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Innovative weapons


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What do you think is the coolest or most original weapon in any FPS?

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Anywho, my fave weapon isn't from DOOM. Mine is the Railgun from Quake 2 (or from the railgun.bex patch that comes with ZDoom).

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Maybe because there's nothing original on DooM's weaponry?

For coolest I have a soft spot for Hexen's Timon's Axe. On the originality scene, I'll have to pick Hexen 2's Staff of Set.

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The beast heart from Shadow Warrior. Squeezing the heart creates a ghostly double of your character packing a railgun.

Shaodw Warrior was fun because it took the standard weapons mix (shotgun, SMG, rocket launcher) and put a different spin on most of them. There was the riot shotgun which could fire one or four shells at a time, and the multi-purpose rocket launcher with homing and nuke functions. Also, I think SW was the first FPS with a railgun.

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Maybe because there's nothing original on DooM's weaponry?

Ummmmmm........BFG 9000, anybody?

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Maybe because there's nothing original on DooM's weaponry?

Ummmmmm........BFG 9000, anybody?

Hey, let's make a huge friggin gun and make it shoot a huge friggin ball that makes a huge friggin explosion! No, I don't think Doom brought anything to the FPS genre that wouldn't have eventually been used elsewhere.

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My mind turns to Ishmael's skull staff from Blood. I have yet to see another weapon that feeds off of enemies/and yourself when it is out of ammo. It would also cause you harm if you used it when there were no enemies. Great stuff if you ask me.

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My mind turns to Ishmael's skull staff from Blood. I have yet to see another weapon that feeds off of enemies/and yourself when it is out of ammo. It would also cause you harm if you used it when there were no enemies. Great stuff if you ask me.

Don't they call that the "life-leech"?

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The Plasma Rifle from Doom, dammit!
The moss arrows and fire arrows from Thief don't come into play that much during the game but they are really innovative.

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Don't they call that the "life-leech"?

Probably... I haven't played Blood in more than a year though... more than enough time for my memory to fade.

And for a twist on an old classic, I think Undying may have had the most original take on the shotgun by giving you phosphorous(sp?) shells. It's so much fun to throw an explosion of flame into the face of one of those blasted Howlers.

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Snarkedy-snarkedy snarky-snark. Snarkedy-snarkedy snarky-snark. Snarkedy-snarkedy snarky-snark.Snarkedy-snarkedy snarky-snark. Snarkedy-snarkedy snarky-snark.Snarkedy-snarkedy snarky-snark.

Yeah, the only fun part of Half-Life Deathmatch.

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You have a small point Liam, but in terms of hype, I think it was the first weapon of its type that was popular among the players without dying out fast. Now the BFG in Quake 2, THAT'S unoriginal, the name at least. I find it kind of odd that id would steal the name of weapon just to use it in a later game.

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I like your sig, Cren :)

ROFL! Am I the only one who likes both bands? I like NIN better, but Cake is pretty origional as well.

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Heh, I just thought of another weapon. If any of you have ever played the Science and Industry mod for Half-Life, you'll know what I'm talking about. I forget the weapons name, but it is kind of like a disruptor or something. It looks like a megaphone and when you use it it shoots of sound vibrations that cause the vicim to lose a minimal amount of health, but most importantly they begin vomiting and become very dizzy, which is great for slowing down the guy who is trying to get away with on of your scientists. Other weapons in the mod include a gun that gets the scientists to work faster, and a radio that disrupts the scientists, and conceals the sound of your movement.

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Ok, ok, I must confess, I've never heard anything by Cake at all. Anyone got a song to suggest for me?

I've got morpheus up and running. I'll download the NiN I haven't heard if you promise to download a bit of Cake. Dont' worry about song titles, it's all good :)

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Ok, ok, I must confess, I've never heard anything by Cake at all. Anyone got a song to suggest for me?

Comfort Eagle (the song)...thats what got me turned onto them...

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... the Science and Industry mod for Half-Life...

Heh, that mod has some great weapons. Like the viruswhich eats away at your max health. And you can chug the virus with your alt-fire, which gives you insane speed for those last few seconds of your life. I've scored a couple of last-ditch sacrifice scientist caps with that...

And the Akimbo SnUZIs are just cute. ^_^

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Science and Industry...
The tards who play it keep upgrading the weapons to crap instead of merely upgrading other stuff. Otherwise, it is a great mod IMO.

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Science and Industry...
The tards who play it keep upgrading the weapons to crap instead of merely upgrading other stuff. Otherwise, it is a great mod IMO.

Armor first, always. Then the Coffee Upgrade. I usually try to talk my team into getting the trip-mines quickly; then I have some fun securing our base against rude strangers. :)

(I know it ain't Doom... On the other hand, it could be, someday...)

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does anyone remember Battle Frenzy/Bloodshot for the Mega Drive? This is, like, nearly ten years old, but I'll never forget 'the breaker' from that game. I prefer it to anything, co sit was a thinking man's weapon.
You fired a big, slow travelling pack of missiles, and when you let go of the trigger, the pack expoded into an arc, which meant you could decide on the spray size. I f you exploded it closer ot you, you coul dhit more enemies, but if you let go just before hitting a bad dude, you could let all nine missiles hit him, with excellent effect. I've never had anything better.
Duke Nukem had some good ideas, but impractical. I once laid about 5000 trip bombs on one level, after I'd fucked around with the game so I could carry thousands of each weapon ;)

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What about chainsaw? Berserk? Aren't those innovative? Heh.

Anyhow... the BFG is quite original. Anyone else would just have made the big weapon fire a big ball that explodes and causes a big amount of damage. But the BFG is sophisticated. The complex random cone damage for one thing.

Well, yeah. The christmas-style beta BFG would've been way more innovative :)

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I think blood has some of the most innovative weapons I've seen so far. The voodoo doll is just plain cool, I love walking into a room full of cultists and watching them all die a horrible death as I wave my hand across the doll. The life leech is pretty damn cool, but I just don't use it that much, the aerosol can and the zippo is pretty cool too, it's a nice change from standard flame throwers. Heretic had some pretty cool weapons too, especially with the tome of power, plus they were innovative as well. I just didn't like them all that much, with the exception of the gauntlets. I'd have to say the plasma rifle is rather innovative too, plus it's just fun to use. Shadow Warrior had some pretty innovative weapons as well, too bad I didn't like the game itself. The rippers heart was a good weapon though, as was the railgun and the nuke launcher.

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