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Well I was never really happy with my first attempt, so I set out to try again....
Still not as good as I would like but it's a start.



Hope you like...If not oh well can't please everyone.

Hopefully someone will download & host in a better place, you know how it goes with free file hosting sites here today gone tomorrow.

I might try later uploading to other sites....Dial-Up sucks!

*Download Link*

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It's not bad, but it's still rough in places. I know it is hard to scale something up and improve it, but I don't like that these are the original graphics with photoshop filters slapped on top. Most of the graphics now look like clipart instead of actual items. If you could fine tune it some more, make the effects more subtle and add details that mesh well with the original graphics, it will be perfect.

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I'll be first to admit that they are just upscales of the original, secondly I fully admit that a complete redraw of each weapon is out of my skill range.

So I use filters to try to hide some of it & now that I have seen them on NVIDIA hardware "I have crappy low color ATI card" That they may be a little too colorfull.

I still hope this will bring attention to Doom64 enough that someone more skilled will completely redraw them. HELLO any takers!

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I agree with the clip-art comment. They look rather flat and amatuerish. It's not BAD, mind you, but I wouldn't have bothered doing this if you weren't able to seriously one-up Doom 64's original graphics. If I were going to change anything from the game's visuals, it would be some of the enemy death animations--the manc, arach and barons in particular had rather bleh deaths.

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I believe it's rather less the fact that they are high res, and more the fact that the res doesn't fit with the rest of the game. What I'm implying here of course is you reripping all of the textures\monsters as well :P

Kidding aside, that's where most of the wierdness comes from; it stands out too much. If you keep the res, but apply a filter to trilin it a bit, so it *appears* lower res, that could be a good middle ground.

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Im sorry but these modifications look terrible. Not even because they dont fit the game's appearance, but because there's some fundamental flaws with the texturing you've applied:

1) Perspective was not maintained. This causes the weapons to look flat.

2) Textures dont move correctly with weapon animations. The shotgun is a good example. The bumps you applied are in the same place on two different animation frames. They dont "move" with the weapon. On the double shotty, the bumps are in totaly different places from one frame to the next.

3) The effects are too heavy. It looks like you're trying to say "hey look I applied a texture!" Doesnt really complement the weapon too well.

4) Yes they are rather bright. The Rocket launcher in particular is very saturated.

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Sorry for the late reply, sometimes I don't use the net for months.
But, My skills...or lack there of, are not the question here.
I think everyone missed the point I was tring to make.
I's not a case of "Look what I Can do!" but rather "Can you do better!" and if you can show us your work.
I mean come on... you think I like using my own stuff, when I know there are real Artist in the scene that could blow my stuff away! 3D models would be great but I think thats a ways off. Till then "Excuse my provocation" STEP UP.

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The problem with that idea is that your also suggesting that the Doom64 Graphics need to be "Upgraded" for a lack of a better term. The Doom64 graphics are perfactly fine, I would have thought that if anyone would put any effort foward in the field of making more graphics HiRes, it would have been with the Original Doom's graphics. Either way, at least you put forth some kind of effort

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Man,I haven't played Doom 64 in a hell of a long time, now I finally get to play it (in a different computery way) so i'm soo excited, and yes, I get your point, I haven't seen Doom 64 on shelves (so I could play on 64), and the graphics kicked big ass in Doom graphics (between Doom 2 and Doom 64), but yeah, your bringing somthing back from afar but not to far back.

Mithral Demon

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Hellbound Hillbilly said:

I's not a case of "Look what I Can do!" but rather "Can you do better!" and if you can show us your work.

In that case, you could have posed the "Can you do better!" question without bothering to make this travesty of a mod.

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you should do the Doom 64 TC monster sprits in Hi-REZ along with the weapon sprits that would be so cool.

ttyl Mad Max

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