As much? Sure, but not more. 0 Share this post Link to post
Nick Perrin Posted June 2, 2006 Personally I like the wads that modify a lot of the game. For example, some favourites are Action Doom, Immoral Conduct, Darkshadow's project (I forget what it's called, has a lot of super-detailed tech bases and outdoor areas with hi-res textures), others in the same vein. Some are yet to be released! 0 Share this post Link to post
scwiba Posted June 2, 2006 I don't think I've really answered this question yet, so here goes. The first things that come to mind are megawads, just because there's more about them to remember. Here are my favorites: Strain Simplicity Memento Mori II Scythe (though the last ten or so levels are somewhat bothersome) Alien Vendetta (for me, it had some low points, but overall quite fun) For smaller WADs, the only ones I can name off the top of my head are... Tremor RTC-3057 Deus Vult (neat, but doesn't hold much replay value for me) The Spire 0 Share this post Link to post
Pure Hellspawn Posted June 2, 2006 There should be an official doomworld top fifty wads of all time page. Anyways, why did nobody mention Super Sonic Doom? I loved it. Also liked: Mock 2: The Speed of Stupid DO-TIMS!! (YEAH) many of the other wads already mentioned and a lot more. 0 Share this post Link to post
kristus Posted June 3, 2006 Pure hellretard: You mean like this? http://www.doomworld.com/10years/bestwads/ 0 Share this post Link to post
Scuba Steve Posted June 3, 2006 And the subsequent... Best of 2004 Best of 2005 0 Share this post Link to post
ooverlord Posted June 5, 2006 I've explored a bit further, and unless I'm missing something there isn't a best graphic/sound set list or else I'm sure Ultimate Simpsons Doom would be there, or Barney Doom, if only for nostalgia. If I'm indeed wrong could somebody post a link to it? If I'm right, can somebody post their favorites? 0 Share this post Link to post
Pure Hellspawn Posted June 5, 2006 kristus said:Pure Hellspawn: You mean like this? http://www.doomworld.com/10years/bestwads/ In a way, but we couls have a poll to give each wad a specific ranking. For example, we could have each member (with at least 100 posts) choose from the poll their absolute favorite and possibly even their second favorite and third favorite. The favorite would get 3 points, second favorite would get 2, and third favorite would get 1. The wad with the most points would be the Best Doom Wad Ever, and we could display the top 100 according to ranking. P.S. What ever happened with mancubus.net? 0 Share this post Link to post
kristus Posted June 5, 2006 Considering what the general Doomer consider a great wad, I really have no intrest in ever seeing a list like that. It hurts my brain just thinking about the crap that would be top ranked. just because something is popular, doesn't mean that it's good. EDIT: Anyway, the idgames archive thingy here on DW support a "Top rated" list that is dynamic. 0 Share this post Link to post
ooverlord Posted June 5, 2006 Man, there seems to be a bit of snobbery on the board here, which is sad, because geekery is about bringing geeks together, not trying to make cliques even amongst us. So some people don't know about Doom as much as other people. Many of us (including myself) love it just as much and many of us (including myself) have had it and played it avidly since its initial release. I have my areas of expertise as well, and I hope I don't ever try to belittle those that don't have my level of knowledge in those fields. Now that I've ranted, lemme restate, does anyone have any favorite graphic/sound replacements for Doom? 0 Share this post Link to post
ooverlord Posted June 6, 2006 What? Tempt you to belittle me (heck I'd like to see you try to do that) or someone else? Sheesh, if there's a reason why 'the Doom community is dying', it's because some people busy themselves looking down on others, driving other people who love the game away, rather than befriending or helping them. I love Doom. I've played it avidly since its release. I never laid any claim to being even remotely expert at either using the programs or commands, nor do I make any claim to being any more than a better-than-average player, but even if I were, I doubt I'd talk about people in such a derogatory tone as you do. Heck, it's a game, a great game, but one of thousands, and frankly if I was gonna treat someone like dirt over something, you can bet it'd be bigger than a game. But I actually <like> people, and even on topics where I -do- have greater knowledge, I certainly don't seek to belittle others simply because they don't know as much. Now back to the actual topic at hand please, and if you're gonna be snide, save it for something that matters. 0 Share this post Link to post
Tango Posted June 6, 2006 ^ That's exactly what I've been wanting to say for a while. Nice post. =) 0 Share this post Link to post
Ebon Posted June 6, 2006 ooverlord said:What? Tempt you to belittle me (heck I'd like to see you try to do that) or someone else? Sheesh, if there's a reason why 'the Doom community is dying', it's because some people busy themselves looking down on others, driving other people who love the game away, rather than befriending or helping them. I love Doom. I've played it avidly since its release. I never laid any claim to being even remotely expert at either using the programs or commands, nor do I make any claim to being any more than a better-than-average player, but even if I were, I doubt I'd talk about people in such a derogatory tone as you do. Heck, it's a game, a great game, but one of thousands, and frankly if I was gonna treat someone like dirt over something, you can bet it'd be bigger than a game. But I actually <like> people, and even on topics where I -do- have greater knowledge, I certainly don't seek to belittle others simply because they don't know as much. Now back to the actual topic at hand please, and if you're gonna be snide, save it for something that matters. Welcome ooverlord,,, Hey, we could make the world a BETTER place! The "trouble" is that vipeople are more concerned about keeping it clean and tidy than creating a conversation-friendly hall. Just ignore them, they'll realise their own mistakes. So as for my favourite WADs: The Final DOOMs (being commercial, it deserves attention) and DOOM.WAD (Yep, original DOOM, much more than DOOM2.WAD) CRUSADES.WAD (DOOM I; sweet place, just great for rainy days) The TWO Darkenings (DOOM II; especially Darkening1; same as above, but less intense IMO, but longer) There are surely others, but I rarely consider replaying them. BTW, would you like a .wad of mine for you to finish? Check my post with "Map Passing" on the "Wads & Mods" forum... 0 Share this post Link to post
Darkfyre Posted June 6, 2006 Fav Wads: Asylum of the Wretched Doom Raider Brotherhood of Ruin Alien Vendetta Extreme (DM) Boothill (DM) Saydm1 (DM) Invade1 & Invade2 (Doom1) Action Doom Helm's Deep Void Vrack3 RTC 3057 The_Evil (For the crazy map layout) 0 Share this post Link to post
ooverlord Posted June 6, 2006 Yeah, sorry about the ranting, but there's just something about elitists in geek forums that burns me. (Not merely that the term 'geek elitist' seems to be an oxymoron) The great thing about the geek subculture is that we all know that we've got issues, and we accept each other anyway. I've got nothing to prove as far as being a gamer's being concerned, but if he wants to challenge me as far as actual gaming resumes, I'll be happy to hang 'im out to dry. :) Now that that's over with, thanks for the wad titles. I'm always looking for something new to do with Doom. :) 0 Share this post Link to post
myk Posted June 6, 2006 ooverlord said: Yeah, sorry about the ranting, but there's just something about elitists in geek forums that burns me. (Not merely that the term 'geek elitist' seems to be an oxymoron) Right, we're all losers here. Whatever. What's more, generally geeks tend to be elitist, they even invent terms like "1337" and "n00b" for that. Geeks are all about getting into weird tech stuff and games others aren't into, which is bound to lead them to a more or less elitist viewpoint. Plus kristus is correct anyway; a poll to get a list of best wads would bring mongacular results. 0 Share this post Link to post
Darkfyre Posted June 6, 2006 Of course, he wasn't commenting on his suggestion, he was commenting on his attitude. It's the anonymous asshole syndrome, half the people on the internet have it, usually because they can't pull the rude tough guy routine in real life, they get a laugh out of it, or they really are just natural egomaniacal snobs. Nonetheless, welcome to Forum talk :p Back to the threaaaaaad topic eh? 0 Share this post Link to post
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