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yeah I DO Like them!!! Only the first 2 though, the last 2 were pure shit. Now I have seen a lot of people on this forum who wither like them or hate them. I think the first 2 are great. I wanna know what;s so damn bad about them!! And just saying "They were shite" is not valid. I want solid examples taken right out of the books that prove the apparent badness!!! *leaves a wide open invitation for Zaldron and Nightmare*...

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Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cares?

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The first one was cool. I really liked it. But the second one starts to get kind of wierd with all of that mormon stuff. It really takes away from the story.

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I've already listed what's wrong with them several times, but here's a brief overview:

1) Changes the basic Doom storyline too much (maybe not in the first one, but definately in the last three).

2) Piss poor dialogue and characterisation.

3) Major (and even many minor) storyline events are way too predictable.

4) There is more I could mention (such as the extremely vague descriptions the author gives of various events, places, etc), but it's almost midnight and I think I've said enough anyway :)

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Nigthtmare your all right about em DOOM novels, well the first two were somewhat a reader, but aliens, come on !
Like you said about the Doom novels poor dialogue and poor characters and all the other stuff. If I wanted to read about aliens I'd read the Aliens novels, but when it comes to Doom, it's gotta be Demons !

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you poor thing...i didn't mind it until the cheesiness came out. i mean when he started to find health spheres...come on...some things (like certain gameplay items) just don't translate well into literature.

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BTW, 3) may well just be with me, as I often find myself knowing what's going to happen (in books, TV programs and films) way before it does :)

Especially in sci-fi...

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yeah I DO Like them!!! Only the first 2 though, the last 2 were pure shit. Now I have seen a lot of people on this forum who wither like them or hate them. I think the first 2 are great. I wanna know what;s so damn bad about them!! And just saying "They were shite" is not valid. I want solid examples taken right out of the books that prove the apparent badness!!! *leaves a wide open invitation for Zaldron and Nightmare*...

WHOOOOOOOOOOWEEEE!!! arent we special? God just shut the fuck up, cuz no one cares, and have some coffee, it's good for you... hhehehehe....


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