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New York: Plane Crash 2 min after take-off


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Yeah......I'm listening to it on the news this very second.
I think a plane took off from JFK Int'l Airport on its way to Santo Domingo, and one of the engines snapped off the plane.
I think the plane crashed shortly thereafter.

Just another sign the Apochalypse is drawing closer everyday.....

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Just another sign the Apochalypse is drawing closer everyday.....

Or that some of the plane builders got lazy.

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Damn, thanks for the newsflash. Looks like it landed in a light residential area, so if it was terrorists, they were retarded.

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At this moment they told in the news that they think it was "just" an accident...
I hope they are right and it is NO terrorist attack !

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When I saw that I didn't think it could be terrorists, but from what I am hearing and reading from numerous news sources it doesn't seem to be accidental. Good weather, a minimal amount of crash history for that type of aircraft (and even those problems are rare due to updated technology), some sort of explosion on the plane, etc.

All speculation however.

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I hope they are right and it is NO terrorist attack !

Wether it's a terrorist act or not, hundreds of people are dead. I hope it _was_ a terrorist attack: it could be a reminder to the US Military and the international community that the threat is far from over.

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Just another sign the Apochalypse is drawing closer everyday.....

Or that some of the plane builders got lazy.

I say choice #2. I was supposed to fly home from Minneapolis last night. There was a delay while they took care of a fuel leak on the wing. We get out to the tarmac, about to take off, and some of the passengers say they see some liquid on the wing. We get back to the gate an hour later (after they figure shit out, you know), the gearmonkeys check it out, and lo-and-behold, the thing's still leaking. So we got to wait another hour for them to find (steal) us another airplane, then find (steal) a gate for us to board the thing. Got home at 11 last night instead of 7. AND I MISSED THE SIMPSONS, DAMMIT!

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Wether it's a terrorist act or not, hundreds of people are dead. I hope it _was_ a terrorist attack: it could be a reminder to the US Military and the international community that the threat is far from over.

I'm sure it is. OR then it's that time when planes start crashing.

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Mmh, with the incredible losses all airliners are suffering since the Sept. 11th attacks I'm pretty sure they're getting "cheaper" when it comes to manteinance.

If that was a terrorist act, pff, way to go guys. How about flying the thing next time? I could mantain that plane in the air for more than 3 minutes and crash into something more symbolic.

It was an accident. I hope airliners get punished really hard for being such assholes.

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I heard this in my Criminal Law class today. This one flight into New York was in the last half hour of the flight, you know when you're supposed to stay seated. This one passenger asked the stewardess if he could get up to go to the lavatory. The flight attendant said no, but the guy must've really needed to go. So he gets up anyway. Immediately, a Sky Marshall pulls his weapon on the guy and orders the pilot to put down in Albany rather than JFK. So the entire flight was waylaid and a bunch of trips ruined, just 'cuz this guy needed to take a leak. Moral: use the lavatory BEFORE the end of the flight.

On the upside, at least the airlines and the feds have provided for in-flight security.

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Or that some of the plane builders got lazy.

The main problem is, one more time money.
No more serious maintenance, they reduce the cost to the minimal.

See the concorde in our country, a little piece of metal was left
by another old plane and the concorde ran over it and crashes...

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