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Something Fishy . . .


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Here's a Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Fishman figure I made over the weekend.

Game sprite:

Model photos:

Rotating animation:

"Lydie & The Fishman" comic strip (colored/edited with GIMP):


Pencil line art for strip, as it appears in my sketchbook:


More info (dimensions, materials used, etc.):


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nice. love the group shot. I tried lookin at the comic strip, but the mature content filter was on and you can't turn it off unless you're a member and log in to change the preferences.

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Very nice! Your very accurate to the game sprite. The fishman looks amazing, in fact all three of your castlevania creations are amazing. How long did it take you to make this?

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Vileslay: Sorry 'bout the comic, several others have complained they couldn't view it as well due to the mature content. Try viewing it at my fan art page at the Castlevania Realm website (there's a nekkid Blue Venus Weed model on that page too that you probably haven't seen):


Shapeless: You know, the thought of making the fin transparent never even crossed my mind, but that would have been a good idea that would have added some realism to the final appearance. Using transparent plastic would have been easy, the only tricky part would have been getting it tinted the right shade of green.

Speaking of McFarlane's dragons, I got lucky and won the monthly message board contest at Spawn.com earlier in the month and selected the Water Clan Dragon #4 as my prize (hasn't come in the mail yet though).

Inferno: This figure took two days to make. I did the majority of the body one day and the legs and touch-ups the next, along with the painting.

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you know something MmM, I didn't want that water dragon, but now that your getting it for free. I WANT IT! j/k congrats.

And keep em coming.

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I was disappointed that they raised the price on the Dragons line, and the sculpts seem to be shrinking to boot, but I can't complain when I'm getting one for free. I had a hard time deciding what one I wanted as the prize; I narrowed it down to the Eternal, Berzerker, and Water, and ended up going with the aquatic mama in the end--it should look nice sitting next to my Water Clan Dragon #3 on top of my stereo.

The other prize options, besides a Dragons figure, were a NFL or NBA figure, or an autographed Spawn or Spawn Manga comic book.

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I would have choosen the same one. toy's r us has the last series at 9.95 Canadian before christmas. but I didn't care for any of them. yaa the scale is smaller now. And I predict the scale on the next will be ass small.

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Dragon Series 3 went for $10 (US) here as well, at least at my local Wal-Mart. I haven't seen series 4 yet on the pegs, but all the reviews/comments I've read have them priced at $12-13 now. I agree that Series 5 looks like they're going to be tinier as well, but we'll have to wait and see what the final product looks like.

By the by, photos of Spawn Series 31 are up now, and man, those look awesome. I hope those aren't going to shrink too . . .

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