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War! Huh! What the fuck is it good for?

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Absolutely nothing! All those wankers like Bush and Blair who go on TV saying how necessary the war in Afghanistan is need to sit down, shut up and actually really consider the situation. Like an agressive child the US establishment sees the solution to every problem in violence. If somehow hits you then you hit them back harder, seems to be the general philosophy that the warmongers are espousing, hit them back hard enough and eventually they'll go away right? Wrong. Before the september the 11th attacks Bin Laden was viewed by the Islamic world as a rich extremist out only for himself, now he is being increasingly viewed as a hero. The US doesn't seem to understand what it looks like to the rest of the world as its behemoth army smashes apart a foreign country in what amounts to a crusade to find one man. Whether it likes it or not the US simply looks like a bully, a bruised bully, but a bully non-the-less.

While it may seem obvious to the western citizen sitting at home watching CNN that this war is the necessary and justified response to the September the 11th attacks, to many, especially in the middle east, it is not so obvious and if/when the war in afghanistan is "won", anti-American and anti-western feeling will be stronger than ever.

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I think I can put your ideas in a few words:

War is just an extremely complicated version of "hey I'm gonna kick your ass you pussy!!!!". Pointless, if you ask me.

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This stupid thing of eye-for-an-eye is really getting annoying. They say that we need to wipe out the Taliban (or whoever) because of what happened on September 11th. Its almost like some kid hitting another kid just because he hit first (two wrongs don't make a right, they say).

This has been going on for years. First, the Jews start a crazy religeon with only one god so the rest of the middle east starts beating on them. Eventually, the Jews mass enough force to take their own bit of land, slaughtering whole cities down to the last child. The arabs eventualy take that bit of land back when the Romans boot the Jews out of their holy land. Then the Christians start a series of crusades to take back the holy land and slaughter thousands of arabs in the process. The arabs eventualy win the land back, but then the Christians give the Jews back their land (friends after thousands of years of persecution) becasue they were slaughtered on masse in WWII. This displaces many arabs who were living in that area for the last thousand years or so, and they get pissed. We use this new nation to put a foothold in the middle east, so we can sap it of its recorces. Of corse we do this by force, killing thousands (millions?) of innocent people in the process. The arabs get pissed and ,of corse, strike back the only way they can (we took their military away). So this just pisses the U.S. (representing the Christian world) off and we respond with an all-out attack on their near-defenseless country. When will it end?

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The Talibans are savages. Nothing more than that. They degrade woman by hiding them under robes, forbidding education and killing anyone that helps them learn how to write and read. Music is forbidden by the Taliban, and they drive people to their stadiums in order to watch executions. The Taliban are nothing more than beasts torturing the Afghans.

Fuck them, now it's a good chance to erradicate such pathetic attempt at government. Afghans live in fucking houses made of cardboard and rocks. I'm sure as hell that they deserve better.

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The US doesn't seem to understand what it looks like to the rest of the world as its behemoth army smashes apart a foreign country in what amounts to a crusade to find one man. Whether it likes it or not the US simply looks like a bully, a bruised bully, but a bully non-the-less.

That's true in some places, but not here.

The world has different countries for people who want to live different lives. The point being that if another country wants to have it's own religion, laws, way of life - fine, they can do that in their own country and keep it in their own country. That's what borders are for. The Taliban crossed those borders, came into the US and wreaked havoc. And they've made it quite clear that they will continue to do so, unless something is done to stop it. It's their own retarded asses that got them caught up in this current "war"; they asked for it and they got it. What else would you possibly expect? The US would be silly to bow down to them and take on their way of life just to get them to stop harassing us.

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The Talibans are savages. Nothing more than that. They degrade woman by hiding them under robes, forbidding education and killing anyone that helps them learn how to write and read. Music is forbidden by the Taliban, and they drive people to their stadiums in order to watch executions. The Taliban are nothing more than beasts torturing the Afghans.

Fuck them, now it's a good chance to erradicate such pathetic attempt at government. Afghans live in fucking houses made of cardboard and rocks. I'm sure as hell that they deserve better.

The only reason they have this government is because the U.S. has sucesfuly been able to keep any hard-to-control democracies from popping up. The Taliban did once support the U.S., and vice-versa. Basicaly, the Taliban have been branded as traitors, and are now being beat to shit by America because of it.

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The Taliban did once support the U.S., and vice-versa. Basicaly, the Taliban have been branded as traitors, and are now being beat to shit by America because of it.

Hmmm... they totally trashed the center of the American Economy and tried to take out the president, THEY COULN'T POSSIBLY BE TRAITORS, COULD THEY?!?!

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I hated the Taliban long befor this war. long befor september 11, it's all bollocks. isn't it kinda funny how the US is backing up the northen alliance? there not really that much better...

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The Taliban did once support the U.S., and vice-versa. Basicaly, the Taliban have been branded as traitors, and are now being beat to shit by America because of it.

Hmmm... they totally trashed the center of the American Economy and tried to take out the president

What? No, they didn't.

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Just one thing, Lut.

You can hate the Taliban as much as you want, but they have _nothing_ to do with the attack on the WTC and the Pentagon. And you speak as if they sent this attack.


Some of the historical facts you bring are wrong, others are only half-true, therefore the conclusion you draw from this is not the right one.

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Just one thing, Lut.

You can hate the Taliban as much as you want, but they have _nothing_ to do with the attack on the WTC and the Pentagon. And you speak as if they sent this attack.

I don't personally have anything against the Taliban, I never knew of them before now and like I said before, they wanna do their own thing in their own country, fine. If they were doing that here, it may be a different story.

And yes I do speak as if they sent the attack because as far as anybody knows, THEY DID. I don't necessary trust/care for most of the US government, but I'll go with what they say about this until it's proven otherwise. So which conspiracy theory do you support?

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I don't support any conspiracy theory as far as the 11.9 attack goes, Lut.

I don't know where your info comes from, but no one had ever said that the Taliban sent the terrorists. Most of the terrorists were Egyptians and Saudians, not one of them was an Afghan. Bin Laden was the first to blame of course, as he carries the title of "International Terrorist #1", and few argew with that. I don't know of any proof that Bin Laden indeed sent those terrorist, although such proof might exist. It's safe to assume he had quite some things to do with it, even if he doesn't admit it.

Bin Laden is not an Afghan, nor is he a member of the Taliban. The only thing US had against the Taliban, is that it was said they were giving shelter to Bin Laden and refused to surrender him (if indeed he is in Afghanistan), and they also were said to support his actions, that's it.

Don't see this as me defending the Talibs or any terrorists, but you know what I think of this whole war in Afghanistan? The US needed to re-establish its pride and show its people and the rest of the world that they are fighting the international terrorism. So an easy target was picked and the "holy war" started. I think this action against the Taliban is absolutely useless. You can't catch Bin Laden like that, and even if you do, with the death or imprisonment of Bin Laden the world terrorism is not gonna disappear.

When US established the so-called international coalition against terrorism, they wanted to have in it Iran, Syria, countries which are known to support terrorist organizations _at the present time_, and also the Palestinian Authority, which is itself one big terrorist organization. Forgive me, but I can't take such a "coalition" seriously.

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War and readiness for war is 99% deterrent. Osama Bin Laden would really march his idiots in here and SHOOT EVERY ONE OF US IN THE FACE if he had nothing to fear. But he does have something to fear, that's why he doesn't do it.

There are a lot of countries and a lot of conflicting interests in the world. Brute force has resolved more issues in the world than anything else. If you can think of something better hey, go for it.

Stupid people are still going to bomb each other over monetary issues, though, and that will probably not change in our lifetimes. Get used to it.

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War gave us our independence and rights (but obviously some of you don't quite like your rights)

War ended slavery.

War ended the slaughter of millions of Jews.

War ended Soviet Communism.

War destroyed totalitarian regimes.

War prevented one idiot from annexing all of the MidEast like Hitler did in Europe.

War saved the Kosovars from Serbian destruction.

War will, if all goes well, destroy the extremist terrorists and show the fuckface governments that aide them that they can't carry on with such crackhead activities and get away with it.

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"An eye for an eye leads to a nation of blind men." -Ghandi

Here's something "cute". When it's written in official records, the US government won't call it a 'war' but a 'conflict'. Heh.... they always try to keep their 'shiny reputation', but really, there's been many more wars, maybe "minor", but still wars where both sides lost people of both good and evil. War solves nothing, but is always invoked. Can't anyone hold a reasonable debate these days in the government? *Sighs* they're still so arrogant... nobody wants to compromise, so even more will suffer. War is in most cases a temporary solution, I find. It works for some things, but not others.... and this one may be in the 'other' catagory...

I said they'd likely start a war, didn't I? Wish I hadn't been right... *sighs*

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War ended Soviet Communism.

Eh... Not really. it was the nature of the Soviet Communism that destroyed it.

War saved the Kosovars from Serbian destruction.

No, actually in that particular war, the US and the western world aided the Albanian terrorists in Kosovo to slaughter serbs, and now Macedonians.

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War ended Soviet Communism.

Eh... Not really. it was the nature of the Soviet Communism that destroyed it.

Yeah, you're right, I should have put "Cold" in front of that.

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War is the answer to the ultimate question, any ultimate question when you get down to it. Who will live or die? War answers that. Who is dominant? War answers that. Who has the power? Just starting a war answers that.

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