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oH THE HORRor!!!


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Sorry, that's the caffeine talking.

Anyway, I just got through playing a game of ZDoom and I was wondering: is there a command (via console) that'll let you record demos using ZDoom? And don't start that bullshit RTFM nonsense. I looked and didn't see one. Is there one?
Please be non-smartass about this. I want to record a demo of me beating E1 on HMP or UV.

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Go to the command prompt like a good boy, type:

ZDoom -warp 1 1 -skill 4 -record demoname -maxdemo 2048

and when you exit the game, your demo will be recorded.

Use ZDoom -playdemo demoname to play it back.

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I'm on ICQ now, as well as AIM. 139399741. Carry on.

And your title has been clipped to just "Pronounced".

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It's "record" i believe... Maybe if you tried that before asking, i wouldn't have to..

Stupidity cannot be concealed

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Heh, I just remembered I still have ICQ though. I figure it's pretty stupid to use when everyone I talk to except for all of two people is on AIM.

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Heh, I just remembered I still have ICQ though. I figure it's pretty stupid to use when everyone I talk to except for all of two people is on AIM.

Well I use Trillian to manage both at once, as well as mIRC.

EDIT: What's with the title?

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It's "record" i believe...
No, it's not. I just tried and it didn't work.

Stupidity cannot be concealed

Yuo are teh king of humour!!!!

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It's "record" i believe...
No, it's not. I just tried and it didn't work.

Stupidity cannot be concealed

Yuo are teh king of humour!!!!

NIETHER ARE YUO TOO!!!!!@#%!$^#@%^$&

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It's "record" i believe...
No, it's not. I just tried and it didn't work.

[/quote]Uh, is the second line your reply or am I missing something in the original post?

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Heh. Remember when Jeff showed up on the old forums and started bashing Doom?

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It's "record" i believe...
No, it's not. I just tried and it didn't work.

Uh, is the second line your reply or am I missing something in the original post?[/quote]I think

Stupidity cannot be concealed.

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Heh. Remember when Jeff showed up on the old forums and started bashing Doom?

Heh, when was this??? I only joined in late December '00, it was probably before that...

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Heh. Remember when Jeff showed up on the old forums and started bashing Doom?

Heh, when was this??? I only joined in late December '00, it was probably before that...

Well fuck, the Liam the Bard name has only been around since April '01... I was Lurmy when he did it. You musta missed it.

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Heh. Remember when Jeff showed up on the old forums and started bashing Doom?

Heh, when was this??? I only joined in late December '00, it was probably before that...

Well fuck, the Liam the Bard name has only been around since April '01... I was Lurmy when he did it. You musta missed it.

Unh...probably Real Life(tm) or something such as that did it. I sort of disappeared between my first week at the end of December 2000 and the great forum purge.

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Yeah, and it could even be twice as high...but then I got my custom title.

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Heh. Remember when Jeff showed up on the old forums and started bashing Doom?

DAMMIT, JeffK was my damn hero before he did that.

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JeffK himeslf or some JeffK wannabe?

That's actually a good question, but I'd just guess it was JeffK himself because most people wouldn't disquise themselves as JeffK for any purpose, much less just to bash a doom game.

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I'd just guess it was JeffK himself because most people wouldn't disquise themselves as JeffK for any purpose, much less just to bash a doom game.

Aside from the 5,000 JeffK imitators/wannabe's at the SA forums.

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I'd just guess it was JeffK himself because most people wouldn't disquise themselves as JeffK for any purpose, much less just to bash a doom game.

Aside from the 5,000 JeffK imitators/wannabe's at the SA forums.

Oh... well I never check the SA board and I'm not paying ten bucks just so I can post once or twice a month... seriously, though, JeffK is a frigging retard, why would you want to imitate him?

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