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Not a fan of Fava Beans but the other two should be fun and pretty easy for me, I know them very well. :) Thanks!

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Meh, kuchitsu is terrible for speed movies. There is so little health/armor on the way that one "unplanned" shotgunner hit can ruin everything. This is one of these mapsets that are a lot harder when played continuously, you really need to start the maps with high health. I died on map06 twice and lost interest.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Why map11 of oneweek doesn't have a hyper aggressive max by j4rio/ancalagon/rizera/etc by now? It's called "The 24 cyber spirits" so you guys aren't allowed to ignore it. :))

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Do you know about DSDA? It's the biggest archive of Doom demos, if you're looking for speedruns of a particular level that should be the first place to check. There are about 20 demos for this map.

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Memfis said:

Why map11 of oneweek doesn't have a hyper aggressive max by j4rio/ancalagon/rizera/etc by now? It's called "The 24 cyber spirits" so you guys aren't allowed to ignore it. :))

I second that demand ;)

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Ryback did oneweek map 11 on skill 1, skill 3, and skill 4 at 79:42, the demo, ow117942

That has got to be one of the hardest maps on this planet on skill 4.

It would be amazing to see someone beat it.

So Yes, I would second the invitation to anyone who wants to try it.

The main pain in the butt is dying at 40 or 50 minutes and restarts time and time again to nail it.

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Yeah, Belial already beat it in 30 minutes but I think our modern great slaughter players can record a much faster demo.
The secrets in that map are weird. Megasphere in the revenant horde room is simple but seems like for the other 5 secrets you need double or even triple arch-vile jumps??? It's like Erik put them as a joke.

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Plut said:

Has anyone UV-Max for Ashen Garden?

I tried to record the first max for that a while ago, didn't get far though. That outside bit with the two switches was brutal. Great map though I wish Skep would map more as he is also very talented at mapping.

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Memfis said:

Why map11 of oneweek doesn't have a hyper aggressive max by j4rio/ancalagon/rizera/etc by now? It's called "The 24 cyber spirits" so you guys aren't allowed to ignore it. :))

Funny this was mentioned, because I've always thought that Eternal's Belial's Bad Brain was either inspired by or a direct rip off of that map. You can notice the striking similarity in the layout and architecture.

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I earlier saw somebody mentioned Disturbia in a discussion about hard maps and I was wondering if anybody has made a complete run yet? I haven't found anything either on the forums (well I kind of skimmed), the Doomed Speed Demos Archive or on YouTube. The WAD includes a demo file but a few minutes in it desyncs (?) when playing back with my PrBoom Plus.

Today I completed the map on HMP with lots of saves and loads. Great map, immersive and well-designed, but super hard. I think it's possible to do it though. My main gripe is that there is very little armor throughout. Interestingly, I only exited with about 58% kills even though I killed all but the monsters that respawn (quite a few), the Spider Mastermind and a hard to reach cybie on top of a column.

A TAS run would also be great to see but I guess it'd take ages to complete.

Any Doom gods around with nothing much to do? ;)

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That demo is for an older version of the wad, as evidenced by its date. I think GreyGhost from this forum has that version so you can try asking him.

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Thanks Memfis and vdgg. Only problem is that I can't normally download the file without having to download the manager app, which is .exe and won't work on my Mac anyway. Even if I try wget on the terminal the zip file seems to be broken. I also tested the demo file I do have on PrBoom v. 2.5, it has the same problem.

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Kotzugi said:

I earlier saw somebody mentioned Disturbia in a discussion about hard maps and I was wondering if anybody has made a complete run yet? I haven't found anything either on the forums (well I kind of skimmed), the Doomed Speed Demos Archive or on YouTube. The WAD includes a demo file but a few minutes in it desyncs (?) when playing back with my PrBoom Plus.

Today I completed the map on HMP with lots of saves and loads. Great map, immersive and well-designed, but super hard. I think it's possible to do it though. My main gripe is that there is very little armor throughout. Interestingly, I only exited with about 58% kills even though I killed all but the monsters that respawn (quite a few), the Spider Mastermind and a hard to reach cybie on top of a column.

A TAS run would also be great to see but I guess it'd take ages to complete.

Any Doom gods around with nothing much to do? ;)

Hahah, this is EXACTLY (except for the 58% kills, because I gave up before finishing the map) the post I was going to post here for about an hour ago! I was just going to play another map before posting but it took longer than expected...but now you did it, and thanks to Memphis for the v4 :D

I'm super interested in a demo of this map (TAS?). Nope, I can not do it myself, thats for sure.

edit: just watched the HMP-demo by D-D. Jaw dropped. I never found all the secrets when playing myself, holy shit...
A masterpiece.

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Disturbia? You can't max it because it uses a special infinite monster teleporter feature, meaning all the box sections where you see monsters positioned in red areas will constantly respawn, to add to the already momentous challenge.

EDIT: Well not without finding that obscure secret.

Jesus Christ I played that on UV years ago and sorely regretted it, god awful rape fest.

I can't remember, but do you even get any other weapon asides the CG on UV?

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Bloodite Krypto said:

Disturbia? You can't max it because it uses a special infinite monster teleporter feature, meaning all the box sections where you see monsters positioned in red areas will constantly respawn, to add to the already momentous challenge.

Yes I've noticed, they're all over the level, there are even one or two spots where archviles respawn...But what if you kill enough of the spawns? Would that count or does your kill % stay the same?

Anyway, crazy hard level. Not sure if I'd even touch UV with a stick. Hence my presence on this thread. :)

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darkreaver said:

There is no such thing as infinite spawns. Eventually they will all be killed.

Figure of speech, it's call that on the level! Good luck with that without running out of ammo unless you find the obscure secret mentioned ;)

DD's HMP demo was hilarious, practically 7 near death instances and lol at the end, no Megasphere and putting Invuls in secrets on a DD map? Fuck you.

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  • 3 months later...

Hm, Zed mentioned this in "maps that blew you away". NDCP2 MAP19, I'd like to watch some sort of a walkthrough

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That weird tech horror map based on some old game? IIRC it doesn't work in prboom+ correctly (voodoo doll problems or something) so you would need zdoom to record anything.

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  • 2 months later...

Was just playing some of the Tolwyn (David Shaw) maps. Good old school maps. Seemed odd that no one had done demos for any but just the first wad and it is his demo I think.

Take a look at these, might be some fun to be had here. I sure enjoy them.

tolwyn01.zip: Outpost Recon

tolwyn02.zip: An Affinity for Pain

tolwyn03.wad Spacious Depot of Decay

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Tolwyn01 is at DSDA, Tolwyn03 I maxed it some time ago in 15:44, I thought it was too pathetic to share it. Demo-unfriendly map. I'll PM the demo to you and will try to improve it when time permits.

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Thanks, got the PM. Will be watching soon. Really appreciate it.

It is always a blast to watch someone with better skills than me blaze through a map.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How is there still no maxdemo for Congestion 1024 Map 30? Seriously, the completist in me wants to see it done.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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