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What is this Linux phenomonon? Why do some of you people think it better than Windows?
Enlighten me here.

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...because they know everthing better :)

There are always some people who are with every damn hype out there...

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I have windows 98 se, I want to get Windows xp PRO, I really don't have that much of a problem with windows, I'm only pissed at it when it crashes, and lately that hasn't been happening a lot so I'm cool. As for linux... I should try it one day, but it's too much trouble for no cause.

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Well, what I want to know is: WHY do some people like more than Windows?
It confuses me.

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LINUX can and is more powerful than windows and more things can be done with it. however you need a great deal of computer knowage and you need to know your hardware like the back of your hand. It has many advantages such as price stability, good for networks and programing as well as other things. LINUX however is difficult to learn, as far as the DOS like part or console. It is also not geared for home users and many distributeions have different features. The best home/user friendly LINUX distributions have to be Linux mandrake and red hat. LINUX is a good thing to learn but if u do not have the time or computer ability it is best to learn windows first, then hardware and finally linux. If you switch to LINUX be prepared it can be tought until you get use to it

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*I* like it because I find it more pleasant to use than windows. The way everything is laid out generally makes a lot more sense than windows and the command line is far more powerful than the ugly MS-DOS command line (I do everything via the command line anyway). The entire system is Open Source, which as a programmer I like because I can borrow code, and as a user I like because I can always know exactly how something works. I like the flexibility it gives me - for example, if I want a desktop environment I can run a full desktop environment, if I want speed I can just run one of the small window managers which are a lot faster.

People often cite Linux's stability as a reason to use it, but I think this is less important now that we have Win2k/XP which are probably just as stable. I have Win2k installed as well but I choose to use Linux most of the time because it is a more pleasant system for me.

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Wow, only replies with sense. That is cool :)
I have also to do with *nix for business, mostly this is Sun Solaris. Here in Germany the most popular distribution is SUSE Linux, but I also own a Red Hat one...my overall attitude to the decision of what OS is just objective and neutral...mostly it has to figured out due to an assessment.

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I stopped trying to learn Red Hat when I started working in DirectX games. And besides, it was boring back then. No internet = no goddamn programs at all. Yeah, learning an OS with no applications is exactly what I need...

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Don't get me started on Linux.....
I found that it wasn't for me casue i use a lot of art programs and gimp just didn't cut it. I thought i could use wine to make programs like adobe photoshop and half life run, but thjat turned out to e disaster. I don't kid you when i say KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING FIRST.

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