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A poll about weapons mods

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Ok I am gonna ask some questions and you answer them, simple huh?

What is your favorite weapons mod?

2)Lock and Load
3)Immoral Conduct
4)Other (tell us what)

What is a weapon you think is used to much in weapons mods?

4)Other (tell us what)

What weapons mod have you played that you felt was the most original?

2)Lock and Load
3)Immoral Conduct
4)Other (tell us what)

In a weapons mod what type of weapons do you like to see?

3)Big weapons
4)Other (tell us what)

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Oo Oo Oo, I know I know!! j/k. In all, neither one of them are more original, including my own (Lock and Load). Mine just has a lot of shit in it, some that doesn't belong, but I just wanted to see, so it's just a collage. Immoral Conduct is a rehash of all the "Action..." mods out there, and Guns, despite the fact that it's at least on its own...actually isn't on its own because it uses almost the exact same formula that most modern FPS's use for weapons. In otherwords, mine is immaturity unleashed, Cory's is maturity unleashed, and Espi's is...well, the most practical of them, despite the fact that it is so stylistically boring (in my opinion). So...who's is best? Neither of them. They're all excellent examples of hard work in an area that seems abandoned. And BBG, you left out Kaiser's Doomolition, which is pretty good, too. I think that for all of the EDGE weapons mods out there, it really comes down to how you like your play style. If you want realistic, you go with something like Immoral Conduct or Doomolition , but for sheer psychosis, Lock and Load, Guns, or something along that line is most suitable.

In regards to what is the most cliched weapon in a weapons mod, the minigun by far is. But so is akimbo 9's, etc. Flamethrowers are incredibly rare these days, because everyone wants realism...fuck realism, this is a game.

What I like to see in a weapons mod is a bit of everything. Some light stuff here, some heavy stuff there, and everything in between. It gives a sense of harmony, because it doesn't really feel like anything has been omitted. Bad examples of this are Lock and Load and Immoral Conduct, because everything in Lock and Load is incredibly powerful, whereas in Immoral Conduct, there really is only "light" and "heavy" weapons, and no sense of "in between" stuff. Espi's would then be the better example, more because it has light and in between, and omits more of the "heavy" stuff...and that's acceptable. Doomolition I guess could also be a good example, because of the power ranges of the weapons, which steadily increase.

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1. Lock and Load.

2. The Shotgun. I'm grateful that it wasn't used in NOLF :p

3. Immoral Conduct, because some of the guns shoot a ton of shrapnel.

4. Big Weapons definately. Dark Forces' Assault Cannon is huge and powerful :)

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I made a couple of DEH files that change the plasma rifle into a broken plasma rifle, and the BFG into a Hyper plasma rifle.

The broken plasma rifle is basically a flamethrower.
My excuse is that it forms the plasma bolts improperly, and they dissipate quickly.

The Hyper is basically the plasma rifle, but it is faster, stronger, and takes up twice the ammo. Interested? E-mail me and i'll send them your way.

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