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Hello fellow doomworld people.. yeah i know this sounds corny but hey! I finnaly got off my ass and signed up.. So who's all ready tried to preordered DOOM3??

Well anywho.. let's just say
Duke Nukem 3d Sucks ass!!!

Rock on!!

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I just got a feeling that's cypher. I mean the day that he leaves a newbie shows up? hmm I hope someone proves me wrong.

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Ummmm.... you wouldn't happen to be living in Henderson, LV, United States would you?

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Hello fellow Doomworld people.. yeah I know this sounds corny but hey! I finally got off my ass and signed up.. So who's already tried to preorder DooM3??

Well anywho.. let's just say
Duke Nukem 3d Sucks ass!!!

Rock on!!

Hey! to you too.
Welcome to Doomworld! Enjoy your stay! I'll need your telephone number and credit card number please......

Preorder Doom3?!?!
Are you mad?! It hasn't even hit Alpha status yet.

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I'm not Cypher!!! For the Tenth time.... Jeez....

And why do you ask for money and a telephone number? I'm just a normal doom freak! And Duke Nukem 3d Blows huge chunks!

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I don't know whether this guy is an ordinary newbie or intentionally stupid, but I hate him nonetheless.

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I just wanna know why he keeps dissing Duke Nukem 3D.

And about Cypher, he said that Zap is his 4th nickname in 4 months. I'm guessing Zap, Cypher, and Punk_Blue, but I'm not sure...apparently he keeps getting banned.

This guy is not him, though.

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I guess it's time to tell you all why i hate Duke Nukem so much... Well here is gose.. It all started a long time ago.. I was still playing Doom for the very first time.. So i decided to try other games like Doom.. Well the first one was Duke Nukem It was okay and all but it lacked the first person which i thought was kick ass.. Then after a while i got to Duke Nukem 3d.. Now to tell the truth i was shocked.. It was a Doom rip off.. just about.. Also it wasn't that good.. The Story maid no sense and well i just didn't like it that much.. Besides It was a one time thing.. it's not like there is going to be a Duke 3d 2 out in stores when Doom 3 comes out..Right? Well anywho.. I just never got the thing.. It was too much of a Doom Rip that I said to Hell with it! So there is my I hate Duke 3d background..

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Spiff..... quit being a dope. Not everyone here hates Duke 3D, just cause it's called DoomWorld.... but everyone hates Limp Bizkit (I think). Make fun of them.

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Besides It was a one time thing..

ok.. one time thing eh? What do you call these then:
Duke Nukem: 1
Duke Nukem: 2
Duke Nukem: 3d
Duke Nukem: Time to kill
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour
Duke Nukem: 64
Duke Nukem: GBA
Duke Nukem: Atomic Edition
Duke Nukem: Total meltdown
Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project
Duke Nukem: Land of the babes
Duke Nukem: Forever (PC, Game Cube, Xbox)

EDIT: Duke Nukem: Endangered Species

EDIT: Duke Nukem: In DC
Duke Nukem: Nuclear Winter
Duke Nukem: Penthouse Explosion

it's not like there is going to be a Duke 3d 2 out in stores when Doom 3 comes out..Right?

Wrong, Duke Nukem Forever hasn't been released yet as far as I know of, Might actually be released after Doom at this rate. That is if they won't cancel it, which I doubt since they anounced it's comming out for game cube and Xbox.

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Go back to the transmogriphier(sp?), spiff.

Hmm...Calvin and Hobbes, I knew I heard the name "SpaceManSpiff" somewhere.

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Calvin and Hobbes, ladies and gentlemen, is the BEST comic strip EVER.

Except that it's not really funny, which is what I look for in "comic" strips.

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I was still playing Doom for the very first time.. So i decided to try other games like Doom..


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Well, Lüt, you obviously haven't seen the Calvin and Hobbes snow art. Makes the best of The Far Side look dull, it's that funny. And the comics where his dad says that hard work builds character...classic.

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