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How do you like your Doom?


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First I give you my opinion:
I like wads that has only maps, with that... ¨Air¨ that Doom 1 and 2 Haves, not those wads that edit all the monsters and weapons of the game

  DarkJedi188 said:

...And I love WADs which incorporate borrowed music from other sibling games....


So you´re going to love the wad that im working in
Im a Composer-Midi re-maker-Remixer and a Mapper with a little bit of experience.
Im re-making midis from Bobby Prince (The original doom music) Metallica, Pantera, Slayer, Marilyn Manson, Alice in chains and other composers that I dont remember ^^ and puting all in a wad, it takes a long time, there are 3 episodes and each ones has 9 levels, 3X9=27, I have to make 27 re-makes for finish mi Doom 1 music wad
What is to make a re-make of a Mid? It´s when you take a Mid, you change all the instruments, some notes and the velocity of the song and, the re-make is ready.
Re-making is not stealing, it´s editing, and it´s not an easy job, you need to know when to use all the 180 instruments of the Standard Mid, and it takes a very good time, I have been re-making for 1 and 1/2 year.
I say all those things if someone jumps and say that it´s something stupid, stealing and/or easy
C ya
Bobby Prince and Metallica Rulz.
Bobby isn´t a filthy thief, it´s the king of the mid

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Im re-making midis from Bobby Prince (The original doom music) Metallica, Pantera, Slayer, Marilyn Manson, Alice in chains(...)


Uh, what about Ravel, Vivaldi, Queen, Prodigy, Cypress Hill, just to name few completely different types of music? You're sure you want to have Heavy Metal all the way in your project?
I assure you a lot of people don't like their stereo-phones continuosuly blowing their brains out of the head for more than a few minutes.

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Quite frankly, I like it TCish. Playing with the same damn enemies over and over again gets kind of boring IMO

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Hmm, as of late Im more interested in TCs than anything.

Otherwise I really like a good theme and nice, challenging puzzles, be they accomplished with advanced port features or creative uses of doom/boom.exe features. Cyberdreams is one of my favorite wads and I've completed it probably more times than any other pwad.

I like surprises and I like it when authors try new ways to spice up our 13-year-old obsession. Realm of the Green Soul comes to mind, with its unusual presentation and amusing final boss.

I have a strange appreciation for "voodoo doll scripting".

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- I like big levels that takes more to 10 minutes to complete, and levels with good and balanced gameplay.
- I don't care playing levels without loads of details, but there should be a minimum as well.
- I appreciate a lot the usage of new or borrowed textures, this way I really feel I don't play doom.wad or doom2.wad.
- I *love* Heretic in any way, better gameplay possibilities with inventory, no uber weapon that kill bosses in 2 shots like BFG9000. But Heretic clearly need custom textures.
- I *love* puzzles, Eternal Doom being my all time favorite wad.
- I don't like Hexen that much, too less weapons that weaken the gameplay variety. But I gotta love Hexen II, too bad its concept has been reused in another game but the upcoming Dark Messiah of Might and Magic I can't wait for.
- About the HR style, it depends how it's done. HR, HR2 and DV are nearly impossible to me (unless I play skill2), but KS and AV are fine to me, and I'm look forward DV2.
- I like wads that uses ZDoom scripts in a good way, see Daedalus. This last one is almost System Shock 2.
- I usually play only with ZDoom or GZdoom because of the WSAD compatibility, mouselook and mostly strafing with A and D, can't get used of this silly alt key in Vanilla or PrBoom.

That's all. :D

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What is to make a re-make of a Mid? It´s when you take a Mid, you change all the instruments, some notes and the velocity of the song and, the re-make is ready.
Re-making is not stealing, it´s editing, and it´s not an easy job, you need to know when to use all the 180 instruments of the Standard Mid, and it takes a very good time, I have been re-making for 1 and 1/2 year.


Doing that is a joke and can take two minutes. Not only is it a joke it IS stealing the work of the real sequencers that make the original midis.

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i like it with proper client/server networking not ran or coded by any dick and i also like it in a non-gl flavor, and possibly not in 35hz.

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I like Doom with fun gameplay. I don't want to trigger the exact same trap for every key I pick up; I want to be surprised, not bored. While good visuals are preferred, I don't care how detailed the map is, as long as the overall product is pleasing to the eyes.


I say all those things if someone jumps and say that it´s something stupid, stealing and/or easy


As a musician, I can tell you that it is most definitely all three of those things.

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Ralphis said:
it IS stealing the work of the real sequencers


Not if you use Bobby Prince's music for a wad. Maybe not even for a freely available remix. As far as the other bands go, it could be copyright infringement; the abuse of a right, which is not the equivalent of theft (the unlawful appropraition of another's property). By the way, MIDI sequencing of other author's stuff itself is copyright infringement unless permitted by the authors in the first place.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If the wad's got new guns and/or monsters, I want them balanced. I want my maps balanced, I want fast paced action without too many enemies where I can feel the impending doom while running for my life either dodging attacks or desperately trying to find health/ammo while being chased by blasted hellspawn.

I don't like maps which just gradually drop monsters right in front of me, I want clever monster placement that makes me think for a second about how to aproach this problem. That's also why I don't like HR style as much.

And although I don't really care about good looks as much, I don't want my maps ugly.

Those things aside, anything goes, oldskool, newschool, zdoom, prboom, vanilla, edge...except legacy.

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  • 5 months later...

I like to play more newshcool maps rather than oldschool. I'd like to see well detailed maps, which look beautiful, but too much is too much. Overdetailed maps suck, the engine of Doom isn't meant to that. Levels that make sense are also better than abstract levels, where you don't know, what they were "used to be". Do you what I mean. :)

Scripting is also a good thing, but I like to keep my game play as Doom game play. I don't like new items and weapons like that you have to read a manual to use them.

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i've always enjoyed seeing what can be accomplished in the engine, from crystal sectors, fake depth, and object mimicry (sector-built tv's and trees, etc) to real depth, portals, slopes, etc.
i like oldschool levels for the tricks they used,
newschool levels for the tricks they use,
heavily-scriped doom levels,
"new games" using the engine (foreverhood, rtc-3057, phocas island2)
but my favorite doom gameplay would have to be the very finely balanced and weighed gameplay possible in the HR style.
it's frantic yet you need to know when you can kamakazi and when you must be patient.
coralling huge mobs of enemies is fun as hell.
running around them and through them, breaking up the mob into smaller pockets so that it is easier to move inside of it.

although it seems as if i like everything, i don't.
in fact, there are several wads that are looked highly upon that i just don't like.
and i always hated the feel of doom2, so any doom2 style levels get tossed out right away.

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I like:

  • 1994 wads because i'm nostalgic
  • scripted maps because they're various from the others
  • map with lots of monsters because i'm a fan of killing

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I like both because Skulltag can play both. I don't play single player anymore, mostly only multiplayer. I love classics like TNTBlood and AV.wad, but at the same time I love the fancy new stuff like Sabbat Martyr and Cybercrime3.

Basically for me I don't care if its old or new, as long as it has multiplayer and its fun.

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Old School all the way. Non port specific, with a reasonable yet not overdone amount of detail. I believe in keeping it simple. I am usually way to busy trying to whack monsters than taking time to stop and look around so most of that is wasted on me. I like some, but not to much detail. Sort of like my own maps reflect.

And most all of what Rex said above.

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I like my Doom on Vanilla, with the lights turned down, the volume turned up, and a bowl of Cocoa Crispies in the dead of night during a storm so furious that the lightning shakes the entire house. Seriously, try it. You'll feel like Thor.

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They're actually pretty good.. So far the only sound that's not so good, is the supershotgun firing sound... Normal shotgun makes a much larger BOOM! :D

I used to play a lot Doom with PC Speaker sounds when I had a 386 with no sound card... Many other games with PC Speaker too :D

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  • 11 months later...

I usually like megawads or levels that are a complete variation of the classic style. Realism is another thing I look for. If a doom level has a power plant in it, I enjoy it more if I actually see reactors and power lines, rather than just computers, waste pools, and computer chips all over the walls. I also like progressing directly to the next level, rather than having the next level be a completely different location. I'm also a fan of total conversions, as those change the atmosphere completely, and make it seem like I'm playing a totally different game.

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