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NS reviews w/ ratings


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Can newstuff maps be rated by reviewers from 1 to 10? So that I know from professionals how good they are?

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Heh, allow me to elaborate.

We already have a voluntary 1-5 scale, and /idgames also features a 1-5 star system as voted by everybody. From this and the written review you should already have enough of an idea about how good the wad is, and I think a wider scale would be quite arbitrary.

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I've always thought objective reviews without any kind of arbitrary enumeration system were better than those that relied on a linear rating scale which barely examines the many dimensions of the subject. It's a bit like the simplistic multi-choice tests that are for some capriciously ignoramic reason preferred by our nation's school systems compared to a well thought-out essay. Truly, a simplistic examination of a subject will yield an insignificant amount of information on said subject as opposed to a more in-depth analysis.

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printz said:

Can newstuff maps be rated by reviewers from 1 to 10? So that I know from professionals how good they are?

Exactly who would the professionals be?

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It's not great idea to get all upset over the rating system. Afterall, it's all opinion, and some people just likes to be an ass to everyone. There will always be maps that will please one and not the other.

I personally found the Newstuff ratings unobjective. A lot of "like" and "don't like" rather pointing out the actual use of features and ideas. Be probably better if there was more than one person rating the same wad to amke it a bit more realisitic.

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Ezxariarch said:
Be probably better if there was more than one person rating the same wad to amke it a bit more realisitic.

That's how it is; the only rating system available is open to anyone commenting in the database.

And are you saying each wad should reviewed by more than one person in the Chronicles? No way. 1) it would make completing an issue of the Chronicles even more complicated, 2) the comments thread and the database provide ample space for people to submit alternate opinions.

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Maes said:

Exactly who would the professionals be?

Exactly the NS reviewers themselves! Unlike the players who simply play and review after their impression, the NS reviewers are told to make documents about reviews. And I'm damn curious if they'd gonna say something like -999999/10 if they were allowed to rate. Nothing against their attitude, because I haven't uploaded a single bit myself.

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printz said:

Exactly the NS reviewers themselves! Unlike the players who simply play and review after their impression, the NS reviewers are told to make documents about reviews.

In most cases, they aren't really any more experienced than the average player. So you should consider their review about on the level as anyone else's.

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I'm opposed to ratings in general. If you give them out, people will tend to skip over the review itself, and go OH MY GOD MY WAD GOT THREE STARS FUCK! Plus, you'll get morons who try to use them to do a "Well, X WAD is better than Y WAD because it got (bigger score) as opposed to (smaller score).

A score or star rating is trying to quantify an opinion about something. Fucking stupid concept if you ask me.

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