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Who dishes out the most hurt.


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Zdoom should incorporate a feature that displays how much each type of monster has hurt you (armor adjusted) and also the percentage each monster makes up of all the monsters.

To clarify: If there are 23 lost souls of 234 monsters in a level, lost souls would make up 10.174% of all the monsters in that level, and let's say they did some serious pounding on you and are responsible for 35% of all the damage done to you. So although they only make up 10% of the total monsters they did 3 and a half times that percentage in damage. It would be interesting to see who's doing the most damage. I know for me in DOOM 1 lost souls do the most damage for the amount of them and in DOOM 2 the chaingun bob's would do the most prolly closely followed by mancubi. Actually, what am I saying, prolly the archvile or mastermind, then cyb.

What DOOM 1 monster do you think inflicts the most damage on you besides the bosses?

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Well, I know shotgunners give me a lot of damage since it's hard to avoid their attack.

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The only Doom enemies that really get on my nerves are Chaingunners and Revenants. The rest are pretty easily dealt with but if I get a few of those two in a crowd I usually end up taking a shitload of damage.

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but if I get a few of those two in a crowd I usually end up taking a shitload of damage.

You and everyone else. One or two revenants are easily dealt with. After that it gets too hard to keep track of the homing missiles and all the directions they are coming at you from.

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What gets me is I always seem to somehow end up taking out Chaingunners last... and the whole while they're just pumping my ass like I'm a fish in Cell Block D.

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I hate it when the chaingunners are above you and you are helpless. You try and move one way to dodge, but you still get hit. Makes me sad

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I hate the Shotgunners. VERY deadly up close and and quite annoying from a distance.
I also hate the Barons of Hell. Not that hard to kill (strafe and fire quickly enough and you'll get out alive), but that big hand-slap manuever can reealllly hurt.

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I can't really tell who dishes out the most hurt.. But i can tell you when you're out numbered by imps and low on ammo it's not a good thing....

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Chaingunners. Over time I've learned to deal with P. Elementals and Revvies, but Chaingunners are still a pain.

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Zdoom should incorporate a feature that displays how much each type of monster has hurt you (armor adjusted) and also the percentage each monster makes up of all the monsters.

To clarify: If there are 23 lost souls of 234 monsters in a level, lost souls would make up 10.174% of all the monsters in that level, and let's say they did some serious pounding on you and are responsible for 35% of all the damage done to you. So although they only make up 10% of the total monsters they did 3 and a half times that percentage in damage. It would be interesting to see who's doing the most damage.

That would probably be the second most useless statistics ever.

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