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Goddamnit, I know this has been asked 5000 times, but what is the name of that deom on level 30 of Doom 2? It was Batmet or something...plese help

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Baphomet I believe is the word you're looking for, but wasn't that Doom 64? I've always referred to the demon on level 30 as the Icon Of Sin...

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I know it as both, The LEVEL name is Icon of sin, the demon is called the Baphomet, I can't remember where I saw this reference tho, but it was somewhere...You also remember the ending text? Now it's been a while since I bothered reading that, (Hurriedly runs behind anti-destruction sheild) I Can't remember it being called the Icon of sin in there either............I may be wrong....but........anyway

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I Can't remember it being called the Icon of sin in there either............

I think it was called "The biggest demon you've ever seen"...................................... but............................................................................ I'm not totally sure............................................................................................

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Jeez, you're quick, I just pressed submit reply and I see a reply by you already.......I knew it was something like that......Didya use enough dots?

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I Can't remember it being called the Icon of sin in there either............

I think it was called "The biggest demon you've ever seen"...................................... but............................................................................ I'm not totally sure............................................................................................


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i think it is romero's head on a stick, if not call it skull spitter or demon spitter. it could be called chocobo or lena koslova for all i care

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Jeez, you're quick, I just pressed submit reply and I see a reply by you already.......

That's happened to me a few times.

I knew it was something like that......Didya use enough dots?

No, I think he left a few out at the end............................:)

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Ya All dotty!....................................heh.............................................oops. Bit Too many.....All better now.........;)

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