Prime Posted November 17, 2001 Look, I know it's an impossibility, but McFarlane Toys would make awesome doom figures!! If not McF Toys, then Resaurus. They did, in my opinion, do a good job on the quake II line (small as it was, unfortunately). I especially like how they handled such a hulking character as the tank commander, giving it some exquisite detail and deco and just making it look plain disgusting and morbid (which it should, according to the Q2 story...). Anyone know why the Q2 line was ended? I've always been curious... 0 Share this post Link to post
doomsick Posted November 17, 2001 i'd kill and mutilate for doom action figures...especially if McFarlane made them. resaurus could pull it off, though 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted November 18, 2001 i'd kill and mutilate for doom action figures...especially if McFarlane made them. resaurus could pull it off, though resaurus makes good detailed toys BUT they break easy. *shifts the plastic mold his Duke Nukem Action Figures are in. My brother broke my last sets leg, arm and head. So far I have Duke, Nightstrike Duke, The limited edition S.W.A.T. team Duke, the Pigcop and The Battlelord. Fuck the Octabrain. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted November 18, 2001 I have Raenius and Dessicator from the Spawn Series, both toys made by McFarlane. They fucking rule. DooM toys would sell well, but the enemies in the old games are obnoxiously simple by today standards. They'll have to wait for Doom3 first. 0 Share this post Link to post
HateFactor Posted November 19, 2001 the doom figure was supposed to be made, along with other q3 arena characters (ie. sarge - i saw the prototype)...well apprently they got canned (maybe because the q2 ones didn't sell too well?)...suckage... 0 Share this post Link to post
Prime Posted November 20, 2001 the doom figure was supposed to be made, along with other q3 arena characters (ie. sarge - i saw the prototype)...well apprently they got canned (maybe because the q2 ones didn't sell too well?)...suckage... you know, Resaurus can blow me for that... 0 Share this post Link to post
tsareppsun Posted November 25, 2001 I'd want to say that I think the japanese model/doll makers would do a much more accurate and overall better job at making all the DOOM/2 or QUAKE/2/3 charaters. That's all the Tsar's out. 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted November 25, 2001 McFarlane is the best action figure maker to date. If I had more spending money, I'd buy some. /me drools over the evil Ash. 0 Share this post Link to post
Prime Posted November 25, 2001 I'd want to say that I think the japanese model/doll makers would do a much more accurate and overall better job at making all the DOOM/2 or QUAKE/2/3 charaters. ... No offense, but, WHY? Movie Maniacs...What you need, yeah!! 0 Share this post Link to post
tsareppsun Posted November 26, 2001 Why you ask? Have you ever seen any imported model books from japan yet. There's a popular book you can find at almost any comicbook store,called "HOBBY JAPAN". Just look at one copy,It doesn't matter what month,and just breeze on through. You'll see how they put so much SUPERIOR ATTENTION TO DETAIL in every spec of their products,whether it's a mech,anime charater,live action charater or videogame charater. They all come out looking exactly how their shown in their worlds. Not to say that McFarlane doesn't do the same with his SPAWN dolls,SHHIITT! I got a healthy dose of his collection myself,But when I saw the Q2 dolls,I was CRUSHED!!! I couldn't beleive how tacky,and halfass they looked. They looked as if some drunk-ass amature modeler who has never even seen as well as played Q2 make the dolls,probably seen a couple pics of some of the charaters and thought he could make them look better by adding a few slight touches. That's why I would think the JAPS would do a much better job. Now if I know japanese model/dolls makers(and I really don't)They would probably ask id for their 3D model blueprint files for all their Quake and DOOM game charaters and structure the dolls right from the 3D model files from the games itself. And after their painted? TALK ABOUT EXACT REPLICAS!! Well,this is why I feel the way I feel. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted November 26, 2001 Sounds good. Mind about posting a link or something? 0 Share this post Link to post
doomsick Posted November 26, 2001 Not to say that McFarlane doesn't do the same with his SPAWN dolls,SHHIITT! I got a healthy dose of his collection myself,But when I saw the Q2 dolls,I was CRUSHED!!! resaurus made the Q2 figures, not mcfarlane 0 Share this post Link to post
Prime Posted November 26, 2001 Yeah...What was wrong with the Quake 2 figs, anyway? Did you want them to be exact replicas of 3-d models? Uhh, the 3-d models aren't all that detailed. I rather liked the extra details and design that resaurus added to them. I don't know about you guys, but if the enemies in Q2 looked exactly like the figures, that would be pretty damn awesome. Same with Doom...if a toy company made figures based solely on on the original models, they'd look kinda bland. Now, if the toys were based on the concept sketches AND the models... 0 Share this post Link to post
tsareppsun Posted November 27, 2001 To Zaldron: Links? To whom? If you're talking about hobby Japan,I can'y help you there,the site is probably in all japanese anyway.... To Doomsick: I don't remember ever typing that McFarlane made the Quake2 dolls. To Prime: I feel where your coming from when you say that the 3D models of Q2 would look bland when painted EXACTLY. But that's just because of the OPEN GL. But what's more important to me would be the "STRUCTUAL" exactness!.......exactness? Is that even a real word? As far as painting? The japs can go as far as the want in painting the Q2 dolls for all I care. I would like them to come out looking as cool as any of the 3D model SPEC OPS soldiers of Tom Clancy's "ROGUE SPEAR"or the new "GHOST RECON" series, just look at their characters,and see the ATTENTION TO DETAIL. I'm talking about 3D models of course,not dolls. But yet,they do make U.S. SPEC OPs dolls over there in japan, HIGHLY DETAILED DOLLS. 0 Share this post Link to post
Prime Posted November 27, 2001 To Prime: I feel where your coming from when you say that the 3D models of Q2 would look bland when painted EXACTLY. But that's just because of the OPEN GL. But what's more important to me would be the "STRUCTUAL" exactness!.......exactness? Is that even a real word? As far as painting? The japs can go as far as the want in painting the Q2 dolls for all I care. I would like them to come out looking as cool as any of the 3D model SPEC OPS soldiers of Tom Clancy's "ROGUE SPEAR"or the new "GHOST RECON" series, just look at their characters,and see the ATTENTION TO DETAIL. I'm talking about 3D models of course,not dolls. But yet,they do make U.S. SPEC OPs dolls over there in japan, HIGHLY DETAILED DOLLS. I don't think I'd like Doom 'dolls'...and yes, the 'japs' COULD do a good job. But what's the argument? McFarlane Toys could STILL do a good job on them, and the chances of that happening are higher considering that McFarlane was going to co-write/co-produce the once-in-limbo movie project. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted November 27, 2001 To Prime: I feel where your coming from when you say that the 3D models of Q2 would look bland when painted EXACTLY. But that's just because of the OPEN GL. Um, OpenGL is a 3D API. John Carmack's using it for the Doom 3 engine and it has nothing to do with the detail of anything. The Q2 models look bland because they have a low polycount and small textures on them. 0 Share this post Link to post
tsareppsun Posted November 28, 2001 To Flathead: I,ve read about OpenGL long ways back,I'm well aware what it is. I just agreeing with PRIME that if HOBBY JAPAN were to duplicate the colors off the Q2 model textures onto the dolls,they'll come out bland. Be advise,NO DISRESPECT TO OpenGL. Low ploycount,small textures eh?..........Oh,............... To Prime: McFarlane or HobbyJapan,As long as they come out as accurate as possible to the games,that's all that's really important,right?....... 0 Share this post Link to post
doomsick Posted November 28, 2001 To Doomsick: I don't remember ever typing that McFarlane made the Quake2 dolls. maybe you didn't, but it read that way 0 Share this post Link to post
Prime Posted November 28, 2001 To Prime: McFarlane or HobbyJapan,As long as they come out as accurate as possible to the games,that's all that's really important,right?....... Right. 0 Share this post Link to post
Jello Posted December 3, 2001 Mcfarlane makes some good toys, I have a small collection of them. Now I just need the evil ash so my good ash has someone to point his boomstick at. :( But more to the point, I think some doom action figures would be cool. I would love to have a two foot tall cyberdemon :) and I think Mcfarlane would do a damn good job with them, as he does with just about everything (except the spawn movie, dammit, I was looking forward to that thing too) 0 Share this post Link to post
Prime Posted December 3, 2001 ..and I think Mcfarlane would do a damn good job with them, as he does with just about everything (except the spawn movie, dammit, I was looking forward to that thing too) Yeah, I wasn't all that impressed by those. Why were they slightly smaller than other spawn toys I will never know. And that Spawn movie? Christ... You know, they're making another Spawn movie which should be released next year. It will be a more dark film, unlike the 'superhero' first film. Producers have stated that it will be along the line of the movie Se7en in that it will be more of a crime story. It will involve Sam and Twitch as major characters, and Spawn will only be a 'boogey man in the shadows.' Ok, i'm stopping there. This is WAAAAYYY off the Doom 3 topic... 0 Share this post Link to post
[name_withheld] Posted December 17, 2001 Hello, I'm new here, so bear with me if I get off to a bad start or something. I made my own Doom figures. I made a Cyberdemon, Arch-Vile, Lost Soul, Pain Elemental, Revenant, and the marine. They are pretty much just tons of other toys put together with clay and glue. But don't ask me to post pictures. I'll have to scan the toys onto the computor and put them on my Doom website. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted December 17, 2001 I'd love to have a doomguy fig! And an imp fig, and a Baron of Hell fig, etc. Would look nice on my desk. 0 Share this post Link to post
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