Xtife Posted December 10, 2006 OMG lol@mortal kombat 3 congratz to everyone this year :) i was more than shocked to find NDCP as one of the wads this year. the development was a little "crazy", but i guess thats true with alot of other good wads :D expect things to be better with NDCP2! DD fully deserves mapper of the year, his maps are wonderful. i hope this motivates him to make even more in the future 0 Share this post Link to post
Cutman Posted December 11, 2006 Congrats all those who won awards. Shame there isn't a scary wad award. 0 Share this post Link to post
DJShrimpy Posted December 11, 2006 Yay happy birthday Doom. Thirteen years of hell, demons, flying skulls, shotguns, and giant goats with mechanical legs and rocket launchers. 0 Share this post Link to post
Siggi Posted December 11, 2006 Yay, our little Doom is getting all grown up. Congrats to Dutch Devil on mapper of the year. And one can only wonder what will happen next year. :P 0 Share this post Link to post
Hobbs Posted December 11, 2006 Yay for Doom. Maybe if we're lucky we'll see it become an adult. I've nothing to say about the cacowards, except excellent job Dutch Devil! 0 Share this post Link to post
Darkfyre Posted December 11, 2006 Congrats Dutch Devil! I'm glad to see you got it, I must say you came outta nowhere with some great skill. And congrats to all the others too of course! I'm surprised (am I?) that no one has had a 'Doom Cake' made yet, that would be pretty spiffy ;O 0 Share this post Link to post
deathz0r Posted December 11, 2006 HobbsTiger1 said:Yay for Doom. Maybe if we're lucky we'll see it become an adult. Topic for #unidoom: "DOOM MADE PUBERTY!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY || what are you doing in the bathroom, doom?" EDIT: (6:18:00 PM) -Tawm- _ BIGGER THAN JESUS: DEAN YOU NEGLECT TO MENTION THAT I WROTE THAT 0 Share this post Link to post
ReX Posted December 11, 2006 DJShrimpy said:Thirteen years of .... giant goats with mechanical legs and rocket launchers. I'm being picky here, but the giant creature with a mechanical leg and a rocket launcher has the head of a bull, not a goat. The rather large red-skinned (and its weaker greenish-skinned cousin) creature that hurls green balls of slime, on the other hand, has the head of a goat (and legs to match). Not that this has anything to do with the celebrations. ;) Happy thirteenth! 0 Share this post Link to post
cycloid Posted December 11, 2006 awww, and i was hoping Scimitar would sneak in there, i blame it's newstuff being delayed by a month and not my mapping skillz at all, nooooooooo! (/Sarcasm) only bitter enough to post this comment, and now fully vented, thanks 0 Share this post Link to post
myk Posted December 11, 2006 ReX said: I'm being picky here, but the giant creature with a mechanical leg and a rocket launcher has the head of a bull, not a goat. It's neither... almost looks more like a reptile or insect than a mammal, as far as the head goes. It's just a monstrous head with vaguely goatlike horns (bull horns are straighter and smoother). The rather large red-skinned (and its weaker greenish-skinned cousin) creature that hurls green balls of slime, on the other hand, has the head of a goat (and legs to match). More like pinkish and light brown skinned. Again, their faces are just monstrous demonic generalizations, though their horns are more like a bull's (shiny and less corrugated). 0 Share this post Link to post
Little Faith Posted December 11, 2006 Well, the Baron/Hell Knight skull looks like some demented cross between a bovid and a hyrax/mastodon. 0 Share this post Link to post
GGG Posted December 11, 2006 If Doom were Jewish, it's Bar/Bat Mitzvah time. Mazel Tov, Doom! And congrats to all the Cacoward recipients. Little Faith said:Well, the Baron/Hell Knight skull looks like some demented cross between a bovid and a hyrax/mastodon. I always assumed they were a take on Baphomet. Same with the Icon of Sin. 0 Share this post Link to post
myk Posted December 11, 2006 Screw "Baphomet"... did the cardboard cutout thread contaminate this one? Tons of demons depictions are goatlike (a medieval extension from Dionysus' satyrs as seen by the Latins, Pan, and other "wild" gods), and id's DOOM says nothing about Baphomet or any other such specific name from historical fiction. By the way, the "Icon of Sin" is the name of the level... if the thing had such a name it would have been used at least in the final text message. Little Faith said: Well, the Baron/Hell Knight skull looks like some demented cross between a bovid and a hyrax/mastodon.Skull is the right word, as in Adrian's original sketch it looks corpselike, missing its nose and all (the Baron's skin and fur has been like torn off from the waist up). 0 Share this post Link to post
ReX Posted December 11, 2006 myk said:It's neither... almost looks more like a reptile or insect than a mammal, as far as the head goes. It's just a monstrous head with vaguely goatlike horns (bull horns are straighter and smoother).I will beg to differ on the point of bulls horns being straighter. Having been the victim of an attempted goring by a rather crazy bull many years ago in college (it pinned me back against a wall with its horns curving around my waist, and only let me go after my buddies yanked at its tail and whacked it with sticks), I have first hand experience of the curvature of bull horns. (With my martial arts training, and with the arrogance of youth, I used to fancy myself a match for a mere animal, a bovine yet, but that incident taught me respect for "mere" animals.) [Go figure. A traumatic incident almost 30 years ago serves as fodder in a discussion that's celebrating the birthday of an aging game. Heh.] Also, I have wrestled with goats (and even dragged one over snow pack for miles until we were over a high mountain pass, because it refused to climb any further with the rest of the herd) and can testify that (i) the horns are very slightly curved (but curved backwards rather than around to the front), (ii) grow out from the front of the skull (as opposed to the cyberdemon, whose horns grow from the side), and (iii) are considerably smaller than those on a cyberdemon's head. So, while I try to maintain my secret identity as a mild-mannered, unargumentative bloke, I'm going to have to stick to my guns on my original assessment. And I shall return you to your regularly scheduled programming now. Zap. 0 Share this post Link to post
Naan Posted December 11, 2006 I would have included Demon Eclipse (well it seems I was the only one who actually liked it) in this year's top ten, and would have mentionned the Gamarra's wads in the Worst wads section. Anyway, there's a lot of the top ten maps I've missed so gonna play them :) -------- BTW That was not a good year for Heretic/Hexen wads, except Enjay's Thief level and the Tresaure CC to be released... 0 Share this post Link to post
Dutch Doomer Posted December 11, 2006 Thanks people for the kind words 2007 will be an good year as well with more maps from me cc3 ndcp2 stronghold 1monster and an bunch of side projects that are still in progress. Got more plans for Altar of Evil 2 and my own megawad someday but these have to wait a while.Maybe ill do an few tribute maps as well like I did with paradox2 and attack :) Anyway thanks and keep on dooming people. 0 Share this post Link to post
myk Posted December 11, 2006 ReX said: I will beg to differ on the point of bulls horns being straighter. Look, some marine busted a Cyberdemon here. This is the kind of rough, curvish horn that must have loosely inspired the Cyberdemon's (and many a demon's). Also, I have wrestled with goats (and even dragged one over snow pack for miles until we were over a high mountain pass, because it refused to climb any further with the rest of the herd) and can testify that (i) the horns are very slightly curved (but curved backwards rather than around to the front), (ii) grow out from the front of the skull (as opposed to the cyberdemon, whose horns grow from the side), and (iii) are considerably smaller than those on a cyberdemon's head. Personal experience is rather limited, in this case to the animals bred in your area, and on many occasions quite distinct from what might inspire an artist (who often draws his concepts from other stylized artwork). Plus you didn't address the factor of the texturing of the horns, which overrides the curvature, that varies greatly with the breed. Naturally, the horns of either monster aren't of any real animal, but the Cyberdemon's do seem more goatlike and the Baron's more bull like. Here are some (smooth) horns on a bull (heh, these Scottish highland breeds have heads that are as bulky as a Cyberdemon's, if different in facial detail). 0 Share this post Link to post
Craigs Posted December 11, 2006 Doom: proof that just because something is pink doesn't mean it is a cute and fuzzy animal suitable for little girls. 0 Share this post Link to post
Manc Posted December 12, 2006 Craigs said:Doom: proof that just because something is pink doesn't mean it is a cute and fuzzy animal suitable for little girls. Amen brohim! 0 Share this post Link to post
Ichor Posted December 12, 2006 Craigs said:Doom: proof that just because something is pink doesn't mean it is a cute and fuzzy animal suitable for little girls. I don't know... 0 Share this post Link to post
kristus Posted December 12, 2006 Ichor: Awww, he's so cute and cuddly when he craps all over the place and tries to eat the caco... :O 0 Share this post Link to post
msquid Posted December 12, 2006 Yay, a Mordeth award! :) Big thanks to Afterglow for finishing the Crucified Dreams project. 0 Share this post Link to post
kristus Posted December 12, 2006 I think Crud Dreams is the first project to recieve two Cacowards. 0 Share this post Link to post
Tormentor667 Posted December 12, 2006 Great Choice Scuba of wads and winners and very entertaining and well written :) Thanks for that! And quite sad that these Cacowards take place only one time a year :( BTW: We need a new category, something like "custom resource creator of the year" to honor persons like Eriance (Doom Eclipse) for creations like new monsters and weapons, ya know?! 0 Share this post Link to post
Afterglow Posted December 12, 2006 kristus said:I think Crud Dreams is the first project to recieve two Cacowards. My next single player release in 2007 has been worked on since 1997, so I'll like get a streak of 3 Mordeth Awards because I'm that damn good. 0 Share this post Link to post
Craigs Posted December 12, 2006 seeing that all anyone plays is Dwango, it seems most of the DM community has poor taste as well For your INFORMATION, we don't play "Dwango", we play Dwango5 maps 7 and 1. Get your facts straight buddy! >=[ To be honest, I was afraid this weren't going to be this many good wads this year. The /newstuff updates seemed a bit slower then usual and quite a bit of the stuff was, well... crap (GAMARRA TALES 10020: GAMARRA AND I HAVE TEH HAWT MAN SEWQCH). But this year turned out pretty great, and a lot of the great wads I missed such as Phocus and Operation Overlord blew me away. I compared the wads of this year to those of 2004 and I was amazed by just how far this community has come. 0 Share this post Link to post
Bucket Posted December 12, 2006 Craigs said:For your INFORMATION, we don't play "Dwango", we play Dwango5 maps 7 and 1. Get your facts straight buddy! >=[ THAT WILL CHANGE VERY SOON. [/hype] 0 Share this post Link to post
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