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What main menu selecter pointer is best

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Uhhh, to be honest all of them cause me bad headaches (interpics and selection thingy).
Whats the point of having Doom3 screenshots as intermission graphics for a classic doom mod anyway :/?

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Thoose selection thingys are just like beta. I just want to ask is shotgun beter than minigun? Do you wanna see a shotgun or minigun on main menu. And I may change thoose interpicts to to mach ZDooMs 256-color bitmaps, when I can get my XWE work propertly.
(It not make 256-color bitmaps to sprites and when i change them to sprite,it changes them back to image-lump)

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Here's a small suggestion. Before doing any of the interpics/splash screens, once you done all the enemies or such and maybe did a few maps, take a screenshot in there so it keeps within the Zdoom/doom style/palette of whatever you're trying to achieve.

So far, the big chunky letters (looks like they're made in paint) are terribly aligned and don't look nice at all. I understand if it's all beta though.

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They look like a DooM pictures because I saved them to a 256-color bitmaps so they are a poor quality like other doom textures.

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Sorry dude, but from what I could see you didn't spend much time on that at all.

The rifle, shotgun, or what ever the fuck that is supposed to be is probably the worst.
It looks more like something I drew in Kindergarten.

The chaingun is completely fucked up. You've got all the barrels firing at once, and the ammo looks just plain pathetic.

The interpic itself looks absolutely horrible. All you did was take a Doom 3 screen shot and add some EXTREMELY crappy text done in MS paint.

You might want to get some help from some of our more experienced artists on this. I'm sure Kristus, Agent Spork, or Leilollei will be more then glad to help you.

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Why do many of you always have to be so negetive?
Isn't contructive criticism alot better?
Anyway I like the chainsaw better than the rifle and the minigun.
As for the interpics, why not use sceenshots from your level or something without the comments (which I don't think are in proper English=))

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I don't think anyone would come very far with constructive critism here,
because this is beyond fixing unless he scraps the custom graphics at all!
Oh and btw, Tchau isn't proper italian, it's spelled ciao ;)

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What's wrong with the normal skull selecter? If you want a more DOOM 3 feel replace it with an arrow or something, yet I suggest to keep the standar selecter. If you want to modify something modify the m_doom picture (but only if you have something that match the quality of the original).
About the intermision and titleplic, really what's the point in puting screenshots of DOOM 3? If you want something new and don't want to draw it use some artwork from the internet, I'm sure you can find something for your tastes.

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Vader said:

Tchau isn't proper italian, it's spelled ciao

I thought Tchau was his name or something, signing off. It's sad I find this funny :p

Anyway. Um. Basically it's your level man, do what you want, make it for yourself and hope the community likes it, you don't need to taylor it to everyone else.

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Don't take this the wrong way, but, is this a joke? Seriously? It almost seems like a clever Jeff K ripoff or something...

Anyway, I suggest going back to the drawing table with all of those. Unless you don't plan on releasing it, then just do whatever the hell you want. The thing is, people don't really appreciate doom 3 screenshots and mspaint as you may think.

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tchau is portugues.... not italian....
It means the same but you spell it differently.

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Dyne said:

It means the same but you spell it differently.

More like correctly.

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Dyne said:

tchau is portugues.... not italian....
It means the same but you spell it differently.

The topic is about which pointer and interpic is the best. It's not about Tchau and it's origins

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Vegeta said:

If you want something new and don't want to draw it use some artwork from the internet, I'm sure you can find something for your tastes.

They are my OWN taked screenshot! Not taken to internet.

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Well I have changed thoose interpicts now and you should have to see my firs main menu selector thingy. Black arrows what flashes all color balls.

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JonTTu111 said:

They are my OWN taked screenshot! Not taken to internet.

I'll resist the temptation.
What I wanted to mean is that some artwork from the Internet (not screenshots) should be better than these interpics, it's the same if you have taken these shots from the internet or if you captured them by yourself.

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