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Counter-Strike weapons for deathmatch

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I made a Counter-Strike weapon pack for dm.It contains dehacked,not decorate,so it is working at zdaemon too.Replacements:

1./1. Fist

1./2. Bowie Knife

2. Desert Eagle .50 AE

3./1. XM1014 (M4 Super 90)

3./2. M3 Super 90 Entry

4. M4A1 Carbine with Silencer

5. Handgrenade

6. Arctic Warfare Magnum,Sniper rifle (AWP or AWM)

7. Not replaced.Blocked BFG.

Download link: http://doomer.cabspace.com/CSDMfix1.zip

Credits: Valve software for CS models,
BlackFish(weapon sprite source)

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Interesting, although reloading after releasing the trigger for most of the weapons means that people are going to spray and pray even more so then regular doom weapons witch goes against what CS is all about.
And why dose the player shout in German when you through a grenade?

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Captain Red said:

And why does the player shout in German when you through a grenade?

Is this problem?I found this sound somewhere,and i inserted it :P

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Captain Red said:

Not really a problem, but why didn't you just use the "Grenade out!" sample in CS?

Thanks for idea,cs sound will included in next version.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Doomer(HUN) said:

Thanks for idea,cs sound will included in next version.

Oh what an original idea, I really understand how you missed it and used a random german sound instead (the most natural solution).

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Janizdreg said:

BTW, could some of you please reupload the original Counter-Doom somewhere? I'd appreciate it very much.

It should already be on the idgames archives - it's bf-cdoom.wad.

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I'm downloading this for the DEagle and the auto-shotty. There's plenty of CS sound resources you could have use for tossing a grenade. "Fire in the hole", perhaps? :P

[EDIT:]The L96A1(AWP) sounds like the Steyr Scout. :(
Sprites look great though.

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