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Though it may be breaking the "code" of not posting about something you're involved in, no one else has yet posted about it so I will: WIP has returned! That's right, boris's Wads In Progress website is back online. WIP is a great place to post your Doom/Heretic/Hexen/Doom 3 projects, with screenshots and discussion features so you can get feedback quickly and a whole lot more. So go on, check out what's new in Doom engine modifications!

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Those issues some of you experienced with using the wadsinprogress.info url should be gone now as well. If you're still experiencing problems, be sure to contact either boris or myself.

EDIT: ok apparently works but without it you still get the old ip. I'm speaking with boris about this issue and it should be resolved shortly.

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About time someone posted it atleast. :D

Now I guess I have to start working on a wad so I can make good pimping use of it.

or just update the "Doom3 Phobos" entry in there.

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Mancubus II said:

Though it may be breaking the "code" of not posting about something you're involved in



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Man I haven't been able to get in there in about two years! I wholeheartedly agree with dethtoll...

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Vader said:

Finally I'm able to load the WIP page from my Pc at home :D

Same. I had to look at WIP either through a proxy (annoying) or at school before. Now it not only works, but it's also a lot faster than it was before.

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boris said:

It's slower for me :)


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I think someone needs to point out that Manc is awesome for hosting like, everything.

Soon we'll all be posting on doomworld.mancubus.net. :P

So uh. Manc - you're awesome! :D

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leileilol said:

manc's even hosting me and you all hate me lol

Seriously, who cares, and why even bring that up? Oh, I forgot, you have to be the centre of attention all the time.

Anyway, this is awesome news for the Doom community, I know I can speak for most people here when I say we've missed it ;)

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